For lazy ones.
Don't forget to delete old versions of mods!
For lazy ones.
Don't forget to delete old versions of mods!
For lazy one's.
Don't forget to delete old versions of mods.
Upd. Removed Forestry.
My home after update <_<
After update game simply dont want to render a lot of things =\
Solved with deleting OptiFine...
Well, something like this =)
Add config option to stop charging items when energy level of chestplates drops to some critical lvl (in percentages).
So if i used too much energy to drill a hole, i will not stay defenseless and without jetpack to fly up from that hole.
And maybe some control key to turn on/off that "Safe-mode". And of course there must be indicator in HUD too. =)
Hello, i'm new here, so pls don't kill me
but i wanted to know, ive tried ARS but there's one thing i don't know how to use, it's the player token, how can i make the player token only kill other players but not me, im a bit confused, and sorry if this question has already been asked.
You must use player token with Item detection filter and carry with you your key-item.
Suggestion: Add Name tag to Player detector token.
For example, default player token will have name tag "Any player" and token works like current one.
Player must take it, press Shift+RMB, and token saves that player name, so the token now detects only that player.
To erase name, any player just must press Shift+RMB again.
Because current system with key-item is overcomplicated and unsafe.
Suggestion 2(just got it in my head): teleport upgrade for tesla coil. when tesla strikes any entity, it will teleport in any direction for short range from current position of entity (7-10 blocks i think is ok). eu cost to use is like for ic2 teleport.
OR better idea is to use ender pearl mechanic. When tesla strikes entity, that entity throws ender pearl in any direction. So this upgrade will look like potion applicator, but for ender pearls only.
Suggestion 3: I have some problem with creating perfect 64x64 (well, with any /2 size) cube forcefield. Yes its possible to do with 6x plate projectors, but then i can't use forcefield filter for tesla coil. Maybe you will add mode to MFDevice to decrease/increase by 1 row field?
And found a bug with potion applicator name in his GUI.
Maybe not a bug, but:
2014-05-03 16:36:06 [WARNING] [IC2] EnergyNet.addTileEntity: mods.immibis.ars.beams.TileTeslaCoil@17857684 (mods.immibis.ars.beams.TileTeslaCoil@17857684) was added too early, postponing
2014-05-03 16:36:21 [WARNING] [IC2] EnergyTileLoadEvent: posted for mods.immibis.ars.beams.TileTeslaCoil@6c0cc81c client-side, aborting
Tested with Alloy Rotor, the same problem.
Before - 4h 30min, quit the world, re-enter to it, rotors are like new, with 6h.
P.S. Version
Seems this bug works not every time. Restarded my world with 5h52m rotor and it didn't refresh.
PSS. And maybe you will buff Alloy Rotor? Advanced Alloy is pretty expensive, and 8 of it just for 6 hours? meh... =))
Have a bug in SSP with carbon rotors (maybe with others too). When i restart my world, their durability refresh, so it's like they have infinite durability.
Is there any way to delete pattern from Pattern Storage? except wrenching that storage =\
Up! This is great suggestion :3
Subject says everything. Currently this awesome option is false by default, that's sadly. =(
In some previous versions of IC2Exp the Mass Fabricator could generate UU-matter only with a catalysts (scrap, etc), but now can without them. I think that was a good idea and i want some config option to enable this feature again.
Does this windmills have constant eu generation?
dude read the first post =\