Just a little Suggestion, but i would really love to be able to use the scaffolds from MeC, they are soooo useful if you build something big. So if it ain't too much work to translate them into IC2, i would love to see them there.
Greez Gorni
Just a little Suggestion, but i would really love to be able to use the scaffolds from MeC, they are soooo useful if you build something big. So if it ain't too much work to translate them into IC2, i would love to see them there.
Greez Gorni
If i hit the unnamed block (i crafted not get via TMI) that looks like an old HV converter with the EU-meter, i get the following crash message:
Mods loaded: 3
ModLoader Beta 1.7.3
mod_IC2 v0.75
mod_TooManyItems 1.7.2 2011-07-01
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
If you wish to report this, please copy this entire text and email it to support@mojang.com.
Please include a description of what you did when the error occured.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT c660cb54 --------
Generated 24.08.11 21:33
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_22, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce GTX 580/PCI/SSE2 version 4.1.0, NVIDIA Corporation
at ic2.EnergyNet.getTotalEnergyConducted(EnergyNet.java:235)
at ic2.ItemToolMeter.a(ItemToolMeter.java:33)
at iz.a(SourceFile:78)
at ob.a(PlayerController.java:118)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:1130)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1337)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:754)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 2b76d90c ----------
Display More
Written recipes for 0.75, although some Stuff is unnamed.... I referred to the Code number there.
Btw you are still missing the recipe for Bronze HOE! XD (but axe is fixed)
Oh and.... i see graphics now! thx for the typo hint.
Btw i still can't craft anything that uses Energy Crystals. (teste with both TMI crystals and selfcrafted ones)
can't get rid of it by restarting MC, im using MCforge 1.0.4 is that okay? (its the latest release) And i've dropped the 3 folders + the class file into the MCjar.
Games works, i can craft stuff but i cant get any sprites.
Sprites are located in: Minecraft.jar => IC2Sprites => xxxx.png is that correct? Restarting MC doesent get me anything.
Ok im feeling a bit stupid right now.... tried to install it 2 times, once over a jar with modloader and forge and once on a fresh jar. Both times i get absolutely no sprites (Just white blocks), although ive copied the sprite folder into the minecraft jar.... any ideas? didnt do anything else than with 0.7
I can confirm the missing Uranium texture... but i thought it just wasnt added, since you said some designs/sprites arent done yet.
first i tried to craft the electric jetpack with a TMI crystal, which didnt work.
Now i crafted 10001 crystals and they dont work either for the recipe. maybe cause the crystals have a wrong dmg number on it because of the crafting typo?
(I even tested a Full Crystals from TMI which didnt work either)
Display MoreYou need a Canner/Filling Machine
It has 4 slots and requires
-Ingredients in the upper left
-Power in the lower left (or wire a generator in)
-Empty Containers in the upper right (Tincan or FuelCan)
-Output is lower right
To fill a single can, you need 6 ingredients... currently you got BioFuel (Cell+2 Compressed Plantclumps + EXTRACTING) and CoalFuel (Cell + Compressed Hyd. Coal + EXTRACTING).
Urgh.... so i fill food and fossil fuels in the same machine? XD Cool stuff! Thx for the Info.
I took the time to write all the item code into normal recipes.
have fun. (Feel free to correct mistakes)
Plantclump with Reed/sugar canes :
Does not work
ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(itemFuelPlantBall, 1), new Object[] {
"PPP", "P P", "PPP", Character.valueOf('P'), Block.reed
Energy Crystal: Gives me 10001 Energy Crystals / recipe
Lapotron Crystal: Gives me 10001 Lapotrons / recipe
Dont really understand much of Coding, but maybe it comes from this line where it says: (itemBatLamaCrystal, 10001)
ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(itemBatLamaCrystal, 10001), new Object[] {
"LCL", "LDL", "LCL", Character.valueOf('D'), new ItemStack(itemBatCrystal, 10001), Character.valueOf('C'), itemPartCircuit, Character.valueOf('L'), new ItemStack(Item.dyePowder, 1, 4)
Bronze Tools:
The Bronze Axe is made with the recipe of a normal hoe, but there is no Hoe recipe:
ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(itemToolBronzeAxe, 1), new Object[] {
"BB", "S ", "S ", Character.valueOf('B'), itemIngotBronze, Character.valueOf('S'), Item.stick
Typo in the Alloy Recipe:
Middle lane is BBB but you define C as Copper ingot, which aint used but no B. ATM you can craft the alloy with just the Iron and tin lane and empty middle lane.
ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(itemIngotAlloy, 2), new Object[] {
"III", "BBB", "TTT", Character.valueOf('I'), itemIngotAdvIron, Character.valueOf('C'), itemIngotCopper, Character.valueOf('T'), itemIngotTin
Reactor Chamber: M is not defined and can therefore be built without the central part.
ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(blockReactorChamber), new Object[] {
"ACA", "PMP", "APA", Character.valueOf('A'), itemPartAlloy, Character.valueOf('C'), itemReactorCooler, Character.valueOf('P'), itemReactorPlating
Typo at the definition of Glowstone:
NOW, you can make 5 Redstone and 4 Glowstone dust into 1 Glowstone dust! how imba is that?
ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.lightStoneDust, 1), new Object[] {
"RGR", "GRG", "RGR", Character.valueOf('R'), Item.redstone, Character.valueOf('G'), Item.lightStoneDust
Electric Jetpack:
Not yet implemented? Recipe does not work and there's a note from you to change it to batpack.
ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(itemArmorJetpackElectric, 1, 1), new Object[] {
"ICI", "IBI", "G G", Character.valueOf('I'), itemIngotAdvIron, Character.valueOf('C'), itemPartCircuitAdv, Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack (itemBatCrystal, 1, 1), Character.valueOf('G'), Item.lightStoneDust
}); // TODO Batbox instead of Crystal
ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(itemArmorJetpackElectric, 1, 10001), new Object[] {
"ICI", "IBI", "G G", Character.valueOf('I'), itemIngotAdvIron, Character.valueOf('C'), itemPartCircuitAdv, Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack (itemBatCrystal, 1, 10001), Character.valueOf('G'), Item.lightStoneDust
}); // TODO Batbox instead of Crystal
Ah... didnt see it sooner. Thx -.-
Test Report for IC2 v0.70
5.2 Rubber Tree : Still cannot be found naturally
3.1 Canning Machines : Too Slow? Doesn't work with cooked bacon, cake, cookie.
I found 2 Trees naturally.(even more now)
Proof for the Rubber Trees: Map Seed: 2
You can find 2 Trees at -123 - 48 as well as 2 more Trees at -169 -57
But btw Rubber Trees look pretty weird, since they always have a stack of leaves on top of the wood. Looks like u take a bunch of leaves and shove a log in, pressing out the center leaves.
Canning Machines: I didnt understand it either, now i was told, that the cans goes in the (not visible) slot above the output slot, Food in the top left slot, energy into the bottom slot.
Oh and did i mention: I LOVE the new canned food!!!
Is there already a way to fill the empty fuel cans?
I made some biofuel cells but i cant fill the can, as well as i cant find a recipe for the filling of the can in the recipe text.
IC2 0.7
- The internal storage function of the generator seems to be bugged.
Sometimes my generator decides to stop filling it's internal power storage.
Viewed after: - Taking out a partially filled RE-Battery out of it while running, sometimes (not always!) will cause it to stop filling it. (Can be fixed by restarting MC (not just relogging)
also viewed after: placing a cable adjectant and removing it while the generator is burning.
(Even if it stopped filling its internal power storage, if i add a battery of place a cable, the power will be correctly transmitted into it. just the power storage doesent work.)
- I cant Remove Electro furnaces with the wrench, right clicking opens the UI
- Rubber Trees can't be fast grown with bonemeal: bug or feature?
IC2 0.7
I just built my first canning machine.
And i can't get it to work. I powered it by a cable, put coocked pork into the top slot and empty cans into the bottom slot. The Can symbol in the middle slowly fills up if i power it, but once it is filled, it stops doing anything. Tried to switch placed of pork and cans, doesent do anything.
Is that not yet implemented or a bug?
My name in RL is David, in the internet you can find me mostly under the name Gornakosh, while in MC-environment im known as Gorni (some guy stole my original longer name... )
I'm 25 years old (don't use it against me! )
I like to play video games since i got my first computer with 16 (!!!) MHz. I got some very very basic ideas of HTML but nothing else in coding. I although know pretty well how to use a computer and how to get it working again if somebody "did nothing but that damn thing just doesen't work anymore".
I didn't create anything in computer environment. But as stated in the recruitment thread i am working as a lab technician in a Pharma company to develop the synthesis process for medics you once may need. Thus i created some good processes for a few antibiotics (mainly tetracyclines) and other different stuff.
I like: Fantasy, Sci Fi, RPG's, Building things, logical puzzles and stuff like this. in RL i like to skydive, work on my moped and make some awesome 8h BBQ's.
- Name/Nick: Gorni
- MC-Forum Nick / IC-Forum Nick / Minecraft Acountname: gorni (all places)
- Timezone you're living in, given in GMT +-x : GMT +1 (Switzerland)
- The position you want to take, aka: what do you want to do? : Beta Tester, if needed id like to test also in SMP.
- Previous experience on the position mentioned above? : Not that much, but i bring another qualification: In RL i work as a lab technician where my job is to develop a working process for medical APIs. Taken from there, i know how to test and find problems of something. Making experiments to isolate a bug or problem and hopefully reproduce them to finde the reason, so you can kill those. I hope i can provide those skills, to help you make another awesome industrial craft, since i really liked playing the old one.
Let's hope you aren't over-qualified :3