Alice: Wake up, Scott. It's feeding time.
-She has a pork chop and some water.-
Alice: We have to keep you alive to feed on you...
-I recieve my food and eat it quietly. I sit at a table since I'm only getting chained down when they feed on me, since it's the second day.-
Scott: I hate my life.
Alice: But I love it.
-I sigh, and go sit in the corner once more. Alice comes to sit next to me.-
Alice: Want me to show you around the castle? Just don't try anything.
Scott: Sure, I won't.
-She opens the door, and I gasp at the beauty of the place.-
Scott: It's... Beautiful.
Alice: I was just showing him around.
-All of the sudden I grab her waist and kiss her. I had a plan on how to get me out.-
Thanatos: I'm gonna leave you guys be.
-She fights me at first, but then becomes submissive to me.-
Alice: Let's bring you back inside.
-I get chained up again and she pricks my arm once more. I feel myself withering away again. It's not bad now, but I feel my muscles weakening bit by bit.-
Scott: Do you always drink it?
Alice: No, mostly we feed on the energy leaving you when you wither away.
Scott: Do people ever escape?
Alice: No.
-I, however, have a plan on how to escape.
Posts by DispleasedScottie
-In the portal I was kidnapped in by some girl.-
Scott: The hell? Where am I?
-I'm in a room that's made out of warded stone, along with an arcane door. I'm tied up.-
Girl: Well, we've got a feisty one.
-It's the same girl I saw before. She had this seductive look in her eyes. She looked to be my age, in her 20s.-
-I struggle against my bonds, but to no use.-
Man: That's enough, Alice.
-She looks impatient and glares at the man. He's wearing armor made out of human bones that glow with a black aura.-
Man: Sorry we had to kidnap you. Call me Thanatos, leader of the wither mages.
-I am shocked.-
Thanatos: Yes, us wither mages do feed on the life force of those not among us that roam in our pocket dimension.
Scott: I thought your kind was destroyed.
Alice: Mostly, but a few of us had survived, and rebuilt our pocket dimension to the previous glory. Oh, I'm Thanatos's daughter.
-He is wearing black clothes, has completely black eyes and he has brown hair and well.-
Thanatos: We've been hungry. Also, did you obtain the Elder shard?
Scott: Yes, but I'm guessing you left it in my bag because it's hazardous to your health.
-Thanatos nods.-
Scott: And you've been hungry?
-He nods again, and so does Alice.-
Thanatos: Oh, what fun we'll have..
-Alice comes over with a knife, and pricks my arm with it. Black blood comes out instead of my normal red.-
Thanatos: We've never had someone with your power in such a long time.
-I start to feel myself withering away as I lose blood. Alice has started to collect it into a bowl and drink it. Thanatos has gotten a ravenous look in his eyes.-
Thanatos: Alice, we've got to not use him up too fast.
Alice: Fine..
-She casts a healing spell on me which only sutures up the wound, and doesn't stop me from feeling as I wither away from blood loss.-
Alice: Forgive me for my hunger.
-She kisses me in the cheek, leaving some of my blood on my cheek. She locks the arcane door, leaving me alone, terrified.- -
-I'm half asleep, and feel someone brush my cheek with their hand. I thought it was Sarah, but I thought wrong.-
Girl: Hello, Scott.
-She was stunning. She had pale skin, completely black eyes, and a black dress on, and had brown hair.-
Scott: What-
-She grabs me and throws me through a portable hole leading to another world.- -
-I see Blaster storming into the server room.-
Scott: Blaster!
Blaster: What?
Scott: We're running a few fixes on her, we've got her AI backed up.
Blaster: Ok, I was worried.
Scott: Ender Blind.
-I whisper this and he sees nothing in the server room.-
Blaster: I'm gonna go.
-I walk into the server room and see a naked girl on the floor. My face turns red as redstone.-
Girl: Well, stop looking at me!
-I look up at Regiki.-
Scott: Who is this?
Regiki:.. Nicole.
Scott: Yep, knew you loved her.
-Now me and the girl are blushing.-
Scott: And I'm outta here.-Later-
Scott: Who is that down there?
-I recognize the tatoos- Regiki and Nicole.-
Scott: Hehe..
-I'm sitting on the roof when Nicole hears me and looks up. Her face gets instantly red again.-
-The spell had finally worn off, but my love didn't. I had returned to the normal akward Scott wearing my favorite black coat with a collar that went up to below my chin.-
Scott: Thank you guys for helping me. I feel so much happier now, and I hope we can still be friends.
-I hug Maria and Kai, both very happy I'm feeling better.-
Maria: You're welcome.
Scott: I'm sorry that I love someone else now, but maybe after this war is over we can get back together...
-I hug them again, then go to see where Sarah is, and it turns out she's on the deck.-
Sarah: Hi, Scott.
Scott: Hello, my love.
-I get an eerie feeling and I was right.-
Chaos: Hello, Scott, and you.
-He's looking at Sarah and pulls out a sword and charges at Sarah.-
Scott: NO!
-When he's about to stab her, I teleport in front of him and greet him with an uppercut to the face.-
-Chaos disappears.-
Sarah: Scott, that was brave of you.
-She hugs me, then starts kissing me.-
Scott: I love you. -
Blaster: Scott, what the hell?
Scott: I'll say it again, it was like I was under.... a spell.
-We both glare at Maria and Kai.-
Maria: I did it because Scott needed it. I knew he was sad.
Sarah: It was a bit of a suprise, but I understand.
-I look at my feet in shame.-
Scott: I'm sorry for putting you guys through this....
-Sarah winks at me. I blush, and Blaster shakes his head.-
Blaster: Never again- against the rules!
-He lectured me on and on about it. I didn't feel nearly as sad or scared as before.-
Scott: OK.... Can I leave please?
Blaster: Fine....
-I walked to my room when someone stopped me. I could tell it was Sarah.-
Sarah: Well, we were interrupted earlier, let's continue.
-I put my hands around her hips and start to kiss her. After a few minutes we break away, me intoxicated by her pheromones-
Sarah: That was fun.
-She winks seductively.-Scott: See you....
-I wake up in the morning with Sarah in the same bed as me, her arms wrapped around me.-
Sarah: ...Scott- I promise not to tell Blaster.
-Suddenly Blaster is outside my door, calling Sarah's name.-
Blaster: Sarah?
-He opens the door, sees us, blushes, and closes it. -
-I burst out of my room and track it to the server room. Regiki is standing there, doing something with Nicole's AI computer.-
Scott: I knew you loved her.
Regiki: H-How-
-He's stammering.-
Scott: Your secret's safe with me.-In the bridge.-
Kai: Are you sure this should work?
Maria: Yep, this spell should work. I've never tried a love spell before.
Kai: I'm pretty nervous, but Scott needs this.
-Maria chants some words, then pink particles flow out from her magic book.--Scott's POV-
-Once I got the alarm off, I went to the bridge.-
Sarah: Scott, you feeling better?
Scott: As good as new.
-I step over to her, grab her shoulders and kiss her.-
Sarah: Scott-
-I didn't know what had gotten into me, but she was intoxicating to me. I had passion for her. I felt something I hadn't after the incident: Love. It felt amazing.-
Blaster: SCOTT!-
-He pushes me off and slaps me-
Scott: I don't know what's gotten into me...
Blaster: This better not happen again.
-I put my arm around her back and pull her towards me, and Blaster punches me in the stomach.-
Scott: I'm so sorry... -
Scott: I'm going to bed, Maria. Good night, love you.
-I kiss her on the cheek and go to my bed.-
Chaos: Hello Scott.
-In Scott's mind.-
Scott: Chaos, leave me alone!
Chaos: No.
-I'm ready to attack him when he paralyzes me with a spell.-
Chaos: Eye of Suffering.
-An ender eye appears in front of me, stained blood red.-
Scott: No, please!
-My vision goes black then returns, appearing in my room, except in black and white. I'm tied to the bed post by my hands.-
Maria: I hate you so much, you disgusting Enderman-Human Hybrid.
-She slaps me.-
Scott: No, you lo-
-She punches me in the face. I begin to taste pennies.-
Maria: Hate- so- much!
-Shadows start appearing in the corner of my eyes, mocking me.-
Shadows: Disgusting Hybrid! Disgusting Hybrid!
Scott: Please, stop..
Maria: No, you deserve to be locked in a cell, you freak. You are an abomination that even Chaos can't stand.
-Kai comes over with a knife.-
Kai: He must be killed!
-She slices my stomach open, then rips out the ender pearl I have inside me since I'm an Enderman Human hybrid.-
Scott: GAHHHH!
Kai: You deserve to die a slow, painful death.
-I start crying now, the pain so horrible I'm screaming.--In Scott's room.-
Maria: Scott, what are you-
-Scott is having a seizure, foam pouring out of his mouth, and muttering the same word over and over.-
Scott: Chaos....
-Maria is crying.-
Maria: HELP!
-Maria carries Scott to the medical bay, running with him spazming about, glossy eyed.-
Drone: You should be able to talk to him now.
Blaster: Scott, you need to tell me what happened.
Scott: .....
-I mumble a few words, realize Kai and Maria are in the room and start to panic.-
Maria: Scott, what happened?
-She tries to hold my hand but I push her down and run out.-
-I run to my room, lock it, and curl up in a ball on my bed.-
Kai: Can you let me in sweetie?
-I still keep the door locked.--On the outside-
Maria: Okay, I'm gonna use a charm spell on him so he'll let us in.
-She murmurs some incantations then speaks up.-
Maria: Honey, can you let me in?
-I open the door for her.-
-Scott's POV-
Scott: It was... Horrible. So much that my mind shut it out, like it doesn't want me remembering.
-I make her sit on the bunk below, and I sit up top.-
Maria: That's awful, even not knowing what happened.
Scott: I'm... afraid of the dark now. I feel like a child again...
-I clutch an old relic I had gotten: an ender pearl.-
Scott: Can you.. please get out now?
-I start tearing up.-
Maria: Ok, honey.
Scott: Maria, one thing. Even if we were boyfriend and girlfriend before this, it's made me be questioning whether I should trust you.... I'm sorry. -
Maria: Wake up...
Scott: Wha-?
-I turn my neck towards her, it still bruised from yesterday's incident.-
Scott: I just had another nightmare, didn't I?
Maria: Yep.
-I get dressed and I go to my regular relaxing spot- The bridge. Regiki is sitting there, reading a book.-
N.I.C.O.L.E.: Hey Regiki, has Chaos talked to you?
-I think I see him blush a bit.-
Regiki: Yes. How did you know?
Nicole: Well, Scott told me he was having nightmares and Chaos was tormenting him.
Regiki: Well, yes, he has.
-I finally piece it together: Regiki loves Nicole. But, I wouldn't tell anyone.-
Scott: I've got to say something.
Nicole: Yes, Scott?
Scott: Chaos seems to only manifest when you're sleeping. Theoretically, if we use a spell to stay awake, he should leave us alone. -
Scott: Kai..?
Kai: Y-Yes?
Scott: I think I love someone else...
-I feel a pit of guilt in my stomach.-
Kai: Scott, it's your life. Do what Scott wants.
Scott: Thank you.
-I feel someone grab me from behind and I see its Maria. She has an unnatural look in her eyes.-
Maria: Scott, what are you doing here!?
-I see her eyes have a purple glow to them, and her voice sounds distorted, like two sounds at once.-
Scott: Maria, these are not your thoughts! Chaos is persuading you!
Maria: NONSENSE! You are cheating on me.
Scott: No, I'm not. I love you!
-She presses me up against the wall with one arm, using unnatural strength.-
Scott: Please, no!!
-I look into her eyes, and think of how when I was younger, spending time with her was my happiest moments.-
Maria: No!
-She gets a look of shock on her eyes, yet still strangling me.-
Chaos:This one is showing resistance, emotion compelling her to fight.
-I drop to the floor. Her eyes go back to normal, and she pulls me up.-
Maria: I'm sorry...
-She starts crying.-
Scott: It's Chaos's fault. -
-In my room.-
Scott: Sigh... I hate my brother.
Maria: Right... Chaos.
-Suddenly I hear Regiki call my name. Maria kisses me on the cheek before I leave.-
Scott: Yes?
Regiki: We need to talk..
Scott: Is this about Chaos? In your dreams?
-Regiki looks a bit suprised.-
Regiki: How did you know?
Scott: Same is happening to me
-I explain the Order debacle to him.-
Regiki: Oh god.
Scott: I know.
-We end our conversation and I go to the armory, since I need to get some armor.-
Scott: Hm.
-I see a training droid, with a sword sitting in the corner.-
Scott: I need to get myself some armor...
-I start looking on the racks when the droid whirrs to life.-
Chaos: I don't normally posess machine AI, but I'm gonna use every opportunity I can get.
-He says it in a cold, mechanical voice.-
Scott: Chaos, ENOUGH!
-I parry his strike as he charges at me.-
-I throw a punch at him which knocks him off the floor onto his feet.-
Chaos: Mother never told me about you... Otherwise you'd already be dead.
- I throw an end stone fragment which explodes, knocking him back and me off of my feet.
Chaos: I will kill you once and for all-
-He has his sword raised when he cries out in pain, falling over, revealing Kai, with an iridium knife in her hands.-
Kai: Hello, Scott.
-Suddenly, she's thrown backwards by a jolt of electricity. Chaos is standing upright.-
Chaos: I feed on your emotions, your anger. Now who will love you? Maria? No, it'll look like you did it.
-She twitches a bit.-
-I roar loudly and it causes an explosion to form in front of him. Purple vapor is pouring out of my eyes.-
Scott: You hurt her, I KILL YOU!
-I drive my sword into the machine's head, killing it.-
Scott: Not yet, Kai, no please no!
-She twitches a bit, opening her eyes.-
Scott: I..I love you.
-I get her to the medical bay.- -
-I'm sleeping in the medical bay, when I wake up to something touching me.-
Scott: Hmm?
-I find Maria touching my face, leaning in.-
Scott: Stop!
-She's pushed away by a magical force, I find very bright light coming from my purple eyes.-
Scott: I'm sorry, but no.
Maria: Okay....
-She walks out of the room with eyes tearing up.-
Scott: What did I do? I'm.... A monster.
Drone: Well, it looks like other than the minor wounds, you're free to go.
-I grab my gear, and walk out.-
Scott: I don't know what to do. Kai's scared of me. Maria hates me. Blaster hates me. My brother is tormenting me....
-I decide to go curl up in bed.-
Scott: I need this...
-I fall asleep, but have another nightmare.-
Scott:No... CHAOS! NO!
-I start to hyperventilate and yell.-
Maria: Scott?
-She comes over and holds me gently. I start to calm down.-Scott: Maria... I-I love-
-Kai opens the door making us jump. She immediately closes it.-
Scott: Not again... Damn Chaos. -
Scott: Blaster, Chaos didn't survive. His soul, however, did. When someone dies, their soul still exists. Chaos could be dead, but his soul, is still around.
He also didn't show up earlier since I have the powerful artifact, the elder shard, and I'm more powerful now. Now, I can be a bigger threat to you.
He can possess me, but he's not in physical form.
Blaster: OK? -
Scott: Ahem. May I get Blaster on a video call?
Drone: Yes sir.
-The drone projects a screen with Blaster interrogating them.-
Scott: Blaster?
Blaster: I will drop you off on an abandoned island in the middle of the ocean- Yes?
Scott: It was none of their faults. It was mine.. for getting angry and letting Chaos toy with my emotions.
Blaster: Still, Maria caused it-
-I speak up.-
Scott: It may have been her at the start, but. IT. WAS. ME. AND. CHAOS. -
I was in bed.
Scott: I could've controlled my anger... I could've!
-I am angry at myself-
Scott: No... Chaos was toying with me.
-I get a pain in my head, an unbearable pain.-
-I hear Chaos in my mind-
Chaos: You are weak, brother. Ha, I could easily kill you. But I'm patient. Waiting.
-a medical drone comes over and I get a shot of sedatives.- -
-In Scott's mind-
Chaos: Brother, you are a worthy fighter, but you are weak compared to me.
-He was holding me in a headlock-
Scott:You sure I'm weak? ENDER SMITE!
-I teleport away and chaos gets struck by lightning. He crumples to the ground-
Chaos: Ah... Brother.
-I put the elder shard in sword form and slice into his chest, knocking him and his sword down.-
Chaos: You're gonna kill me!
Scott: You have killed too many innocent people, chaos. Order rules over Chaos.
-I slice off his head, but I feel no guilt.-
Scott: Now, to see if they need help. -
-In Scott's mind-
Scott: Who the hell is there?
-Chaos emerges-
Chaos: I now own your body. I'm gonna kill everyone you care for and love, especially Kai and Maria. And you can't do anything about it. What are you?
Scott: ...
Chaos: I thought so, you little piece of-
- I uppercut him, sending purple blooding from his face onto the floor.-
Chaos: Resistance is futile!
Scott: I am Scott, powerful Mage, owner of the elder shard, son of the ender dragon, and I'm your damned grim reaper.
Chaos: IT'S ON!
-I lock in combat with him for control of my body.- -
I was siting in my room with Maria.
Maria: Want to.. Show me around?
-She asks this with the same devilish smile she always has.-
Scott: Sure.
-We walk around until it gets dark. Dinner happens and we go to bed-
Maria: Good night, Scott.
Scott: Good night.
-She goes to bed on the extra bed I have laid out.-
-I open my eyes. It's morning, and I feel something on my back.-
Scott: What?!?
Kai: On your.. Back.
-I look on my back and Maria's arms are wrapped around me.-
Scott: I swear-
Kai: It's over, Scott! I'm breaking up with you.
-I get up, in my clothes already, and storm out into the hallway.-
Scott: Why...
-I start tearing up, going onto the deck and brooding-
Scott: Kai, you bit-
-Kai walks up behind me.-
Kai: Scott, I'm sorry-
-Suddenly, my skin starts to turn jet black, my height going up to 8 feet high, my hair turning jet black as well. My teeth sharpen into fangs.-
We were at the frame carrier, Blaster was showing Maria around, along with me following her.
Blaster: We don't have a room for you, the room you are eventually gonna get is filled with supplies. So, you'll be staying in here.
-He points to my room.-
Maria: Whose room is this?
Blaster: Scott's.
-I shudder a bit.-
Maria: This will be.. Interesting.
Scott: Bit of an understatement.
Maria: Better get my stuff in.
She gets her stuff and puts it in the extra bunk.- -
We were going up to the shuttle, the lift carrying us up.
-The doors open.-
Electos: Hi Scott, and you.
-He points to Maria.-
Maria: I'm Maria. Nice to meet you.
-She winks and waves to him.-
Scott: Moving on, let's get her treated.
- I walk her to the back of the shuttle.-
Maria: Well, I cut my ankle and my hand.
Scott: Got it.
- I bandage her hand and her leg, after pouring disinfectant on each of them.-
Electos: So how did you two meet?
Maria: We went to Mage Academy together.
Scott: We became friends before the war.
-We fly to the Frame Carrier.-