Posts by cvl4317

    For testing, i actually put empty cell on the top , and water cell on the bottom in the trade-o-mat menu. I put some empty cell and water cell in a private chest and in a regular chest next to it. I asked killerbeez to trade, apparently putting the empty cell or water cell in any way by 3rd party cannot perform trade.

    Reproduced error.

    But if we somehow can contact the yogcast people to arrange the timing with IC2 devs, it can be made into win-win situation. (Right now, I will give them the benefit of the doubt).

    If the yogcast agreed to the time scheduled, then it can be synchronized with the release of new version of IC2 with the SMP along.

    They get the broadcast, IC2 get the publicity at the right timing, Minimal damage achieved.

    Oh...I know right. I don't see how some people can have fun playing Vanilla Minecraft Endlessly or just using Inventory Editors. I basically lost interest in MC after Notch stopped Secret Friday Updates. Ever since then, I've been on a Minecraft hiatus for about 3 months. Came back and bam bam, mods everywhere. DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD!

    Anyways, on-topic. I am all for mod promotion as well, but yes...unauthorized modpack just, well you know.

    I can understand the first-time modding by inexperienced player. I was in that position, and I did prefer having someone spoon-feed me almost all the way. Understanding that, I cannot 'condemn' all of the modpack downloaders due to reasonably not simple procedure to do for them. But when you have someone who make the modpack as a simple "F U modders" remark, it is obviously do not present himself in a more favorable way. And the whole fiasco is more to the promotion of the "F U modders" modpack by a reasonably popular broadcaster to the public audience.

    Half you guys are idiots.
    Yes they are endorsing the pack, HOWEVER, they are giving credit to ALL THE MODS USED in the description, so blame the modpack creator, not the yogscast, THEY'RE CREDITING THE MODS PEOPLE. Take down the pack I don't care, but don't blame the fucking yogscast when they're trying to give credit to all the mod creators, idiots.
    So bash the modpack creator, NOT THE YOGSCAST.

    The request is simple, take down the mediafire link, and the mentioning of the modpack. Cut off the middleman.

    Why Yogscast get partial blame? Let me explain this from my understanding.
    We agree that unauthorized modpack is bad, right?
    Can we agree that Yogscast's staff understand that modpack is bad? Well, let's branch this off to two possibility.
    a. If Yogscast's staff do not understand that modpack is not genuinely OK, it is time for them to learn that it is not OK and fix whatever they can do , which they has yet to do at the time of this post (removing the link and the mentioning of the modpack)
    b. If the Yogscast's staff do understand the controversy against the modpack, give me an excuse to why they bother to put the link to the modpack, credit to the compiler of the modpack along the side of the original modders. I am quite sure that even if they use the modpack, no reasonable people can easily figure it out from the video if they get it from the modpack, or they compile the mods themselves.

    Now, I will give them the benefit of the doubt for the next 24 hours before I will make up my mind about them.

    Also, do not use the term 'idiot' lightly, as only limited number of people in this world has the right to use it, and I am quite sure that I am not one of them

    If there is nothing can be done, then let's try to read Eloraam's response which I find as a quite passive yet strong response to the whole thing:…76__st__6720#entry8707076

    Please let me know how you think it breaks the game. Does it cost to little or does it output to much? Oh and I never liked tin cable any way. It was shockingly bad (like my pun) in the first place.

    I don't feel it is game breaking as now. But considering the cost to make it, I prefer having it producing at 16 EU/t (or 8 EU/t). Keep it to the power of 2 for simplicity purposes.

    Allow me to give you alternative to this power regulator.

    Make a device that simply detect flow on the cable. If there is energy flow, do a redstone signal. This alone will allow more possibility of combination with other existing material like flow control, only with just 1 block of detector, or detector that you can manually adjust trigger range.