Posts by Kane Hart
I'm going to check this mod out for the next couple of days. I'm looking for something that expands on IC but not insane hard but at the same time adding new harder tech to the game at a reasonable amount.
Just want to let everyone know we are working on a new server called Stone Legion Unleashed. This will be a 1.6.4 Public Server (Whitelist Required) That will feature over 100+ Mods. It's more a kind of server you play the way you like and want. Yeah there might be some unbalancing issues and such but we hope you play fair and you put yourself to the challenge.
This server will not include GregTech. We are tired of a featureless mod that seems bent on just copying and replicating other ideas and just force a slow boring grind and offer nothing really good or special anymore. We want to have fun and enjoy a game the way its meant.
I gave up on this mod myself. It was a good mod but he knows why. I always troll/hound him for an update on IRC. But he truly seems to have lost the passion to work on it. Not worth so many false hopes.
Hope someday warnings like this vanish
2013-09-16 03:10:14 [WARNING] [IC2] EnergyNet.addTileEntity: aroma1997.compactwindmills.TileEntityHV@452535f0 (aroma1997.compactwindmills.TileEntityHV@452535f0) is conflicting with aroma1997.compactwindmills.TileEntityHV@4c951e55 using the same position (already added, prev. te not removed, overlapping), aborting
Any fix for wind mills? I hate to remove the mod due to the major bugs
Rotors not being eaten etc is a bit annoying
My issue is everytime I press the attack button it hits boost + change mode like hover on and off like wtf lol.
Hold left click while flying for a boost.
Also, it conflicts with the Hover mode change(when you keep pressing space and attacking mobs while flying).
Hover mode should have a separate button, like the jetpack/gravitation engine "F" can we fix it or is it a mod issue?
thanks. A small request I hope to someday see a slight forward boost in the advance jetpack. I Find right now the default is a tad slow if that is still running off the old IC jet pack speed.
Thanks for the update.
Yeah it use to drain way to damn fast. I like the new feature as well draining from remote packs.
Pretty sure 4.4+ Is Experimental Build of IC. So just grab the latest.
Introduction: Welcome to the StoneLegion.Com Server Advertisement thread, In this thread will teach you how to signup and connect to our servers with very few steps as possible but also provide you with a stable and fun experience on our servers. Stone Legion is a sister site to that has been running Minecraft Servers for over 4 years and running game servers for over 15 years. At Stone Legion Modded server will be offering you 1000's of new features outside the standard vanilla minecraft server with many and more features from that of Feed the Beast and Technic/Tekkit.
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Welcome to Stone Legion Adventures Server. The Adventures Server is a more public and well maintained server that's goal is to provide a longer life Server with updates for months to come. We have 100's of mods and tons of features and stability is our key feature. We hope you enjoy our server and hope you will do your part and help spread the word!Adventures Special Links:
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Adventures Server Features:- Over 100 Mods
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- Constant Updates! We like to keep updated and bring you the latest features!
- And Much More!
Server Specs:- Intel Xeon Haswell E3 1240 V3
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- 6 x 240GB Intel 520 SATA3 SSD
- LSI 9271-8i Raid Card /w Cachevault (BBU)
- 1Gbps Uplink
- 10TB Premium Traffic
If you have any issues then please free free to make a thread in our Support Forums. We are willing and wanting to help you get into the game and play! So don't be afraid to ask for help!
New version coming soon. Have patience guys
I don't like idea combine jetpack and gravi engine in GraviChestPlate. But in new version i will add in advanced and ultimate lappack function to supply chest armor with additional power. You can bring many lappack in inventory to supply GraviChestPlate for very looong flight
I think the big thing some people would like if there was a way to make forward momentum upgradable some how. I find even having a cool jetpack you move way to damn slow forward.
It's not much of a solution, as the latest Applied Energistics requires NEI and crashes otherwise. Most of know the IC2 recipes anyway.
I think I noted that. Said go to A
Yes, it works in the development environment, and the textures are properly packaged in the jar. Do the block textures show up in-world or are they missing too? I'll look into this further.
Blocks and their cute animations like full bars and on and such work just fine. It's just all the GUI's.
Thanks to help from adamros on github, we have a test version of APM for Minecraft 1.6.2 out. The version attached to this post is based against IC2 1.118.401-lf and Forge
I briefly tested the machines and items in the mod and they seemed to function correctly. Please report any issues here or even better, open a new issue report on github.
I assume you used it through the dev environment. But all the GUI Textures are not showing up. advancedpowermanagement:/textures/GUIStorageMonitor.png
Thanks -
Pretty sure Myrathi hates IC.. He might not admit it but this mod gets slower and slower each update and his other ones get quicker
This mod looks kind of good. How stable is it.