I'd guess most of the tin would be most easily found between around level 25 and 30. That is a pure guess though. By that point I have automated mining and no longer care about /where/ but how /much/ is in each area.
Posts by MJEvans
Yes, but if you're going RP2 machines (or BC) then you may as well just go CARUC/CASUC reactor and get your money's worth.
Actually csv is a "standard" format. It's quite commonly used as a data-exchange format for tabular data. 'xls' is a very crappy common (non-standard since there are so many versions and possible hitches) file format.
I do use optifine, but wasn't aware of an updated version. I wonder if that's also what allowed a creeper to glitch through my CF walls and then blow up. (of course I've seen them bouncing through stone as well, so /maybe/ it's not the CF but single-thickness; just that in the case of stone they get snapped back.)
Ahh it's a -Forge- 1.2.4 update:
Authored by lexmanos 2011-12-24
Parent(s): [r195]
Child(ren): [r197]
Changed Block.setBurnRate to public and Block.setBurnProperties
Re-added bounce functions to BlockFire for non-forge mods.
Should fix Optifine compatibility.change /trunk/forge/patches/minecraft/net/minecraft/src/Block.java.patch (diff)
change /trunk/forge/patches/minecraft/net/minecraft/src/BlockFire.java.patch (diff)
change /trunk/forge/patches/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/src/Block.java.patch (diff)
change /trunk/forge/patches/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/src/BlockFire.java.patch (diff) -
When I try to light IC2 rubber tree leafs on fire with a flint and steel I get this client side:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: wj.c(Lkq;III)Z
at acr.f(RenderBlocks.java:1374)
at acr.b(RenderBlocks.java:168)
at ge.updateRenderer(WorldRenderer.java:215)
at ge.a(WorldRenderer.java:91)
at afv.a(RenderGlobal.java:1452)
at adt.a(EntityRenderer.java:1050)
at adt.b(EntityRenderer.java:851)
at EntityRendererProxy.b(EntityRendererProxy.java:15)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(SourceFile:738)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:658)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
Exception in thread "Minecraft main thread" org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: X Error - disp: 0xe88040 serial: 39964 error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) request_code: 2 minor_code: 0
at org.lwjgl.opengl.LinuxDisplay.globalErrorHandler(LinuxDisplay.java:268)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.LinuxKeyboard.nSetDetectableKeyRepeat(Native Method)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.LinuxKeyboard.setDetectableKeyRepeat(LinuxKeyboard.java:152)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.LinuxKeyboard.destroy(LinuxKeyboard.java:163)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.LinuxDisplay.destroyKeyboard(LinuxDisplay.java:1015)
at org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.destroy(Keyboard.java:349)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.d(SourceFile:512)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:675)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)And a simple disconnection server side:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:150)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:121)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:203)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:83)
at kf.a(SourceFile:136)
at oo.h(SourceFile:190)
at oo.c(SourceFile:10)
at wu.run(SourceFile:77)Let's try some other combinations...
Yeah, got this error from a fire block burning next to an IC2 rubber tree stump.
Exception in thread "UpdateThread" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: wj.c(Lkq;III)Z
at acr.f(RenderBlocks.java:1374)
at acr.b(RenderBlocks.java:168)
at ge.updateRenderer(WorldRenderer.java:215)
at UpdateThread.run(UpdateThread.java:115) -
The miner frequently stops AT bedrock but there can be material beneath it. If you want to be /sure/ setup a test case using a map-modding tool or creative mode (/gamemode username 1) to setup a testing area which is completely cleared. Bottom of the map is a good idea though.
I spent about 10 min on this without looking at any other designs. I wonder how these work:
(Effectively no cool-down (won't work for automated, but you want no mods so cooldown is within human work time))
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…=1k10101001501521s1r11r10Or this (more expensive, BUT perfectly 100% uptime capable):
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…=1k10101001501521s1r11r10Both output 100eU/t during operation, have eff 1, and 6 chambers.
There's still 13 cooling, which means it might be possible to displace something somewhere... but I honestly doubt it'll be very easy.
(PS, are these links broken for you, or did I just mess up java for chrome?)
Is it /really/ that hard to import a comma separated spreadsheet and tweak the cell size to your liking?
I spent the end of my lunch hour encoding this as base64, pastebinning that, downloading it, and converting it back. A lot of pain to avoid setting up access permissions to my private webspace while at work.
Ah, so it's normal distribution is highest near layer 40, and quite scarce near bedrock (well also obviously since bedrock is there to reduce the possible area).
Windgens are already supposed to update once every 1024 game-ticks (which is 51.2 seconds) according to various other posts, IIRC by Cadde and bugfixes in release notes.
I believe Player already stated this is a development goal.
Actually most of my rubber trees dont even have sap-hole
i dont know if its a bug or if it is intended
Did they have one at one time? The IC2 rubber trees should nearly always have at least /one/ /somewhere/ (you might need to prune back leaves to see it). RP2 rubber trees (HUGE!!!) have no such holes. -
Oh this isn't anywhere near real nuke physics level. The reactors in IC2 are merely puzzles you must solve relating to numbers that move between related blocks and rules for reducing those numbers. /real/ nuclear physics involves knowing the effects of different types of radiation on material composition and subsequent performance; as well as the effect that has on further changes in radiation propagation and production. Real reactors are very much rocket science and art level undertakings. Grow a pair, read up on the reactor planner and designs and other threads and get an idea how to play the game.
Not even a Q-helmet that's feeding you? I noticed that drained the fastest last version... (haven't reached that tech-level yet this version... I've been debating building a bigger reactor, but want to mine more... and I'd rather have frames)
Actually it's worse; I found I had to place the torch /exactly/ next to the block with the hole to get it to update.
Also, it's a bit unlucky; but I -have- had one or two rubber trees out of a few dozen grow in without any sap-holes at all.
Yes, like I said 'bug zapper'. I actually build all the indoor parts of my bases 2 high now for this very reason. Makes me feel like I'm playing DOOM or Quake again.
Deployer with shovel? Though I honestly think they're using some kind of BC addon to collect the snow.
It's not an .xls though, it's a .csv ; of course if you use the wrong extension excel will assume it's the wrong file (it doesn't, after all, check to see if it fits other formats; why on earth would software try to do that ~.~)
My experience is you want a safety buffer of RP2 solar panels feeding a few RP2 bat-blocks. 4 RP2 solar panels seemed to be not /quite/ enough for the retriever, so we went overboard on my server and haven't seen an issue since.
I'm guessing your Q-suits are running out of energy and minecraft-core drops them while the suit thinks it hasn't been dropped yet?