Posts by Rick

    Make a high platform, make some wind generators and a power line back (be sure to use a transformer to boost your already nice eu output) and voila you got a easy expandable farm that produces a ton of energy (makes alot more than nuclear reactor in cost/eu output). Way cheaper and requires no babysitting at all than a nuclear reactor. When properly placed windgens make between 2-4 eu/tick.

    I had a picture somewhere of my 16 windgen farm setup on this forum.

    Cells shouldnt just disapear when you use them. They should turn into empty cells that have to be refilled again. That way making bio fuel only requires a investment of tin when you are setting it up. Also bio fuel should be alot more efficient than burning cactus raw more investment = more reward. Ofc cells can be made more expensive if this happens.

    Still cactus farm can be quite nice for powering your buildcraft steamengines through making a redstone engine of the same size will produce alot more. My farm was over 50 by 50 blocks and had several floors (5-6 floors or something) and made enough cactus to keep 8 steamengines running. Better use for such huge amounts of cactus is recycling through which we eventualy did. Be sure to use a obsidian and diamond pipe to suck up all those useless items you get from it :). With recylcing you also get a large part back in energy in the form of single use batteries along with tons of diamonds.

    I think this is a mark II-1. There are no components lost and there is only 1 heat until around 3300 ticks, then it goes up to and stays at 13 heat. It will eventually start going up continuously, but after all the uranium is used up you only lost about 8 coolant cells. It is efficiency 1. It is only 55 eu/t though.


    Thats a total waste of coolants and uranium. For a 55 eu 6 chamber reactor its reasonable to expect it will not lose any components and have >2 efficienty else its crap

    Why you need so high heat? isotope cells recharge so fast even at 0 heat just leave them there for a minute. No need to make it complicated.

    Ever seen a nuclear reactor making 90-100 eu average without blowing up or using a ridiculous big ice block cooling system? 60 eu/tick is pretty much the max you can get from a nuclear reactor without letting it blow up before it ends its cycle or using a ton of uranium (which results in low eff). Yes you can make some mk5 which produces 2000 eu/tick but then you have to put a redstone timer on it and the average production will drop to like 20 eu/tick.

    On top of that my windgens are WAYYY cheaper than a nuclear reactor and they dont require any fuel or maintenance once build. If i only discovered this before i made my multi core nuclear reactor :).

    I am sorry but "legit-ly"? Have you heard the word "legitimately"?

    Well, thank you for your experiment despite the illegitimate acquisition of your resources.

    Go farm resources for such a solar farm then post it here on the forum and we can declare you the biggest nolifer of all. Happy?

    My windgen farm produces more (ye i expanded it a 'bit'). 125 when wind is at highest and i havent seen it drop below 60-70. Thats like almost 100 on average/tick. More than the 64/tick (solars dont work at night) your solar farm produces and also alot cheaper :) (36 windgens vs 128 solars...i think the 36 windgens are cheaper :))

    heat dispensers can only cool 24 heat/tick. The whole reactor cools at 70/tick but the 46 cooling cannot be used because the heat dispensers cant keep up with it. For a optimal design you want the heat dispensers to be able to dispense more heat than the reactor can cool (its not like you would use it 24/7). I think it would work fine even with 6 spots for cooling components.