Posts by Foghrye4

    Ergh... i am tired to translate that. Anyway - Shurik1236 ask me.
    Тут вообщем-то личная почта есть, мог бы через нее мне писать.
    This is what he wrote (approximately):

    Do not check usage of wood planks. If you check usage of one kind of planks, all recipes would stuck on this kind. But crafting recipe loading does not affect anything.
    Again, do not check usage of wood planks, only reload will help to get rid of casualties.

    How to repeat bug...


    Summary: Do not press this twisted evil button "U" on wood planks.

    End of translation.

    I am not a big fan of your dance/trance/<I don't know the genre> music overloaded IHL item demos

    Hmm... may be i should use something more vigorous, more fast, as tutorial soundtrack. How about Lord Mantis? Those guys are geniuses!

    So, please spend some time with the documentation, and ask someone nicely (vaygrim/moo) to make a mod guide for you?

    But... there is a wiki. Is wiki is not enough?

    I never realised you generated that much. Where to find them I guess would be a start to the documentation, unless they're all found randomly everywhere.

    All generates more or less randomly, with exception to 2 liquids:
    Oil fill underground caverns, if there is block of water or block of air is presented lower, than 4 blocks.
    Saltwater replace sand as 1 block thick layer in biomes with humidity=0 and temperature>1.9 (basically in surface of desert biomes).

    This reminds me to check, if oil is generated at all.

    Ого! Да там много сообщений на счёт этого. Так почему они не фиксят то?
    There is a lot of messages there! Why they don't fix that?

    Наверное потому, что не могут найти причину. Или это баг NEI.
    May be they just can't find a source of a problem. Or this is NEI bug.

    Personally I'd just like more of the tooltips capitalised

    Ehm... you mean "FLUIDIZED BED REACTOR" istead of "Fluidized bed reactor"? Or you mean "Silicon dust" instead of ""?

    more NEI support for the crucial things (like the bad motor components/parts with the giant length tooltip).

    It is NEI support for casting components. It was made in 0.534, removed 0.537 and added in 0.538 again. It's not a target of a poll, i will do localization stuff or NEI support for anything you request anyway.

    So my advice is "make those Slots be less in the foreground and decrease the contrast"

    Will do, thank for advice.

    Creating set of basic tools in IHL could be very annoying. It seems only JasonMcRay tried that. Peoples use collectors and other old stuff, but nobody ever tries to create IHL wiremill, or i would have recieved much more bugreports :whistling: . So i decide to start a poll here.
    "Workspace concept" means, that by setting, for example, muffle furnace near iron workbench we recieve access to additional recipes, for which we are need to use muffle furnace in process.

    Example of crafting for gas welding station:

    Согласно багтрекеру, об этом баге команду уже осведомили и проблема пока не решена.
    According bugtracker, this bug was already reported, but not yet solved.

    Вы знаете кому писать об этом? (You know, there i should write about that?)

    На багтрекер (естественно на английском языке), ссылка есть выше, но как я уже и говорил - о баге уже осведомили.
    To the bugtracker (on english, of course), link is above, but its already reported.

    Google translate же есть.

    Here is translation:

    wait .536 will crash a server? i've been running that version for a while and i've had no issues must be magic O_o

    Must be magic. I remember, i added this injection mold code for NEI integration before 0.537.

    EDIT (0.538 :(
    Fixed NEI integration for casting. Fixed fluidized bed reactor. A second one is nessesary to craft HVDC line. Seems nobody tries.

    EDIT (0.539 :(
    Iron workbench GUI and GUI in NEI look now:

    And that is why the Farmer people in Bavaria (Why does it have another Name in English for fucks sake, we don't call your Cities "Londinium" or "Neu York" too!) think Power Lines are so terrible that they basically wanna have Power outages to happen, just because they feel a slight cribbling when they are close to one of those things due to the grounding...

    I think this is a result of induction losses of AC lines.
    Direct current lines have no such problem. You will not feel anything, until your skin start heating up and voltage drop start electrolyzing your blood.