Posts by alexthesax

    I know that Al has some ideas for personal chests I was thinking of something else. I personally like the idea of adding a list in the GUI for the chest, then you can just add names there, but that is just my idea, the password thing is a good idea, but I don't like putting in my password every time I want to get some lapis, diamonds, ect out of my valuables chest. Just my two-cents.

    Interesting concept, we do need a system for multiple people to use the same chest, but only those people, I think a chest that you put the names of the people in that you want to access it would be better, but I know personal chests are getting a re-haul, that is all I will say :D I was thinking about something else, but I would like to redo them.

    I always run BuildCraft with IC, and of course, it will be 100% compatible. I also run MpUtils on my server, I hate how it rains so much, plus god-mode is epic, I wish I could figure out how to get McMyAdmin to play nice with the new commands in MpUtils, then I could have full auto saving and backups, I REALLY want that, in fact I MAY get rid of MpUtils just to have McMyAdmin, but yeah, that is what I run.


    My name is Alex (who would have guessed) I don't watch much TV, instead living on my computer, either playing MC, Star Wars: Empire At War, coding games in C++ or working on my Beer mod for MC, and sometimes I just like surfing the internet. I'm a big computer guy, running on my barebones kit that I built, Core i5 2500K with 8 gigs of ram FTW! Just started up a server yesterday, running IC and BC combo, after the last combo server I was playing on shut down, and loosing my 75x85 castle, decided it was for the better that I run my own server -_- I'm allergic to cats, and thus HATE cats (being sent to the ER multiple times because of your eye swelling out of its socket has resulted a sort of grudge against them)

    Thats about it for me, and all I can say is, long live IC2!

    Peace out,

    - Name/Nick (just something to call you with)

    - MC-Forum Nick / IC-Forum Nick / Minecraft Acountname (preferable all of them)
    alexthesax for all three :D

    - Timezone you're living in, given in GMT +-x
    Because it is daylight savings time, GMT -5

    - The position you want to take, aka: what do you want to do?
    Modder and/or beta tester

    - Previous experience on the position mentioned above? A good spot to throw links at previous projects/activitys of yours.
    I'm kind of new to modding, but not to programming, currently working on a Beer Mod, a realistic one, where you have to work through all the steps to make beer, and if you get drunk it will have side effects.
    I've been messing around with modding for a while now, but never really made a real project until now. I may not know a ton about modding, but as with C++, I catch on pretty quickly. As for beta tester, I will be having a server running soon, and testing stuff would be really awesome.
    Thanks for reading!