Posts by Gorni

    OK so i've built a nuclear reactor, 6 chambers, air surrounded. (See Attachment for inside Alignment)

    After what i understood after reading the Tutorial: the 4 Edge Uraniums should do 3 pulses and generate 4h/pulse (2 adjectant plates) thus 12h / edge (48 h/sec all edges) and the Center ones 4 pulses, emitting 10 heat/pulse thus 40/center (80 h /sec) all together: 128 h/sec. So much to the heat generation.
    Now to the Cooling: i've got 6 chambers and 1 reactor (2h / chamber and 1h from reactor => 13h/sec
    The outward cooling should be: 21 air blocks /chamber and 20 air blocks for the reactor (assuming it works like watermills water calculation and they share blocks) = 146 air blocks (-3 blocks for cable and redstone) = 143 Air / 4 = 35.75 h/sec
    On the Inside we have: 24 Coolant Cells, 12 Heat dispersers and 6 reactor plating. -24h/pulse from coolant, -0.6 from the platings. (I got no idea if heat dispersers do cool themself and how fast they do, thus i leave them out for now).

    Full Calculation: 128 - 13 - 35.75 - 24.6 = 54.65 h/puls not dealt with.
    Distributed on all cooling cells this means: 54.65/(24+12) ~ 1.5... Which would mean, each HD and Coolant should cumulate 1.5 heat/pulse and should therefore decrease faster than the Uranium. But they dont go down.... not a bit.

    What did i calculate wrong?

    (The Ice in the Screenshot is just to show no heat has been generated, normally empty.)

    As i said, the crystals + lama are bugged in THIS version. You seriously don't need to list every recipe using a bugged item.

    As well, Electric Jatpack takes BatBOX, not BatPack.

    Didn't want to bug you, sry.
    Yep...seen it jetpack was definitly my fault.

    With the quantum suit, just seemed strange since 3/4 items worked fine. But if its all done in the new version, as you said. i apologize to get the same bug up again.

    corrected my mistake in the Jetpack recipe:

    Problems with Recipes:
    -Lapotron : same as crystal before.
    -MFSU: Not craftable wether with both TMI Lapotrons as well as with freshly crafted empty ones. (recipe used: C = Adv Circuit L = Lap crystal M = MFE A = Adv Machine LCL LML LAL)
    -Electric Jetpack: Not craftable with empty, full and TMI Batpack (Recipe used: C = Adv Circuit I = Ref Iron G = Glowstone Dust B = Batpack ICI IBI G G (also tested with normal circuit))
    -Quantum Suit Helmet: Not craftable with: Full, empty and TMI LAP crystal (Recipe used: C = Adv Circuit R = Reinforced Glass I = Iridium Plating L = Lap Crystal : ILI CRC) Rest of the Quantum Suits craftable without problem.

    Crafted about the whole recipe text through. Still missing: Coolant Cells.

    See actual Recipe Text (with a few minor text changes) as attachment.

    1st i will take a look at the recipe text for some minor mistakes i made... (so i keep myself from flaming around that shit doesent work while i fucked it up)
    and 2nd: Mining Drill still cant mine: Glowstone (maybe also still Bricks but a few versions ago it wasnt able to do so.)

    Oh and since the Nuclear reactor needs coolant cells, how to craft them? - not yet implemented? Btw i loved you nuke tutorial. thx for that. ;)

    found till now:
    - Lapotron crystal can only be crafted with the TMI Crystal with the Number: 30241, with a freshly crafted (empty) and a filled (selfcrafted => filled) it can't be crafted. (Recipe Used: LcL LCL LcL L = lapis dust, C = Crystal c = circuit)
    - Pump still doesent fill empty liquid cells, just pumps water up if no cell is in.

    btw, is it wanted that you can now macerate charcoal into coaldust? thought you once said u wanted coal to be a somehow worthy material, since charcoal is indefinitly available.

    edit: I cannot craft a Chainsaw, not with empty and not with full RE-bat
    And i cannot wrench the Electrolyzer

    Another thing i tested with Glass-Fibe cable: Setup MFSU, straight line of Glass fiber cable, Solars place next to it.
    All works fine, but the solar at the 10th and the 17th cable do not put power into the cable, they just load the internal storage and stop working. (starting with the 20th solar, they stopped working due to loss)
    If i replace the solar on that not working cable, with another generator (generator and geo tested) they will work. Ripping them off, and placing a solar again still shows a not working solar... Can anyone reproduce that bug?

    Also tested it somewhere else with another orientation, still cable 10 and 17 would not accept power from solars.

    IC 2 0.83 uninsulated gold cable, 5*5 floor... with every place cable the lag spike at placing got bigger. till it froze when i laied the 26th out of the ring.

    Btw i would love to get a bit more information about how the cables should behave... tested insulated copper cable a bit and its pretty strange, regarding the loss. Setup: geo generator, cable going into an MFE. Set a Geo activated it measured the eu flow, following results: 5th -1/ 11th -2/ 16th -3/ 19th -4/ 25th -5 (1st number cable lenght 2nd number loss of eu)
    Pretty unregularly.

    edit: tested it again with different cables...all the time i get the same result. after making a 5*5 area of cable it kills my game. as i said, i think thats because of all the possible connection of all the cables, which increases exponentially with each cable laid.

    Wanna know how to kill a computer easily? make a small floor out of cables.... all the possible connections will pretty fast kill your computer (any maybe servers later...)

    I tested a 5*5 floor and froze my MC and wasnt able to join the map again. :P

    Oh and did i mention that i had to reinstall MC after to see the graphic of the new blocks again...

    Me and Player agreed that this entire HV-Bottlenecking is stupid, thus transformer can fully output an HV-input... by sending 4 pulses per tick, if necessary/applyable.
    In fact this means you still transfer "2048 EU per tick", but receive 4tuble loss (as it are 4 seperate pulses with 512EU each) in favor of having a lowered voltage.

    @MFE issues:
    I've forgot a few clauses in there. But if you switch the facing of a MFE via using a wrench on it, it should register to the Enet and become functional.
    Same applies for transformers, afaik.

    I've got no problem with that style of transformers, just wasnt sure if it works as intended.

    First test for a storage, trying to use a 2way transformer system for storage.

    i got to say after learning how it works, i like the new energy system, since you can use transformers 2 ways just by switching redstone on and off. The T3 transformer will emit 2048eu/t ist just like the old hv.

    Something i have seen about the transformers: If you lower the power like from 2048 eu/t to 512 eu/t it should emit 512 eu/t for 4 ticks for every HV tick. but it emits all the power in 1 tick. (but doesent kill the machines behind) At least my eu-meter says : infos like "an average of 1024 eu/t for 2 ticks" after the output of an T3 transformer. and if i watch the absolut numbers in an mfs behind it, it always goes up in 1 tick. not 4 fast ticks. I dont really know if it was intended to do so, but it doesent do what the description says.

    Ok, bug just comes up if a generator is running and you try to wire a storage unit there. see pictures. (Gets fixed if you quit and reload the game btw)

    Glowing GEO = Working setup

    Black GEO = not working
    (numbers on signs = placing order)

    means you cannot wire an energy storage to a wiring that has energy flowing in it or you have to reload.

    Smaller bugs and an appeal: Is it possible to tell energy net to update everything if a machine is place next to a cable? it really sucks that you have to place the machine first atm. (probably what imer means with cables don't update)
    - Mining Drill (and diamond drill) cannot mine: Bricks, Glowstone (no items rewarded, takes forever), maybe there's more but i just saw those 2 by now.

    Yep was playing with the new stuff, like MFE.

    When i try to pop in a battery, it kills my game and corrupts the savegame. (crash report included)
    The more, i've seen some odd behavior when wiring an MFE (dk yet if the rest has the same problem): Planted some geos and wired them all. then planted an MFE at the end of the cable; nothing happend. removed the cable which was connecting the MFE and placed it again => started to load. So I tested a few variations and it seems, that the MFE must be place before wiring it, otherwise it wont recive power.