Posts by Vexxel

    So I went completely ham last night and got almost every item done. Expect a final release in a few hours again that includes every texture GT has to offer. except guis. I'll do guis soon, they're usually easy copy pasta textures.

    Man, I usually don't give a damn about textures, but this is great. Thank you man.

    Of course. I made something that I wanted to use, and decided it was worth sharing. I end up making mods or texturing for this game more than I play it, but I rarely release stuff.

    This is a resource pack for Gregtech & IC2, that matches CyanideX's Unity heavily.

    I'm always taking suggestions on what to do next or how to do it.. and for you freaks that like the crazy radioactive orange bronze texture, I'll eventually make one.

    Gregtech 5 (Unofficial)
    Gregtech 6

    TODO: Community vote--post in this thread to ask for specific mods to be textured!

    Things should all work as expected however gregs planner cannot account for the extra slots the new reactors use, as well as the effect the chambers have. I would suggest disabling gregs reactor planner with this mod installed and go back to pen and paper.

    Of course, I was just asking if any calculations were different. I'm assuming I can use the planner for anything smaller.

    I'm having a crash and world lock from breaking (by hand) a copper reactor chamber attached to a T2 reactor.

    EDIT: I know what's causing it; it's when you break the REACTOR with chambers attached to it. I don't think it knows what to do to the orphan chambers (like how Ic2's pops them off).

    if you use the teleport module and teleports you can teleport in to a wall, this is a bit enoying so i thought it was a bug. also it lets you go true thaumcraft magical building blocks, this is not good becouse the point for thouse blocks is that no person can get in :/ i hope this can get fixed.

    Thaumcraft has a check around an 8ish block radius near its warded stone/glass/doors that destroys any instance of EntityEnderPearl and prints out a chat message. Could possibly be done in the same vein with the EntityBlinkDriveBolt, but I'm not sure Thaumcraft's API has that yet, and I'm not yet versed enough in modding to try to suggest a way to do this.

    (Am I correct in this assumption?)

    Lol just noticed the recipe for it. Dayum. Not quite to that tech level in GT yet but that does seem a little... much, and changing it makes sense from a balance perspective. Also maybe the gregtech recipe for the advanced plating should be changed to something else? cause its pretty much on the same tech level as the field emitters if it uses iridum plates and it seems you might as well just get the energy shields by the time you can craft it.

    Hope things are going well with the bugfixing muse. :3

    In newer builds that you can find on the jenkins, the Advanced Plating is made of titanium and the basic is made from steel.

    Okay so I've been playing with Gregtech even farther now and I've gotten to Iridium level. I'd like to suggest some balance tweaks to my previous recipe suggestions (playtesting is always the best idea).
    The only change is regarding the Force Field Emitter. Instead of requiring 4 Iridium plates per, replace those with Tungstensteel Ingots. (Original reason for the plates was structural stability and tungstensteel is tough stuff, but it wasn't available at the time)

    Two reasons for changing them:
    Maybe the recipe is a little TOO hard.. I know they shouldn't be a cakewalk, but 128+ iridium ore per jetpack is a little.. much...
    It gives tungstensteel more uses, which also inadvertently gives the Vacuum freezer more uses. It doesn't change the tier flying is in, since you need the infastructure to even build a vacuum freezer in the first place(2500K+ blast furnace, chrome city).

    Do you, and anyone reading this post using the Gregtech recipes, agree? I think it would be a nice tweak.
    Trust me fellow hardmode players, I've not gone soft on you yet :p

    Also: New art for teh current armor
    I'll just leave it here :)

    I absolutely love these. Just put them in my personal texture pack until Muse gets around to doing that custom rendering which I'm sure will be amazing.

    Though the armor seems a bit bugged. I have full protection level on my basic plating(all four of them), I'm super slow(I don't even bother sprinting because it's not faster), but I only get 3.5 armor from it all. Tested with version 0.20-45(which is what the server I'm on is using). Anyway, going to try with the latest build to see if it's working as intended there.

    EDIT: Seems to be. I had four max size basic armor plates and had a full bar of armor. Could barely move, though.

    The speed is determined by your weight and is intended (basic plating is mega heavy)! Get yourself 4 servo motors and install the Sprint Assist module (legs); it's got walk speed compensation for heavy armor as well. Max that out and you're walking fine again.
    Later, get yourself some titanium for advanced plating, then you can have the same level of protection but walk even faster. It's a great balance point in my opinion.

    Edit: (again)

    As what YX33A said, I'm also getting some problems with modules that add potion effects. Previously, toggling night vision instantly cancelled the effect, but now it lingers for the remainder of it's duration when cancelled. Still no sparkles though, so good news. I hate the potion sparkles ;)

    Edit: (4?!)
    The potioneffect actually DOESN'T dissapate at 0:00 but instead gives a seizure-worthy flashing until I relog ._.

    Really gotta thank you for such an awesome mod and community interaction.

    I do have another interesting mod cross-compatibility suggestion though, this one being with forestry:
    I've recently begun breeding bees for their products, trying to get to the (extra bees) Ruby bees to make chrome for my Gregtech needs, but in my journey I've been stung, poisoned, fried alive, burned, struck by lightning, blown up, and melted.
    How about micro-fiber webbing for joint connections to protect against bee effects? Assuming Sengir hasn't hardcoded the Apiarist armor to be the only thing effective against bees, how feasible would this be?

    You're all right, that's what I forgot to mention in my post as well. Basic plating should be steel, and advanced titanium.
    When I suggested the Gregtech recipes I wanted them to be hard, for sure, but obviously couldn't test them because it wasn't out yet.
    Good call.

    I also think that Ic2's 'iridium' isn't like real world iridium (which is damn heavy, the second most dense element next to osmium), as here it's alloyed with different mixed metals and diamonds.

    i LOVE your mod, but the invisibility upgrade dosent work properly, i need to use a potion of invisibility to get it to work.
    also i know build 95 is a beta but can you add the colores to the multi tool before build 110?
    and here are a suggestion: can you make it possible to change the color of your stuff when you are hitting a key? it could be configured with the K key.
    anyway, love your mod cant wait to see whats next :)

    The invisibility module works in multiplayer, but not singleplayer for some odd reason that we found out about a week ago.
    If you're playing on a server, you also need 4 transparency upgrade modules on each piece of gear. Put the cloaking and transparency on the same key, so when you toggle cloaking, your armor disappears too. You don't get the sparkles, so it's an extremely effective method of stealth, paired with a knife to the throat..