Your English teacher really shouldn't kill you, as long as were trying to use proper grammar I will too. I hope, not very good even though I am native English. Care to explain the tin can and coal ideas? I like the idea of smelting cobble to lava... but it needs to use more energy than it would gain from a geogen. Which is like 20k eu a cell? Yeah not a good idea. Balance issues will ultimately kill this.
Posts by dragonherald
^ So glad I read spoilers. Yeah that is odd. I forgot to add my oppinion. Good if its a slight reduction. Not full on immunity. Doesn't affect lightning though.
Lightning can and does weird things. I've heard stories of lightning striking 100 yards from a house traveling through the ground and short circuiting and literally blowing all the wires and appliances in a house. Even ones connected to surge protectors (which yes can be overloaded). Giant holes in the yard Electric well pump didn't work the fuse box was blown across the room and hit the wall and smashed it to bits. While yes this lightning blast was extremely powerful it can still happen. Also lightning crowning like fire going from the top of a tree to another tree top.
I agree with koichi. A hollow wooden box amplifies noise. F.E guitar.
Is there still gonna be banhammoring involved here? I love banhammerz
specially on lightning rod suggesters.
With red power SpwnX solution won't even take a lot of space. Just need to trasnfer reg redstone to redwire. Simple.
I can see the use but you can disable IC2 sounds if you play on single player.
No no no no. You are using the expression wrong (I think), BC its old stuff that some people still use (Ergo not cool anymore), while on the other hand RP being the new cool thing similar to BC but not entirely. Ergo anyone who used RP before it was "Cool" its the true hipster.
Yep. I also seem to remember a time when RP2 was ragged on for brokenness. Ie blockbreakers. forget why. -
Thanks Richard
Try getting rid of the cable or add a couple eus to that mfsu and test it. It should always be redstoned I think. Tested this as I wrote. I am flabbergasted. Methinks its a graphical glitch. Again try putting Eus through it
Or hell the bridges you go across in Halo 1
If Minecrafts using a crapton of memory and or cpu T/s Ticks per sec drops. Do you have an older or non gaming computer? Or *shudders* a mac? Being near the reactor might increase lag and thus drop your T/s
It's simple how I handle too much copper, I invented a three step process for it
Step 1. Obtain a shitload of copper and build a house out of it
Step 2. Fill an entire double chest inside that house with copper blocks
Step 3. Kill them all Johny, KILL THEM ALL
Please tell me that wasn't Invedited/Neied/Tmied/mcedited/spawned in.
Making diamond is fine as it is. 1 stack of coal is perfectly enough with the current machines. *kicks physics ass* Herp Derp. I want make diamonds easier to craft cus 64 coal is too much derderder.
1 word. NO! more words. Useful but too hard to implement and kinda cheating. If you want something like that go get equivalent excheat.
Aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics. I like. me gusta. Mir gefaellt
Thanks for that argument spwn. it makes more sense than Fenix's.
Edit: also depends on how big the city is but for the most part this is true.
*facedesk* is the perfect action for this, in fact, *facedesk*. IC2 WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING ENCHANTMENTS, OR ANYTHING RELATED TO THEM!!
Its under -9000! I agree *facedesk* Useless. Well not useless but rather op and somewhat useless with lappacks. It would letya have more drill durability and you can wear a chestpiece hence OP but useless because lappack.
How does this change everything about how you play with this mod? It adds 1 block which can help extend energy range. You don't have to use it. Just like trade-o-mats were made for smp why can we not add alternate current? Anyways lets see what one of the IC2 team has to say if they want to pipe up on this.
I like this idea for aesthetics but I believe it shouldn't be Alblaka's and his team's job to do this. Perhaps an independant modder yeah. But not IC2 as it doesn't include IC2 components.