ye sentimel , i love you

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Gravitation Suite v2.0.3!
thanks. A small request I hope to someday see a slight forward boost in the advance jetpack. I Find right now the default is a tad slow if that is still running off the old IC jet pack speed.
Thanks for the update.
Hold left click while flying for a boost.
Also, it conflicts with the Hover mode change(when you keep pressing space and attacking mobs while flying).
Hover mode should have a separate button, like the jetpack/gravitation engine "F" button. -
omg "F" i try "ctrl" and "ic switch mode" and nothing
hehe this is not quntum suite
because quntum suite now integration with jetpack
EDIT: now fly have few tiers 1 tier fuel jetpack , 2 tier electric jetpack, 3 tier advanced electric jetpack , 4 tier advanced nano chest plate, 5 tier quantum suite , 6 tier flying ring (energy manipulation mod) , 7 tier qravi chest plate
I have suggest maybe add too jetpack for gravi chest plate , this is 7 tiermode jetpack , he should use less energy
The "4 working modes in Advanced Diamond Drill" are not working I test the IC2 Experimental elec. wrench and minig laser and ther modes are working
Yaya for those that "did you read the change log"
(shift in hand this item and press key "Mode" and Right Click mouse button.) -
Hold left click while flying for a boost.
Also, it conflicts with the Hover mode change(when you keep pressing space and attacking mobs while flying).
Hover mode should have a separate button, like the jetpack/gravitation engine "F" can we fix it or is it a mod issue?
I have suggest maybe add too jetpack for gravi chest plate , this is 7 tier mode jetpack , he should use less energy
I'd suggest the exact contrary, as a nerf, because higher tier involves higher EU-generation, or at least SHOULD involve (way) higher EU-generation. Higher tier = more power for far greater cost.
omg gregtech fan , no need gravi suite
omg gregtech fan , no need gravi suite
You're right, too bad servers all think they need it
thanks. A small request I hope to someday see a slight forward boost in the advance jetpack. I Find right now the default is a tad slow if that is still running off the old IC jet pack speed.
Thanks for the update.
Slow o_0 ! You fly not on the rocket xD.
Also, it conflicts with the Hover mode change(when you keep pressing space and attacking mobs while flying).
Hover mode should have a separate button, like the jetpack/gravitation engine "F" button. So can we fix it or is it a mod issue?
I can't repeat this. Try to rebind keys in Main Options. Use latest Forge and IC Exp Build > 160. Exp version of my mod only for IC Exp it's not work with IC 401 build.I'd suggest the exact contrary, as a nerf, because higher tier involves higher EU-generation, or at least SHOULD involve (way) higher EU-generation. Higher tier = more power for far greater cost.
I think energy consumption is balanced now.
I can't repeat this. Try to rebind keys in Main Options. Use latest Forge and IC Exp Build > 160. Exp version of my mod only for IC Exp it's not work with IC 401 build.I'm using Exp 150something, Kane Hart's Server.
The problem is whenever i'm holding space (flying), and left click to attack or do anything, it changes hover mode (disabling or enabling), its annoying.
There is no control key for that. -
My issue is everytime I press the attack button it hits boost + change mode like hover on and off like wtf lol.
I find it weird that all the IC2 tools in the experimental build has 30000 eu and tools in this mod has 15000.
My issue is everytime I press the attack button it hits boost + change mode like hover on and off like wtf lol.
Hm... i can't reproduce it. Tested on IC 2.165 and Forge 867. Maybe conflict with another mods ? Do you use ?
I find it weird that all the IC2 tools in the experimental build has 30000 eu and tools in this mod has 15000.
Yeap, i will increase it in next versions.
Alright! You fixed the Nanochestplate with IC2 Exp version! Thank You. But still no boost!
Alright! You fixed the Nanochestplate with IC2 Exp version! Thank You. But still no boost!
All work fine. Try to rebind keys in minecraft options.
All work fine. Try to rebind keys in minecraft options.
I know right ic2 default configs tends to conflict to other mods would be suprised if someone made a keybinding fixer kinda similar to id fixer in the minecraftforums
Addon updated !
ChangeLog of Gravitation Suite v1.9.6
+ Ported to new IC build 2.0.160 experimental and Minecraft 1.6.2 (Required Forge >
I'm excited about GraviSuit for IC2 Exp release!But I found something isn't right.
The Solar Helmet can not recharge the Quantum Suit(The Helmet itself and Gravisuit(body) works
But original Quantum Suit for pants and boot won't get recharge by solar helmet.My version is IC2-Exp 2.0.167 and Forge, with your Gravitation Suit 1.9.6
I'm excited about GraviSuit for IC2 Exp release!
But I found something isn't right.
The Solar Helmet can not recharge the Quantum Suit(The Helmet itself and Gravisuit(body) works
But original Quantum Suit for pants and boot won't get recharge by solar helmet.My version is IC2-Exp 2.0.167 and Forge, with your Gravitation Suit 1.9.6
This is caused because the Quantum suit was bumped up to tier 4, but the solar helmet still only charges tier 3 and lower, the gravisuit and helmet can be charged because the gravisuit is tier 2, and the helmet is tier 3.
Also it cant recharge the mining laser for the same reason.
New changes and new balance. I will fix it.