Posts by SeNtiMeL

    Thanks, mod is awesome ^^

    You are welcome :)

    on shot kill on anything? I sounds like it could drain 2/3 ultimate lappack :) One shot at one charge, but leaves some energy to powert lightHelmet (from GregTech). That would be something. Thing is that it is possible to construct system that is capable to quicly recharge gravichestplate on a distance. But it need ender storage mod. Wonder if it will be possible to do some echantments on You lappack, and GraviChest. I have a mod in development that will give players ability to upgrade electric armor of IC2. I am planning to add some nice features, but still need time and testing.

    No kill players and any mobs, only destroy blocks as Diamond Drill, but much much faster and normaly work in flight mode. Wireless recharge is already do it (ChargingPads addons). A few months ago I had the idea to make it, but I was too lazy :rolleyes: . I think about instant charge system using supercapacitors and supeconductor, but it's maybe will in future. Enchating not good idea for ElecticItems.


    Don't know if You seen my mod. It's like a test of some features of upcomming mod.
    PS. "Made in Russia" should be included in GUI of advanced solars :)

    Yea, i saw your's addon. It's realy cool idea. Be wonderful if you create special helmet with hud display like as "Terminator" hud xD.
    And idea with "Made in Russia" in gui is best 8) I thinking about it :P

    My panel very strong. Break with pickaxe is not bug, it is future (made in Russia, not in China :D). Idea with integrate ultimate solar panel into gravichest me like, I've thought about it. And i think about new powertool (hyperwave destroyer) it's breaks the molecular bonds in any materials by achieving a high frequency electromagnetic field. It's destroy any material (excluding bedrok and Players :) ) with one click (include in Flight mode). Very convenient in building. But this tool needed too much power and use only with ultimatelappack or gravichestplate (working time equivalently lappack and dimonddrill or maybe batpack and dimonddrill, i thinking about it).

    Edit: removed offending EE2 & gravisuit files. Hopefully Pahimar and SeNtiMeL will patch them in!
    To use:
    - when your mod enables flight for a player, use addEnabler(player, identifier), where player is the player object and identifier is a string identifying your flight method. It won't add multiple copies of the same identifier, but you can have more than one if you have different items or situations that could enable flight.
    - when your mod disables flight for a player, use removeEnabler(player, identifier). It's safe to do this even if the identifier is already gone or the player isn't in the list, so feel free to do it every tick.
    - call update(players) at least whenever your mod changes anything, if not once per tick, to 'apply' the changes and sync the client and server.


    It's not need for my addon, because this function is already in main class. I check who enable flight. Fix needed only for EE2, because EE2 not recognize which mod enable fly.

    Addon is updated !
    + Updated to Minecraft 1.3.2 and new IC 1.106.
    + Now addon is universal for client and server
    + Added 4 charge slots in solar panels (you can charge 4 items !)
    + Added disable options for all crafting recipe in config file (if you think, that some panels is overpowered).
    + Addon now is fully customize in config file !!!
    + Added Quantum generator for "map makers" and "server admins"
    + Fixing GUI rendering bug in solar panels (night rate not display correctly)
    + Reduce base output rate for Advanced Solar Panel from 10 eu to 8 eu

    P.S. I hope that develop team of IC2 fixed bug with "ghost cable net" (destroyed cables not removes from Energy net).

    Now i try update my addon for IC 1.103 and found very serious bug at EnergyNet in 1.103.
    Forge version: and lower.
    Energy net not update when we break cables between Storage Container. If we break cable, connection not lost, and energy continuous transmit through air.
    1. Add 2 MFSU and 1 generator for first MFSU.
    2. Connect 2 MFSU through cables. Now energy transmited from first to second MFSU.
    3. Break cable and energy continues transmit....
    I try it for clear minecraft 1.2.5 + forge and no mods in folder.
    I spent a lot of time in search of mistakes in my addon code, but error in EnergyNet at 1.103 version. :wacko:
    In IC 1.97 all works fine.

    Is there a way to use this despite EE? Maybe somehow disable EE flying stuff, so I can use this one?

    Also, is there a config for armor absorbtion? We don't use quantum chest on our server because it's OP. This one looks very neat, but it behaves like quantum (god mode).

    EE override standart fly procedure. You can use my suite only with EE ring in hotbar. And sorry absorbation value is default as standart quantum chest and not changeble. Very strange desicion not use quantum armor from IC, because Red Mater armor in EE is same. And EE great mod, but a bit cheat :)

    Hello guys and girls. Now new version of Gravitation suite is ready !
    What is new:
    + Fixed bug at game GUI and menu when pressed "FLY" key. (such as search menu at NEI and etc...).
    + Fixed bug with display HUD (status) over others menus in game (such as Inventory, debug screen and etc.)
    + Fixed bug: when off creative mode and "Gravitation engine ON" fly mode is off and player falling down.
    + Added HUD (status) placement (you can setup it in config file). Hud position is 1 - topleft, 2 - topright, 3 - bottomleft, 4 - bottomright

    Any chance of hiding the "Energy Level" overlay when in the inventory screen? Maybe set it to be "behind" it? it overlays some of the NEI buttons. (like trash, which I use from time to time) Said button is still usable though so it's only a minor annoyance.

    In next update i fix it. And will add options in config file for HUD placement.