So... I finished Deadman wonderland, I loved the anime but someone told me the manga is better, so yeah, I'd rate it 9/10.
Posts by Mine_Sasha
Welp I am semi back, I promise, i won't alblaka again D:
Also random chat : Recent drama happened in switzerland with minecraft due to a child kidnapping blah blah blah, yeah, sad stuff
^^'' Anyway, anyone willing to walp me on some stuff are more than welcome, I also didn't mentioned but I want to add a bit more stuff than planned, so gonna update it ( namely a Steam generator for IC2 classic with half the efficiency of the railcraft one due to being turbine less, an upgrade expensive one with 100% efficiency and a bit more stuff thingies ), as for nerfs, I will do them as Minetweaker script because it's just so easier
I also forgot to mention I wanted to ask Jared for Modtweaker support if he has time... So yeah.
Lastly, I will release other mods that I often use nerfs related to IC2 classic, note you may need more mods than simply IC2 + GT and X mod
in rare cases that isI am going to mention it.
This is the first alpha version of GregTech Classic, after 1 month of coding with the great help of Greg, we finally managed to make a test version, note this is not a playable version, is very buggy and is only proof of concept of what will come later on.
Content :
Blast Furnace
SteelFuture additions :
HCSU ( high capacity ) : 2048 voltage, 100 000 000, yellow to match EV tier transformer.AFSU ( advanced functional ) : 8192 voltage, 1 000 000 000, AESU texture but thing in the middle cyan, upgrade-able with an Adjustable transformer unit upgrade and Wireless Channel upgrade.
Advanced Geothermal Generator : ( successor of the thermal one ), keeps the old 1.5x buff, + passive 5 eu / tick generation when lava is touching it, it's a very expensive generator.
Centrifugal Electrolyser : Will replace the Centrifuge and the advanced electrolyser and will have it's own recipes inspired of both, mainly of the electrolyser.
Super Conductor Cable & gates : Due to how IC2 classic enet works, superconductors cables are impossible todo, instead there is a hacky way to do it, it basically works like tesseracts within a closed system, with Superconductor Input gate and Superconductor Output gate and "cables" linking them, and gates allows to have channels to connect to each others.
Fusion Reactor : Own unique one, will be VERY expensive, even more compact than the very old one, but will output less energy as it's only meant for deuterium-deuterium fusion, as powerful as a mid-tier fission reactor, components are :
-Fusion Reactor : Generator itself, used for inputting and outputting energy as well as for inserting fusion materials. It will generate energy out of the plasma, heat and photons it will produce during fusion, converting it into energy with it's internal components.Custom Cables using GT6 api : If possible I want to disable crafting of all cables and only allow the use of mine, doing so will also disable the superconductor gates, of course it will be configurable, slight changes will be that Glass fibre will be replaced by the Glass insulated Redstone composite cable ( superconductor, will have 0 loss but is now MV ) and HV cable now requires steel, an expensive superconductor cable will exist with 0 loss and no Maximum power limit, I also might need to ask greg to implement the easy mode e-net...
Blast furnace : Make it as a multi-block, will be inspired of GT5 multi-block system and railcraft, where the MAIN block is INSIDE the multi-block, the other difference from before is now Machine casings are unique to a machine. Also make the Advanced blast furnace ( 4x energy use and HV, also is 2x faster ).
( Low priority ) Advanced Fusion Reactor : TL;DR The old fusion reactor allowing D-D, D-T and D-He3 fusion, components are :
-Advanced Fusion reactor ring : A block that contains the fusion reactor coil and other advanced components, required for the multi-block.
-Advanced Fusion reactor controller : Now part of the ring to instead of being in the middle, used for inputting and outputting energy as well as for inserting fusion materials. It will generate energy out of the plasma, heat and photons it will produce during fusion, converting it into energy with it's internal components.( Very Low priority ) Elite Fusion Reactor and components : ( inspired by the latest fusion reactor, but will be a bit more interesting, as it will be a lot more modular, allowing you to use advanced photon receptors and Electron generators to directly output extra eu ), components are :
-Elite Fusion reactor controller : Used for inputting energy.
-Elite Fusion reactor material injector port : Used for inputting your fusion materials, same as advanced fusion reactor.
-Elite Fusion reactor material ejector port : Used for extracting plasma state materials of the reactor to use it elsewhere.
-Photon Receptor Generator : If use in the fusion reactor, they will grant an extra generation of EU, otherwise it will work like an upgraded solar panel that works with any lights, from sunlight to even glowstone light, only active if in an active elite reactor ( producing a lot of energy ) or at a light level superior or equal to 10 ( doesn't care about natural or artificial , will produce 8 eu/tick), it's a very expensive generator.
-Elite Fusion Reactor Heat Captor Generator : Directly convert heat into electricity.
-Elite Fusion reactor Steam producer : Upgraded version of the heat captor, will produce steam instead of electricity, accepts water, the amount of steam, once converted into electricity, should make a 2x electricity amount buff.
-Plasma generator : Allows to generate electricity elsewhere from plasma produced by the reactor when it's pumped in it.
-Elite Fusion reactor Local Plasma Generator : Works same as the Plasma generator, requires one in crafting, simply allows to generate directly electricity from plasma.AEON ARMOR SET : TOP SECRET ( Classified HAYO information )
Known bugs :
-Blast Furnace doesn't accept power for some reasons
-GUI has a graphical problem
-item and block are missing a proper name
-Item in GUI will be lost after reload of chunk / worldNote future additions will be normally added in order, I will accept any questions and ETA as long as you are not annoying
Too bad, I actually heard about it once, but I didn't know Alblaka also made IC2 xD Just knew both mods existed xD
Noice tic tac toe, gonna try the game you made Estebes later, also GG on becoming an IC2 dev, but I don't understand why Xbony2 isn't one yet xD
I still think we should reduce Overclockers Max stacks...
Yes but they are way to cheap due to that, possible solutions are either the one I proposed either the old GT one
Oh pretty :3
They never we're hard to make anyway, classical time or even exp... I'd would have made them like COFH did... ( level 1 OC upgrade, level 2 but requires also a level 1 installed, etc.. )
so shoutbox = free Posts lol ?
Idea seems neat ( gonna bug speiger
) no joking Speiger
, I would see this in exp but not in classic
also how come MC aztec have a macerator with 6 posts O.o ? Same for speiger who got way less posts than me
I will put the post neutronium tweaks, though do you have the GT modtweaker mod ?
Nonotan, you are back :o
Welcome back Misaka imouto
Kk like you want, also still working on dat fanart of you I talked once
Greg, manga style
( You look a bit like eggman, intentional