Btw what about making floodlights for illumination of huge spaces? (See methods like Thaumcraft arcane lamp)
Thaumcraft arcane lamp simply spawn a lot of invisible uncollideable blocks with block light characteristic=1.0. It is very simple.
Btw what about making floodlights for illumination of huge spaces? (See methods like Thaumcraft arcane lamp)
Thaumcraft arcane lamp simply spawn a lot of invisible uncollideable blocks with block light characteristic=1.0. It is very simple.
Industrial Tesla Coils may duplicate mobs...
Seems to be a reference to "The Prestige" movie and book (
I add a light bulb, but i'm not sure, its looking like your request. If you want something different, draw an concept art or some sort of.
Also, try shooting in a mirror with mining laser now.
My broken worlds from the Muffle Furnace are still broken loading with the newest version
How are you meant to set the molds for them too
You mean - choose what item to create in mold? When you craft them in iron workbench just read description and choose necessary by clicking on it.
Also, mirrors at night are funky:
Too dark?
Muffle furnace fixed, thank you. Also i add clouds and sky render, but by some reason sky color somehow depends from player view for me. Weird.
EDIT 2: Can you make it so valves can be placed in the world as better luminators? Valves are cool
May be create a light bulb from tungsten foil?
Mirrors are amazing. Literally amazing.
Thank you.
A few thing's I've found however, walking on them on the floor goes weird when passing from one to another, there's stuttering and sometimes doesn't let you walk over at all. Also, it goes weird on corners
I hope, latest changes which i made, will fix a problems. I uploaded new version.
Fuck i'm old.
Wow, i am fixing things even without noticing that.
Greg also give a good suggestion.
Set tag on first iteration, set itemstack to rotten on second one. Make very big tick interval on small worlds. Players wouldn't mind, if it takes hours of real time for food to rot.
Because that wouldn't lag at all...
Check only one tileentity instance per certain amount of ticks, depended from amount of TE loaded.
Make food to rot. Cycle all loaded instances of IInventory, scan for food itemstacks and add/reduce "expirationCountdown" NBT tag value, if founded tileentity is not an instance of IRefrigerator or IRefrigerator return "false" on "getActive()" call. If "expiratonCountdown" is 0 or lower, replace stack with rotten version of item.
Thank you for remind!
You're welcome.
I found this addon on russian illegal minecraft server (alongside with my IHL). Ats a fame, bro!
Раз автор из РФ, буду писать по-нашенски. Неделю не запускал, сейчас проверил - запустилось. Буду тестить сам мод в процессе игры.
Спасибо за быстрые отзывы!
Considering, that author is from Russia, i will write on our language. I haven't launched an addon for a week, by checking now - it is working. I will test a addon in a process of game play.
Thank for fast answers!
No, you don't. Respect foreign players. Forums' language is english.
P.S.: You may use private messages system to contact me using russian language, if you want to.
It's a demotivators thread now, i guess.
A mining laser sprite make a certain evolution.
InsKill, i should have killed this bug with radical methods, and so i done. Now, intead of throwing "ambiguous recipe" exception, addon will simple write info about skipped recipe in log.
Phew. I'm glad that everything is fine. I'm already made a code to remove stacks from ore dictionary.
Its hard to understand, why this happened. IHL itself adds only 2 recipes to ihl loom. Both of them are absolutely independent from any mods loaded.
Currently i'm downloading InfiTech modpack (i hope).
Found a reason:
[20:55:08] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/ihl]: []: Item:Fiberglass
[20:55:08] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/ihl]: []: Registered in ore dictionary as:
[20:55:08] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/ihl]: []: stoneGraniteRed
[20:55:08] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/ihl]: []: recipe 2:
[20:55:08] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/ihl]: []: Item:String
[20:55:08] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/ihl]: []: Registered in ore dictionary as:
[20:55:08] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/ihl]: []: stoneGraniteRed
It is my "Fiberglass" and vanilla "String" both registered as "stoneGraniteRed". Still dunno WTF is going on here.