you can't have upside down on a sphere
You can if you are holding the sphere upside down
you can't have upside down on a sphere
You can if you are holding the sphere upside down
Forum Moderators cannot be banned.
Is that to stop them from banning themselves?
You should be careful doing that, there's this guy called SirusKing who slips with ban hammers.
Sirus dropped it
Sounds fancy Will the cake have any use other than as a troll?
He apparently learnt from the master, then copied his name
I found a Redpower convertor for power convertors here: but have no idea how to turn it into something useful. I looked on google but it all looked complicated and unnecessary. Help please
When will yellow yellowcake cake be fixed? It's no longer so yellow
You used to at least be able to get better reactor outputs with cooling towers than any other method, but not sure whether experimental changed that.
You make "cooling towers" which are reactors designed to cool cooling cells quickly to feed the main reactor with cooled ones.
I don't see anything in the TC patch notes about Iron. I'm new to TC, was it ever possible to smelt Iron?
Yeah, there is a bug with our version that iron can't be taken from the smeltery. The latest version fixed this so it works like intended.
Does the fishing station actually check for water underneath it, if so how much does it need?
EDIT: Is it a 3x3 one block deep pool?
Did you read my entire post, or jump on it to say that? I specifically mentioned the recycler in my original post.
Yes I did, but I can't see why you wouldn't use the useless blocks to get scrap. What would you feed your recyclers with without useless things?
It's called a recycler. We use our crap to make scrap, no need to actually use it!
Just got forestry's Christmas merry bees to find I have bees which do what they do better already. Guess it's the fact they have Santa hats on that people want them right?
Has Galacticraft finally updated to IC2 experimental now?
Currently, NEI is a bit lacking in that department, but you can macerate Lapis in the Sturdy Grinder and hope for the best.
Wrong. NEI gives recipes for things and uses. NEI's lack of info on what the bronze machines actually can do is simply because they can mostly do what a normal electric equivalent can do. But yeah, the wiki's your best bet in this case.
Just to confirm, this reactor setup is from IC² 1.95 and lower, which is Minecraft 1.2.5 and lower. You sure you're using the correct planner?
It's up to IC² 1.103 actually. Pretty sure Tekkit Classic uses 1.97
It's from the 21st to the 27th for Merry, then the 27th to the 3rd (I think) for Tispy.