Also it seems the gravichest plate seems to be broken as i can not fly

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Gravitation Suite v2.0.3!
Even though the ic2 experimental branch(2.0.+) seems to be broken half the time do you plan to do a port for Gravisuite and Advanced Solars? It seems like a bunch of other mods are starting to work the experimental API into their latest versions. In addition the latest month and a half old ic2 1.118 build has those gui/armor bugs that they decided to leave unfixed making it a pain to use. Is a new port a possibility or do you plan on waiting for the ic2 team to move the 2.0.+ builds to the primary/stable branch?
I haven't noticed any brokenness in IC2 experimental. I have been using it for awhile now.
Sometimes when I hit space to fly with Advanced Nanochestplate it changes mode. Using IC2 experimental .128
Youtube :…feature=player_detailpage
I cannot english very well. i'm sorry -
Boost key doesn't work with normal IC2 (.401) either.
I can't reproduce this. Boost key work fine with 400 and 401 build.
Youtube :…feature=player_detailpage
I cannot english very well. i'm sorry
Thank you for report. I will fix it.Sometimes when I hit space to fly with Advanced Nanochestplate it changes mode. Using IC2 experimental .128
This version for 401 IC build. It's not compatible with exp versions.Even though the ic2 experimental branch(2.0.+) seems to be broken half the time do you plan to do a port for Gravisuite and Advanced Solars? It seems like a bunch of other mods are starting to work the experimental API into their latest versions. In addition the latest month and a half old ic2 1.118 build has those gui/armor bugs that they decided to leave unfixed making it a pain to use. Is a new port a possibility or do you plan on waiting for the ic2 team to move the 2.0.+ builds to the primary/stable branch?
I'm working on it. -
I'm not sure if this is intended behavior or not, but it's very annoying and makes the GraviChestPlate seem inferior to the Advanced NanoChestPlate. First off, I've noticed that the GraviChestPlate burns off power even when it's on but not being used. Just standing idle will deplete the engines unless you turn off the engine. Secondly, the flight time seems to be a fraction of what the NanoChestPlate is capable of.
I normally use the NanoChestPlate because I didn't know about this armor, but I've finally spent the time and resources to make one, only to find out that it burns through EU like crazy. If I had known how much of a power hog this thing is, I would've stuck with the NanoChestPlate. Any plans to scale back the power demands of this thing?
P.S. Not sure if if matters, but I'm playing with the FTB Ultimate 1.1.2 version.
In 1.5.2 the energy use of the Gravichestplate was scaled back from 512eu/t to around 277.77eu/t in, and the boosting energy consumption is also now 2x instead of 3x, as well as still boosting you to around 3.5x speed. The advantages of using the Gravichestplate over the Advanced Nanosuit is that it gives creative like flight allowing you to build and work easier, as well as moving much faster.
Yeah it use to drain way to damn fast. I like the new feature as well draining from remote packs.
sorry for bring an idiot but does it have experimental support?
sorry for bring an idiot but does it have experimental support?Why would it have if the last update was before the first few builds of experimental?
sorry for bring an idiot but does it have experimental support?
I have been using the nanochestplate in the experimental version. It will charge the tools in your inventory and flight time is very long, and it can be used as a 1,000,000 EU battery. The only flaw is when you're flying and left click, the mode changes from hover to regular. Its not the jetpack you want to use when you're fighting Ghasts'! I haven't figured out how to make iridium in experimental yet, or I would have made a gravichestplate. If anyone knows, please tell! Someone said you make reinforced stone by spraying construction foam on metal scaffolding, but I can't figure out how to make metal fences. Also when you break regular scaffolding sprayed with construction foam, you don't get anything back.
how can i fix that i can use the mode key on 1.6.2?
i really want to use it -
how can i fix that i can use the mode key on 1.6.2?
i really want to use itI don't know how to fix it, I just use the nanochestplate as is and don't fight while flying.
I don't know how to fix it, I just use the nanochestplate as is and don't fight while flying.
i mean on vajra to silk or not or the diamond drill the modes
im playing on this build: industrialcraft-2_2.0.156-experimental
any help? -
Mode switching on all armor and tools is currently broken if you are using IC2 Experimental.
Mode switching on all armor and tools is currently broken if you are using IC2 Experimental.
Mode switching with jetpack is annoying, it requires you to hold space and left click, that is very impractical while flying-fighting mobs.
Boost key for jetpack is buggy aswell (you have to hold leftclick while flying on hover mode). -
Addon updated !
ChangeLog of Gravitation Suite v1.9.6
+ Ported to new IC build 2.0.160 experimental and Minecraft 1.6.2 (Required Forge > -
thanks. A small request I hope to someday see a slight forward boost in the advance jetpack. I Find right now the default is a tad slow if that is still running off the old IC jet pack speed.
Thanks for the update.