HI I think your addon is really cool. Does it work with MC 1.5.1? I Downloaded it and it doesn't seem to be working. I've been looking for this exact thing for quite a while now.
I dont even think there was an addon.
HI I think your addon is really cool. Does it work with MC 1.5.1? I Downloaded it and it doesn't seem to be working. I've been looking for this exact thing for quite a while now.
I dont even think there was an addon.
Everyone here drop what you are Doing NOW!
You can do it if you can give your configs/sounds to your friends. Downloading of sounds from server is in my ToDo list but with low priority.
1. save your file as alarm-something.ogg in .minecraft\resources\newsound\ic2nuclearControl folder
2. add "something" to allowedAlarms list in the IC2NuclearControl.cfg
If player will not have sound file or it will not be allowed - he will hear default one (at least i think so, haven't tested it for a long time).
Oh ok, thats easy
And since its a private pack and im just Distrabuting to the Server they will all have it >;D
How do i add custom Alarms? Unless i cant
I have some pretty funny/cool ones to troll My Friends with.
If Adfly is 0.05 Cents per click then you make much more Money from getting Donations. Adfly is not even usable to keep a Server running, you must have extra Advertisement running or have your own Server.
GBP Pennies, not cent. American cent would be 0.076
Gregtech is much more stable then IC2, but i would wait a bit for IC2 to become.. uh... More stable
When Imalune was going through creating the textures, she was basing them off of the original 16x textures Thunderdark had. The Security Station was a computer with a smiley face - she copied that theme and made a monitor with an adorable smiley face.
On a side note, regarding models: we may add these as a third graphicStyle option in the future. If anybody is interested, I'm more than happy to see either OBJ or Techne model suggestions.
I will have a go later, its late now
I have an idea for a few (The Projector, chest and whatever that thingy with the Blue radar screen on it)
That Smiley on the Texture looks just ridiculous.
although a little silly
Since the 32px design incorporates a bevel/border on its faces, why not use a 3d model similar to that of the Tesseracts from ThermalExpansion, but with a bit smaller frame border?
adfly is just beyond stupid. There are some greedy ones out there who try and make players go through all three of the ad click services. I have never donated (lol cause I am always broke thanks to college), but if I did I am 90% less likely to donate to someone who makes me click through a ad link rather than someone who doesn't. My view on it is this: You are already making me spend 5 seconds of my precious free time to download your mod so you can get a couple of pennies, then you don't need an extra donation on top of that. (This comes off a bit harsh and the common answer is "so what, its only 5 seconds". On any given week I am working on up to 5 coding/design projects for my class, working on my personal portfolio, volunteering my time at a local observatory, working, trying to get around 3-4 hours of sleep, or reading on design techniques or learning new things within Javascript/jQuery. Five seconds of my time is alot, and I don't have the time to go through 3 different ad services just to get a mod that looked interesting.)
technically I don't think these services are allowed anyways. It would depend on how Mojang has their EULA written, but if you force a user to go through a ad-based site to generate revenue off the download of their mod, it is the same as charging a price to download. I remember back in the hideous days of WoW players were offering a premium version if they donated (I am seeing Aether II doing this as well) and Blizzard slammed their mighty hammer down on the modding community and threatened action if they did not stop immediately.
As for the mythical API of Minecraft and the thoughts of a market place. In order to sell your mod (which in itself is an original work derived from another original work) you would need to purchase a permit or get a release from the original developer to sell the mod for a price. Anyways the Minecraft API is a urban myth lol. (look into iPhone apps for EVE Online to see the huge debacle that took place there).
Main reason i hate it is becuase even though its only 5 Seconds, you get 0.05p per Click.... SERIOUSLY.... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU BOTHER
Aside from the fact, that you just necroposted this Thread, why hating adfly? Because it always tells you to enable Cookies even if they are on? Because it lets you click the download Link 5 times to just let it work? Or because almost nobody uses the better working alternatives? Yes, that is a reason to hate it, but not because of the 5 seconds you would have to wait if it works.
I know Pam (And you probably) have gotten like a Bajillion times as much money by putting up a Donation button, and unlike Ad.fly people are only going to click it if they think you actually Deserve it. Im fine with Ad.fly becuase my ADD is like "5 Seconds? WAIT WHAT I MISSED IT".
Twin Gatling guns?
sirius your designs have no "zero running cost"
they eat copper, ecept for the last one.
They all eat Tin and uranium/Thorium soooo
And its not much, Especially for the thorium as it needs 4 Copper per Quad thorium.
Here are some i quickly made up. Probably not efficient, but meh.
Or a mode on the CF Sprayer that allows you to place a single one without clicking on a block.
Not sure but im using the one that is in FTB Ultimate
[Edit] And I was thinking of a reactor tower if that makes any changes. If they transfer heat to other and so on. (I am new to the reactor part)
Yup, a Super old Version. Dont bother with plutonium since it isnt worth it in that version.
Vanilla extractor? And bear in mind that IC2 vanilla does not officially support GT.
Yes, and it doesnt have Tiny piles of Uranium or Plutonium Either. So the Radiactive dust i guess could be Extracted into normal Ash.