Posts by Gorni

    Material Needed: 4 cables, 1 Batbox, 13 solars (+ cables for output on bottom)

    This way, the 1eu packages from the solars will just have to travel 1 cable to reach the batbox. From there the energy will be emitted in 32eu packages, reducing the relativ loss.

    OR if you want it to full capacity: (Designs by Viktor_Berg)
    (Material needed: 1 Batbox, 12 cables, 32 solars (+ cables for output on bottom)

    or if you aim for a better-looking more compact version:
    (Material needed: 1 Batbox, 16 cables, 32 solars)

    Flat versions: (33 solars, 1 solar will fill up a part of the storage during day, no problem that cant be handeled.)
    Stage 1=bat box, cables 2 colors

    Stage 2=Solars

    And if you want to make bigger farms, you can connect multiple of the above Design: (a 132 solar flower with 4 batboxes.)

    Thanks, But why do MFE's explode? Mine keeps going "BOOM" :(

    Do you input more than 128 eu/t into it? (or you mean batbox and wire more than 32 eu/t in?)

    Solar wiring: Up till now the best working version i use is: make a batbox, 1 copper cable on the 4 sides and 1 up. Attach 1 solar to each place acessible around those 5 cables, should you get 13 solars / batbox. Then wrench the output of the box downward and extract the energy, so you have a minimal loss while the energy is sent in 1eu packages, the Batbox will emit 32eu packs and thus wastly reducing the range loss. Cheap and working.

    From what I have understood from the tutorial your reactor doesn't work as you wrote it (I'm an absolute beginner so it's very likely I'm also wrong ) .

    >> If there are 2 adjectant plates then there are not 4 edges but 8 edges so 96 h/s all edges .

    - yep.... it was late -.- But that even makes it stranger.

    96 + 80 = 176

    >> big error ? I believe the air cooling works only for the reactor not for chambers so only 20 air blocks : -5h/s .

    well to this we would need some information from alb.

    On the Inside we have: 24 Coolant Cells, 12 Heat dispersers and 6 reactor plating. -24h/pulse from coolant, -0.6 from the platings. (I got no idea if heat dispersers do cool themself and how fast they do, thus i leave them out for now).

    >> ok

    Full Calculation: 128 - 13 - 35.75 - 24.6 = 54.65 h/puls not dealt with.

    >> 176 - 13 - 5 - 24.6 = 133.4 h/puls not dealt with

    Distributed on all cooling cells this means: 54.65/(24+12) ~ 1.5... Which would mean, each HD and Coolant should accumulate 1.5 heat/pulse and should therefore decrease faster than the Uranium. But they dont go down.... not a bit.

    >>133.4 / 44 = 2.69 h/p ? one uranium cell lasts 10 000 s and in this case one coolant/HD lasts 10 000 / 2.69 so 3717 s ( 37% of cycle ) . All components linked absorb heat, not only cooling cell, don't it ?

    Anyway, even with the mistake at the edges, as well with the big question regarding the outside cooling, the questions stays: why doesent this reactor heat up? bug?

    Maybe you just read the whole nuclear reactor tutorial first?

    It's very clearly stated there how to use outside water as a coolant:


    4. Lastly, the most underestimated Coolant System: The reactor itself
    Folloring the basic laws of heat distribution, a rector will emit heat to it's surrounding. Each cubic meter (block) of air surrounding the reactor in a 3by3 sphere, will provide 1/4th of cooling. As well, water will provide a full point of cooling each. As well, the Reactor itself can vent 1 heat per pulse into the world by itself. Additionally Reactor Chambers possess intern heat vents, each chamber emitting additional 2 heat per pulse.
    The sum of all these fators is called "Outward cooling"

    Yes it does not see which side is blocked, but that aint no problem. even if you hit the hole with a tap and nothing comes out because it blocked. just remove the leaves around and the previously generated resin will fall down.

    1st: More isolation = slightly less loss of eu/block and for HV lesser/no more shocking. But shocking aint implemented by now, so at the moment just a bit better conductivity.
    2nd: didnt understand that perfectly, but place iron fences in a stack on top, and you should be able to slide down slowly (press shift)
    3rd: theoretically: having water below it, it would pump water 2 blocks above (no source blocks) making a nice decoration (this works by now). and it should (but doesent work by now) fill empty liquid cells with water (by using source blocks below it.).

    It gives you the small disadvantage that you have to place a redstone torch next to each transformer where you want to get higher current. BUT it gives you some big advantages like: you can use the same transformer 2 ways and you can use every Transformer in every direction you want. Not like the old, with specified in and outputs.

    It's the same for all transformers: 5 Sides have 1 Point, 1 side has 3 points. 1 point means Lower voltage, 3 points mean higher voltage. No redstone: High voltage goes in 3point side and will be distributed through the 1 point sides. with redstone: power goes in on the 1 point-sides and goes out higher on the 3 point side.

    The MFE will deliver 128 eu/t which blows every thing up.

    so you have 2 options: Use a LV-Transformer to break the energy down in small parts (32eu/package) so machines can handle it OR use a Batbox (32 eu / t output) instead of the MFE.