That'd do it, the extractor recipe was only fixed in 86 and I would doubt fluid containers would work reliably before it too. Try updating and trying again with 96. Curse is definitely due a bump in version soon if it works.
Posts by Chocohead
Achievements were replaced with advancements which work differently. We'll have to see whether they will get used or an alternative more similar to the old achievements.
Which version of IC2 are you compiling against/using? It did previously have some problems so older versions won't work.
They all use the same base recipe manager which can definitely use NBT. It does sometimes need slightly different passing in though to ensure it checks the way you need, but for what you're doing it shouldn't. The extractor has an air cell to empty cell recipe which means universal fluid cells definitely do work as inputs too.
Try something like...
JavaIRecipeInput input = Recipes.inputFactory.forStack(IC2Items.getItem("fluid_cell", "water"), 50); ItemStack outputA = IC2Items.getItem("fluid_cell", "ic2heavy_water"); ItemStack outputB = IC2Items.getItem("fluid_cell"); outputB.setCount(49); //49 Empty universal fluid cells output Recipes.centrifuge.addRecipe(input, Arrays.asList(outputA, outputB), null, false);
Very nice, quite the range of new reactor related things you're adding. Certainly matches the name well
I feel like you probably could have got away with just changing the texture IC2's uranium ore wanted rather than completely replacing it, but whatever. If you'd like I could look into getting your RTG E-net problem working too so you can have native EU generation too rather than depending on a way to do RF back to EU.
What error are you getting when doing Cell -> Cell + Empty Cells? There's been a lot of work (some quite recently) to make universal fluid cells work in machine recipes, especially if a different recipe using them already exists (hence the compressor recipe is fine).
As an aside, getSubItems was patched to be universal in 1.11 and was made universal in 1.12 so you're clear to use it without concern.
Since this seems to be lacking a conclusive answer, IEnergySource#getOfferedEnergy determines how much power is drawn from an energy source each tick. Accounting for the maximum the tier from IEnergySource#getSourceTier can transfer per tick, the energy net will then try to move that to any connected energy storage or sinks. If any power is transferred IEnergySource#drawEnergy(double) will be called to allow you to drain any buffer the source may have.
There isn't a direct way to announce you want to send power every second rather than tick, but it is possible to emulate the effort. For example you could send 20 packets in one go and count the 19 ticks afterwards to send nothing, but the resulting power flow would be quite jerky if watched flowing into a batbox. Alternatively you could over send if the adjacent blocks should have meant more power previously should have been emitted to make the difference up (but this requries the normal output to have some extra headroom compared to the maximum output for the tier). There's probably other methods too, all depends on how the neighbouring blocks effect the output.
You'll want to use the -dev version if you're in a development environment. The normal one will have all the vanilla fields and methods re-obfuscated which will cause you issues like you've found.
Looking at the missing interface methods, it looks only the vanilla ones are missing. Are you using a normal version instead of a -dev version (of the IC2) jar to compile against?
It would sure help if there was. Alas, free time can't be donated
You managed to get quite close, just the finer details that needed refining.
Good to see you managed to work it out. Don't feel bad about asking too, helps other people will similar problems in the future knowing something to look for.
Good to hear you've got it working
Try something like
Display Morepackage com.rumaruka.emt.item; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import ic2.api.item.ElectricItem; import ic2.api.item.IElectricItem; import ic2.core.item.IPseudoDamageItem; import thaumcraft.api.items.IScribeTools; import com.rumaruka.emt.client.creativetabs.EMTCreativeTabs; public class ItemElectricScribingTools extends Item implements IScribeTools, IElectricItem, IPseudoDamageItem { public static int maxCharge = 400; public static int cost = 10; public ItemElectricScribingTools() { setMaxDamage(maxCharge); setMaxStackSize(1); setNoRepair(); setCreativeTab(EMTCreativeTabs.EMT_CREATIVEtabs); } @Override public boolean canProvideEnergy(ItemStack stack) { return false; } @Override public double getMaxCharge(ItemStack stack) { return maxCharge; } @Override public int getTier(ItemStack stack) { return 1; } @Override public double getTransferLimit(ItemStack stack) { return 5; } @Override public void setDamage(ItemStack stack, int damage) { ElectricItem.manager.use(stack, cost, null); } @Override public void setStackDamage(ItemStack stack, int damage) { super.setDamage(stack, damage); } }
The default ElectricItemManager should be fine, as it interpolates the amount of remaining charge into damage. So long as you're careful within setDamage (ie expect a second call to it if you do ElectricItem.manager.use within it) or implement ICustomDamageItem so you can call the super methods directly from that, it should work as you need.
Just what was needed, thank you. You've got build 484 not 828, which was the last one for 1.7.2. Double check you're adding the right jar into the right mods folder and it should be fine.
Hey Great work on the Gravisuit Mod, unfortunately it does not work for me. Is the Porting still in progress, i love the mod and would love to see it work :).
Porting/Rewriting has been in progress for a good while now, still don't quite like the way things work
1614 should be fine for 1.7.10, the actual crash when you try could be useful to get an idea what's not happy
And you've not previously run a 1.8+ version of IC2 from the same folder? The new config is ever so slightly different to the old one which will cause 1.7 IC2 to break whilst loading it
OK so far, does it work fine with just Forge?