Keep up the good work, you two We'll all wait patiently for the next update, so don't feel rushed.
Posts by EverRunes
Hi i'm not sure what is wrong but some of my adv. information panels get screwed up after relog (its on a server) it looks like this:
All the info on the screens is frozen and i need to break them and replace them to repair it.It happend after update of ic2 experimental, mcpc+, and forge so i'm not sure which one is responsible.
Anyway right now we are using
forge-1.6.4-, too have experienced this. The information panel does not update after relaunching minecraft, but this is on SSP. Though, it was hooked up to an Advanced Reactors reactor, and I'm not sure if it properly reads those or not (it did seem to, until I relaunched.
problem was that I used "Frogcraft" in the network mod id,ut it has to be "frogcraft" (lowercase since the modID is lowercase -.-)Ah, grammar. Getting in the way even when you get it right :p
Unfortunately, another problem: the machines aren't consuming the input product, resulting in infinite output products (I got 20+ stacks of anything, from a single item).
I also got the crash when using this industrial macerator:
Great job on the port, and thank you so much for porting it!
One or two things, though. There are missing recipes for Ultimate Hybrid Storage Unit, Academic City Windmill Base, and Gold Clod (does that have a recipe to begin with? IDK for sure.) Second, the Academic City Windmill is not generating EU. Third, on this version (1.1), I can't open any GUI on any machine.
Recipe does indeed work now, thank you.
The recipe for the Network Anchor is neither displaying nor working for me. According to my NEI, I don't have "Insulated" Copper Cable, just regular Copper Cable and Uninsulated Copper Cable.
EDIT: Turned B:HardGregTechRecipe to false, can craft Anchor now.
I know the rendering glitch is a frustrating bug guys and I've been trying to sort it out. I believe that I've identified a possible cause(texture memory leak) and fixed it, but as I've not been able to reproduce the issue on my machine(I've been playing for hours on end with optifine enabled and i've messed with various settings), I can't make any promises! 1.9.17 will include the changes, so hopefully they will give you some relief.
I've also added a few requested options for server admins to tweak the Electric Engine for balance. Originally, it used a flat conversion rate and hard coded maximum EU for each tier. This has been changed so that admins can now limit the maximum tier(0-5), limit the maximum EU allowed for a given tier, and set individual conversion rates for each tier. All of the new values are configurable via the config file.
Additionally, the default values for the Electric Engine has changed so that for each transformer upgrade added, the cost increases. The default conversion rates are as follows in EU:MJ: 6:2, 8:2, 10:2, 12:2, 16:2, 18:2. The maximum EU allowed for each tier is as follows: 32, 32, 128, 512, 1024, 2048. Each transformer upgrade added to the machine increases the tier by 1 and an engine without any upgrades is considered tier 0. If tier 0's maximum EU is set below 32, the machine will still report a maximum safe input EU of 32 to keep from exploding with LV setups.
The issue with the client UI's not synching with stand-alone server instances should be fixed after a change to the packet handling object that I use. This should fix many issues with the Electric Engine and the Industrial Workbench for these servers.
Awesome, I'll give it a look. Hopefully it'll all look just fine. If not, I still thank you for the hard work in fixing it, and I'll just leave IC2 Stuff until I can upgrade my pc so I can get rid of Optifine once and for all (the sooner the better :p )
I've been seeing the same thing as well. It never happens right away, it seems to manifest after I play for some time first. To fix, I just exit all the way out of java, then start minecraft again.
This does indeed fix the problem, but only temporarily, and I really don't feel like relaunching minecraft every 15 minutes :p thanks for the suggestion, though. -
The electric engine was added in that version which requires custom rendering for the animation. There should not be anything in the rendering code that messes with other blocks in the game. Have you tried to run the game with just ic2stuff installed to see if the glitches happen when other mods are not present?
Also, can you post a screen shot of what you see when the rendering is glitched? I've tried the mod with and without optifine and i've also ran it with rotarycraft, buildcraft, and railcraft with various types of engines and a few of the rotarycraft engines, gears, and machines but i've not ran across this problem in my testing yet. Keep in mind that i'm not saying there isn't a glitch, but i've just not been able to experience it to determine a route to take to debug it. A screen shot may help point me in the right direction.
Here are 3 screenshots of my rendering issues. (this is supposed to be a Chemical Synthesis Machine and a Chemical Decomposer from Minechem). -
Did you change the way you render things? I ask because on 1.8.0, I had no render problems at all, but from 1.9.12 onwards, rotarycraft and a few other mods (like buildcraft and railcraft) have had all sorts of screwy renders and textures. If you did change your rendering, could you maybe change it back to the way from 1.8.0?
I pushed 1.9.13 which changes the hardness of the electric engine so that it should not break as easily, that should make it take a while to break by hand now. I will look into the engine rendering bug, but I believe you may be correct that it has something to do with Optifine as I did not experience the issue when I used the rotarycraft engines next to the electric engine without Optifine. I will install Optifine later today and start doing some testing to see if I can figure that one out!
I wasn't expecting to get a response on the same day :p
I also noticed odd engine renders on buildcraft and railcraft engines.
With the latest updated (1.9.12), the electric engine did not render properly for me when I placed it. This may be caused by Optifine, but other engines and blocks from other mods (mostly Reika's RotaryCraft) started rendering oddly. Also, the electric engine breaks with one hit, and if you break it by hand, it does not drop.
Yes, I got an "ID 505 is missing" message, or something similar. The block is removed, so no more conflict. Thank you very much.
I get an ID conflict (ID 505: Sliding Door) with RotaryCraft, but this ID does not appear in the config.