Posts by Epic Lulz

    I understand that it is not effective. I am interested in another aspect of the issue. Why they do not work on the 3 generators. The fact that the loss is all I care. Generators operate continuously without delay.

    Each generator emits a 10 EU-packet per tick. So 3 generators producs three 10 EU-packet per tick.

    Each copper cable causes it to lose 0.2 EU per block.

    40 blocks causes it to lose 8 EU per packet.

    At the end there are three 2 EU-packet per tick.

    So 6 EU/t total to all the Luminators. (I think the cable loss applies to all the consumers, never knew, always used Glass Fibre or Superconductor from GT)

    6 EU/t total should not be sufficient.

    If you have a BatBox as a buffer within 4 blocks of any generator, the BatBox should emit a 32 EU-packet per 1.067 ticks.

    40 blocks causes it to lose 8 EU per packet.

    At the end there is a 24 EU-packet per 1.067 ticks, or 22.5 EU/t on average.

    22.5 EU/t total should be sufficient.

    If you want a less complicated power system, try Michael Jacksons Minecraft Joules. Its mechanics are rather bizarre also though. However if you still insist on using EU then just spam Glass Fibre Cable. Rather cheap, a diamond, gold ingot and silver ingot for 8 pieces with GregTech. With or without, 2 silver ingots and a diamond for 6 pieces, or 2 redstone and a diamond for 4 pieces.

    I remember back in Beta 1.8 when they had twice their power loss and produced 12 pieces instead.

    pff noobs, here wikipedia link goes

    as you can see, it 1:1 now

    That leads me to a blank page. I believe you're looking for

    And that's not a wikipedia link.

    In case you still don't get me, I mean the ID 112 Nether Brick. NOT THE ID 405 NETHER BRICK.

    Using the compressor method, you need 3 Netherrack to get block ID 112 Nether Brick.

    Using your smelting method, you need 4 Netherrack to smelt into ID 405 Nether Brick, which you can craft into 1 ID 112 Nether Brick. So you need 4 Netherrack to make ID 405 Nether Brick.

    pff noob

    EDIT: Ninja'd.

    To expand on that, why not a version of that which works by draining the player of effects? Would have 2 modes, one removes buffs and the otherd debuffs you. The player must be within 5x5 of the block. The output would be 10 EU/t.

    • Buff - 10 EU/t
      • Speed: Removes 10 seconds of Speed for 150 EU. Multiply effect by the Speed level if present.
      • Haste: Removes 10 seconds of Haste for 160 EU. Multiply effect by the Haste level if present.
      • Strength: Removes 10 seconds of Strength for 160 EU. Multiply ...
      • Jump Boost: Removes 10 seconds of Jump Boost for 200 EU. Multiply ...
      • Regeneration: Removes 10 seconds of Regeneration for 200 EU. Multiply ...
      • Resistance: Removes 10 seconds of Resistance for 200 EU. Multiply ...
      • Fire Resistance: Removes 10 seconds of Fire Resistance for 150 EU.
      • Water Breathing: Removes 10 seconds of Water Breathing for 200 EU.
      • Invisibility: Removes 10 seconds of Invisibility for 160 EU.
      • Night Vision: Removes 10 seconds of Night Vision for 150 EU.

    • Debuff - 16 EU/t
      • Slowness: Adds 10 seconds of Slowness for 120 EU.
      • Mining Fatigue: Adds 10 seconds of Mining Fatigue for 150 EU.
      • Blindness: Adds 10 seconds of Blindness for 200 EU.
      • Hunger: Adds 10 seconds of Hunger for 80 EU.
      • Weakness: Adds 10 seconds of Weakness for 120 EU.
      • Poison: Adds 10 seconds of Poison for 160 EU.
      • Wither: Adds 10 seconds of Wither II for 350 EU.
      • Removes 5 points of health (2.5 hearts) for 90 EU.

    Above are some randomly made up figures, Greg could rebalance them if necessary. Should be configurable also. The block when placed would be tied to the player who placed it to avoid griefing.

    The block would randomly remove buffs from you and add debuffs to you, but you can increase the chance of a certain type by adding amplifiers to the slots in it. Amplifiers would last for 10? 20? 50? cycles. Certain debuffs require Fermented Spider Eyes, using those debuffs will increase the cycle count by 50%? 60%? 100%?

    • Those available as potions (e.g. Speed, Regeneration) would use their potion ingredients (e.g. Sugar, Ghast Tear). Debuffs (e.g. Weakness, Poison) would use their opposite + Fermented Spider Eye (e.g. Blaze Powder + F.S.E., Ghast Tear + F.S.E.). Invisibility is an exception. Poison can also use spider eyes or poisonous potatoes.
    • Haste uses redstone. Mining Fatigue requires that + F.S.E.
    • Jump boost uses rubber.
    • Resistance uses iron dust.
    • Invisibility uses ink sacs?
    • Hunger uses rotten flesh or raw chicken.
    • Blindness uses Golden Carrot + F.S.E.
    • Wither uses Coal or Wither Skeleton Skull.

    Overclockers for buffs might increase a small percentage chance of 5% per overclocker to add a debuff to the player. This debuff would be opposite of the buff. (e.g. Regen to Poison, Speed to Slowness). Resistance might add 4 points of damage (2 hearts), Fire Resistance may set you on fire, Water Breathing might spawn water nearby, Invisibility would spawn a Witch and Night Vision would give you blindness. However, it would give you 75% more EU and reduce 80% more time. Limited to 6.

    Overclockers for debuffs might increase the amplifier of the debuff (e.g. Slowness to Slowness II, Weakness to Weakness II). Wither's level will still increase by 1. If the debuff's level increase doesn't affect the debuff (e.g. Blindness) it would have give you another debuff instead. However, it would give you 90% more EU and reduces duration of debuff by 5%. Limited to 6.

    Hello, I run an MCPC+ server with the Tekkit Lite mods, including IC2. Recently IC2 has started sending lots of warnings to the console, the warnings are basically all the following:

    2013-05-13 06:32:55 [WARNING] [IC2] removing cpw.mods.compactsolars.TileEntityCompactSolarHV@224ecaf9 from the EnergyNet failed, already removed: true

    I have tried re-downloading the IC2 mods from the Technic website, and have reset the configs, however this is still an issue, any idea?

    Go bug the mcportcentral people, MCPC is none of the devs business. It's a 3rd party port.

    Tekkit is also not very well liked here.

    very stupid thread...

    netherack recipe is outdated by 15x version, it now 1:1 conversion in normal furnace

    I think you're the more stupid one here...
    1 Netherrack (ID 87) --smelt--> 1 Nether Brick (ID 405)
    4 Nether Brick (ID 405) --craft--> 1 Nether Brick (ID 112)

    Is there not a more recent API than 1.3.2? There is a link for 1.4.5, but it doesn't work. BTW I agree with Jugg3rV as to disliking adding the classes before decompiling. This just seems kludgey. If that's the way it has to be, I'll probably do it, though. Just looking for a better way to get the most recent API.

    Thanks for any help.

    No, create a new series that does:

    • Helmet: Breathe underwater and when you press R at an object it shoots lightning at it.
    • Chestplate: Invulnerability to fire and lava and press C to create an explosion around you.
    • Leggings: Press Shift to freefall faster and slow and repel mobs within a 5 block radius
    • Boots: Invulnerability to fall damage and hold Space to fly.

    Must be charged with 6250 diamonds' worth of energy in a Mass Fabricator before using.

    After that, cannot be damaged and is practically free to maintain afterwards.

    Better yet, call it the Abyss Helmet, Infernal Armor, Gravity Greaves and Hurricane Boots.

    Teh Small Text: This post also contains some more words.

    Use less Overclockers
    I think 12 is the limit
    But try less

    I was on my test world, and I just wanted to randomly compress Uranium Ore for no reason, in a brand new compressor + debug tool. Didn't work, tried with 3 Netherrack, Coal Chunk and Uranium Dust. Also didn't work.

    I need a sanity check here. Please check if you can compress any of the following:

    • 3x Netherrack --> Nether Brick
    • Uranium Ore --> Refined Uranium Ingot
    • Uranium Dust --> Refined Uranium Ingot
    • Coal Chunk --> Diamond

    Using IC2 308-lf and GT 3.04f.

    Seed oil was nerfed, unless you want to breed bees and trees in which case it was buffed.

    What was the use of seed oil anyway? Making bee stuff and stamps (which almost no one uses)? And the biogas engine, but then if you use seed oil for that, you should use biomass instead.


    Fun was nerfed, I liked trying to connect all the different farms and auto-crafting tables to make a completely self-sustainable setup (that stopped about the time he made peat cost tin by nerfing water buckets)

    You could always use the carpenter + mulch recipe. Although I agree it's pretty silly that you get more by adding water using single-use containers.


    Many recipes were nerfed by moving them to the carpenter (you mean I need an MJ power source to craft anything?) (btw I also don't like that in GregTech e.g. storage blocks)

    I don't see anything in the changelog about carpenter recipes. Storage blocks can be unnerfed, I personally unnerf it for the ingots (but not the gems though).


    Biomass was nerfed, unless you want to breed bees and trees in which case it was buffed.

    Biomass was OP anyway, before 2.2.x you could gain 1200 mB per sapling.
    1200 mB = 9600 EU in a Bio Generator (I used EU because can't find values for MJ)
    If converted into biofuel via still, then you get 360 mB.
    360 mB = 11 520 heat value in a boiler. If 36-tanks, then 14545 steam. Which is 2909 MJ or 4545 EU in a Boiler.
    In comparison, a sapling produces 100 MJ in a Stirling Engine or 250 EU in a Generator. Which is 29 and 38 times their counterpart in Biomass


    Frames and mutators were nerfed.
    I can't tell what else was nerfed because his changelog, which used to go back to the dawn of time, now stops 5 versions ago.

    Actually, Sengir nerfed them because Binnie wanted him to. Refer to Dire's UberBreeder for maximum abuse. I had fun in 1.4.7 abusing some GT magic energy stuff with Pure Bees in overdrive. Free essentia.
    @Short changelog: Bandwidth maybe?

    Also, on a side note, do all your 55.x mods work on 1.5.1?

    • IC2 1.111 is for 1.4.5. The 1.4.6 - 1.4.7 open beta is available here. The 1.5 - 1.5.2 snapshot versions are available here. Mods for Minecraft before 1.5 have no compatibilty with Minecraft versions different from what they are built against. (There are some exceptions though, e.g. 1.4.6 & 1.4.7 and 1.2.4 & 1.2.5)
    • Forge ModLoader has all the capabilities of Risugami's ModLoader and mroe, so there is no need to install ModLoader. It may even cause problems. Hence, any ModLoader mods that belong in the /mods folder should be compatible with Forge ModLoader. There is also no need to manually install Forge ModLoader, as it is included in Minecraft Forge.
    • If you plan on using IC2 1.115.308-lf then use the recommended version for Forge. The latest is recommended though.
    • I suggest you get CodeChickenCore and NotEnoughItems (you must install into the coremods folder) or CraftGuide to help check recipes ingame.
    • After you're fairly familiar with IC2, I suggest the following addons for IC2.
      • Nuclear Control - Adds fancy nuclear reactor monitoring ways.
      • GregTech-Addon - Adds very awesome Tier 4+ technology, and some other lower tier technology. WARNING: Nerfs base IC2 and some other mods' object (e.g. harder Macerator) and fairly steep difficulty curve. The nerfs can be disabled using the configuration file though.
      • Modular PowerSuits - Actually a standalone mod that has added compatibility for IC2 power. Adds pretty awesome electrical armor.
      • GraviSuite - Also adds electrical armor, but is an addon.