Posts by Kane Hart

    I would like to help you guys out and moderate the Bug Report section. I feel that my experience in whining and bitching about bugs makes me an excellent candidate to help keep our forums clean. I'm a strong believer that duplicate and triple posts of the same bug are perfectly fine. What I do not like is people harassing them with learn2search and etc. I would like to be able to reply to the post and point them to the right direction and lock the topic and keep it clean. I also enjoy compiling a clean and detailed excel list of bugs on my free time to help myself keep organized.

    I'm not going to bloat anything special about myself since it seems that you want a more none bias experience and just admit my grammar can be rusty at times but I do try my hardest.

    Thanks for your consideration,

    EDIT: I also like to help out in the addons section. More and more I have been using most of the addons provided and even if I don't I enjoy testing out a lot of mods and in fact enjoy doing bug hunting for the addon developers. I think this would be a great opportunity to add a moderator in that section who knows for sure when a mod should come out of pending status and etc. I also don't mind being bomb with a lot of PM Requests.

    Thanks again,

    Player yeah he is pretty busy like you said with real life. Richard he is easy to reach. Just go to ForgeCraft and yell at his ass :P. I think Richard has sort of being enjoying taking a break though from development and just having a good time hanging around ForgeCraft witch is respectable. I mean this threads not about hey asshole get back to work but rather lets make the devs life easier and find new ways to help them when they do have the time so things are not so bad for the end user.

    But I can start also seeing a little more clearly that you guys are hurting right now for developers. There is also not a lot of people out there you can even trust and its not even the trust part but a lot of people will be I can help. But 1 month later they go MIA and its a bit of a waste working with that person and getting them up to speed just to have them vanish.

    This whole thing is just tricky but I hope we figure something out in the end to make your life easier and our lives a little better.

    Thank you for report, will be fixed in the next version.

    I'm not sure what you mean.

    Ahh Nothing big his mod is pretty amazing and adds a lot of new power making / power storage devices. It would be pretty neat if there was a way for him to simply hook into Nuclear Control or for you to hook into his if that is something you would need. I think hes open to anything that would not cause problems =)

    Anyways night and thanks again!

    PS MFFS Would be another one to consider and has really cool machines :P Its also open source and ThunderDark accepts pulls or whatever its called on GitHub hehe :P Just ideas :)

    I have not had much time to play with Nuclear Control but I noticed my counter is derping up hehe. It was about 2.6bil I think last time I saw the counter box but this what it showed on the screen:

    Also I doubt this will happen but I would DIE and I mean DIE if I could use some these on GregTech machines mainly his Adjustable Energy Storage Device I think it is called. The 1 bil EU storage :)

    Suggestions Time:
    - When someone enters the range of Defense Station it Alerts Members who are in the stations security list of the coords of the intruders location and current status maybe? Like Name/HP?
    - Add Custom Death Messages to Everything :)
    - Consider adding an upgrade for the Defense Station to drain Quantum Suit Power... I mean the armor is pure invulnerability its cheap as hell lol.
    - Add some kind of way to produce Force then just having to Mine maybe a new kind of way with your new Forcicum Cells and nice spelling btw :P
    - Maybe a radar of some kind where you can set a way way higher range and location maybe 250 blocks radius if that is even possible. Something really really sweet to work well with your system maybe with even remote monitoring?

    Thanks :)

    A couple of months ago I asked about why there was zero information on the situation and I got banned by a mod that somehow read I was asking for a release date. I was then banned again for reason and I quote: "Don't make me start looking into the stuff I just had an exam about...". So yeah, that gave me the feeling of a very immature and childish administration that gives zero fuck about his supporters. That + the lack of information about what is going on kinda turned me off a lot. I ran the biggest website of a community of one of the biggest MMOs out there and it could take me like 2min, or even seconds if there was no image, to post an update on the main page so I don't see what was the problem here. As that guy in the video said, communication is probably an area where this project should be improved.

    Well I could be wrong but the first page if I could understand it he was asking people to see if I asked for a hot fix eta in my video so I can be banned. Clearly the Hobby might be the enjoyment of banning :P

    For bug reporting and such mantis would be great or even the whole excel idea with a few users having access to it but let people spam bugs and let us the users let them know if its on the list yet or not and let the devs have 1 simple easy page with all the info like one I did:…WFdYM044Wlp2TldHd1E#gid=0

    na the Dev Team is Just To Lazy To Do Anything I Mean ONE LINE OF CODE Could Fix The E-net Bug Act... Anyway i think That You Are Right and I also Want To Thank RawCode for not being a lazy a** Hole And Fixings The Bugs (even If RAM Leeks) Atlest he Tryed And For The Dev Team? TOO FKING Lines Of Code Can Fix All This Mess Even If one Needed Is Not There You Cant Say You Cant Put too Lines Of Code To Fix It. The Dev Team are Just Trolls who Want To Make A Mod Without The Hard Work Needed And They Would More Likey Right Now As I Chat Be Playing Minecraft And Useing A Fix That They Dont Want To Give Out Me And My Sever Players Would Like a Fix For Wireless Wires And Over Powered Bugs That Make it That Much More Fun For Grefers all Over The Place.if this :Glass Fibre: could be fixed with 1 min of your time would you?

    This is not acceptable. But its also true that a lot of bugs are typo's and simple fixes. The problem is a lot this is fixed on their repo. But we can't download it because they don't have a jenkins and for some reason they will not release an update because there is bugs.. (That part I don't get)

    But I agree but that was the wrong action to take!

    I can't speak for the author but he had a lot of issues with his mod and stopped working at it. Chunk cruppting issues. GregTech adds sort of this feature and works flawless. Its a lot more costly recipe the way it should be anyways but I just wanted to let you know.

    Can this mod be updated? I love it alot :D

    IC team itself doesn't require tons of people - dragonlord + 2-3 people probably do all the coding. Sure, they could add Greg into beta team, but not all people would like extremely buggy version

    you should apply EU to them? Lol

    Adding Greg to the test team will solve nothing. Greg is a developer. We are his testers. Dev or nothing <3 That and I doubt 99% of his stuff can even get into IC. They kind of crazy when comes to features. I rather just see greg do what hes doing and maybe consider going standalone someday.

    Also anyone play with the new materials for the reactors? I'm wondering if you can use any design from standard reactors and use the new cells or would it require fully new plan? I'm really bad with reactors and only take blue prints from others :P

    I just wanted to point out a few people seem to be very happy with things. I assume you don't use nuclear nor do you play SMP. Right now for most SMP Users its unplayable but thanks to people like RawCode he has saved some peoples servers. Right now with the current release for people who don't know in SMP Jet Packs, and quantum special abilities don't work at all. No flying, sprinting, jumping high and etc. Not only that drinking milk or wearing quantum suit and getting poisoned will instantly crash the server including even a couple other fun bugs.

    So when I sound angry I'm not angry or trying to be an asshole I'm just exhausted being a server admin trying to do the best I can with my limited capabilities.

    Thanks Rawcode for helping Server admins and also Thanks Greg for also patching in some bug fixes!

    Found a nasty crash in SMP.