Netherrack ? Why ? Endstone ? Wow, I've always thought that the End was kinda like the Moon
(Because, there is actually He3 in vast amount on the Moon)
With Netherrack you get Helium at a 64->1-Ratio (not much), while you get it with Endstone at a 64->4*He+4*He3-Ratio.
Lol, it would be funny: a German defending nuclear power when your government decided few years ago to replace this energy source with Coal-based plants, because everybody know it's cleaner
Lol, Angi and her strange politics. Its nice that we shut down our highquality supersecure Nuclear, while Poland and France for example, have most of their less secure Powerplants right next to the german border. Seriously, as if a german Nucleareactor could blow up.
The next Version will contain two new nuclear Fuels, which can be gotten by centrifuging tons of Uranium. (Recipechange)
I opened my world to LAN to try the Teslastaff
but it doesnt work at all
That's why the Description inside the Computercube says, that it's 100% not tested. I just assumed it will work.
But just to be sure: You leftclicked your Enemyplayer with a fully charged Teslastaff, or?