Did you ever considered to write a android and/or ios app
With your reactor planner?
Would be neat to build reactors on the go...
Maybe implement a cable loss and ressource calculator...
Posts by skavier470
HAYO Corp.:
our scientist analyzed the wishes of you with our HAYOish Poll
and we heared your scream for a HAYOish breeder.
Our agents at Rick enterprises told us that there aren't any HIGH peformance Breeders,
only cheap self sustaining Breeders that will charge a couple of Cell,
We don't want a couple of cells...
Presenting the Extreme Temperature Breeder:http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…acegy8q7sw4w4izuewp8xw17z
Melting: 81600
Maximum Eff: 92 Enriched Uranium Per Cell
at Heat: 91000
Heating Config: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…yw7fo8an5g1xplcd6v008lq27
for this reactor you will need a good working isotop and Uranium Cell replacing system otherwise it will loose its temperature.right now it is the fastest Breeder with an average of 1 Isotope Cell after a littlebit more than 6 minutes.
EDIT: TAKE THAT Mistaqur! -
HAYO Corp.
at HAYO Corp. we are very happy that our latest invention the U-reactor was success.
I have intercepted the foren of other Companys to analyze why they Failed.
one thing we have seen in every forum:
if the Company doesn't look for what theire customers want they will go down.So tell us what kind of reactors do you want?
tell us your notso HAYOish ideas and we will improve them until they will be a realy HAYOish product.added a poll for you to vote on what we should do next
yea i like the idea of adding things like CC or NR to it,
but it should be categorized as different types
Like CRCS for Cooling with Coolingcells
another HAYOish name for LSH-Condenserreactors
And of course the normal ones like
it would be like
CRCS Mk-1-E5.56
Mk-1-E5.56-CRCS -
i added a poll
and i would appreciate an official statement
considering that alblaka did come up with this in first place -
ahhh i know now your issue
the problem is that your breeder has a cooling of 60
and the heat cell is only generating 36 heat (18 to both)
when you have your breeder on it will produce 60 heat+ 36 from heating cells (only untill reactor hull is at 18k)
so it would heat up with the heating cells and the reactor turned on.
put some more heating cells in it like this:
and it will generate about 72 heat if the hull is under 18k
that way if the breeder is turned of it will keep its heat
if its on it will stay cool.
consider using 19 instead of 18 heatcells in each stack
so you will definitly have heat of 18k and the reactor will never drop under it -
remove uranium and see the temperature fall
to about 18k -
he already has a cooling system for the Coolingcells,
its not very fast but cost effiecient. -
yes it is a overhanger,
the cooling is too powerfull for that much heat
and like i saide these reactors are optimized to guarantee a easy handling,
you won't need to change the pattern of the reactor after upgrading to U-1 -
you can put them in more than one mfsu to maximize the output....
I have to add something:
your reactor will run for about 173 seconds, after that the Coolingcells will melt.
you can easily make a timer with Redpower or any other timer
setting it to 160 seconds to autoshut the reactor off.also you schould consider to put some Reactorheatvents into the Reactor,
so it can Cool itself if some Heat will get to the Hull -
i will no longer consider your opinion worth to read,
please don't post in my thread or answer me any more.@RealEyesRealLies
yes i havent seen much CARC designs either,
but i think you can squezze somemore energy out of it...Hello
Introducing the Upgradeable Reactor!
Our scientist thought how stupid it is to change the layout of the components every time you want an upgrade...
thats why we invented the U-Reactorfirst step would be the BEAST.
when this thing is not enought upgrade to:U-1:
Eu/t: 120
Eu Total: 24.000.000
Eu/t: 160
Eu Total: 32.000.000
Eu/t: 200
Eu Total: 40.000.000
U-4: (yes not much different)http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…zk8is8a4tg4hvhfl371yhkydc
Eu/t: 220
Eu Total: 44.000.000
yep exactly this is what i meant
and if you are not satisfied with your 5.45 eff(2.225) then doulbe the uotput in config
and you get a eff of 10.9(5.45) and output of over.. wait not that much but still so much that you need more than 4 transformers....
8720eu/tand i have a example of a CSCR in my thread....
can achieve up to 4360eu/t thats much more then you would get for the best CASUC in last version,
also you can make a efficient 60k Coolingcell cycle to Cooldown the near melting Coolingcells...
and that with an eff of 5,45 instead of 4.xx
btw the new Reactors are witgh this method more close to reallive Reactors, only that you don't push water around and you don't produce energy by pushing it around...btw you can change the reactorouput on your system via the config file....
Edit: also the pure reactor is WAY cheaper then the old one,
just spam some cooling reactors and a breeder and you have your 4360eu/t reactor -
a bit costly you could use less components:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ip2tludpahf06jgd6fkc7mjnk -
maybe the new name for CASUCs is
"Constantly Applied Reloadable Coolant" -
The old naming system is outdated, we need a better more advanced version,
many reactors with huge diffrences between them are named the same.
I have already with an advanced eff rating for my reactors,
2 reactors that are classiefied the same...1. Expand the EA-EB-EC-EE so it would match with the Eff 7 Reactors:
EG=12. and something to define the price or output more precisly?
like how many chambers are on that reactor
or how many uranium cells are in it?
new naming would look like thisEff=4
cycles: infiniteMk-1-EC-6
by supreme i mean the new term fo casucs with LHZ condensers,
and i think you posted in the wrong thread -
you can use more then one transformer to get a 3600 eu output changed into smaller packets...
should nowand this shouldnt be a thread where everyone just dumps his Supreme Reactors in,
your 4160 eu/t design is nice
Supreme MK-1-EA-5.49
Data Sheet:http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…zk8is8a4tg4hvhfl371yhkydc
Eu/t: 4360Eu/t (IT kills even the old CASUCs!)
Eu Total: 872.000.000 (more than you ever wanted!)