Posts by sirbrandino

    Hello one and all, Sirbrandino here again. If you saw my topic in the IC section, you saw that I was making a gaming computer. Well, at least I'm quite serious about doing it, set aside almost enough money, and have most/all of the parts bookmarked. As I've never done this before, I would greatly appreciate input on some of the parts I've selected. I know someone who can help me put it together, but not really anyone with any knowledge of buying the parts.

    First off, I have a bit of a budget. I want to keep it arouund 700 U.S. dollars (Sorry my currencies are all in U.S. dollars, but that's what I use, and don't really feal like converting everything)
    Going over really isn't going to work, but staying between 650-750 dollars is fine. That being said, I'm not buying crazy gaming set-ups, like huge monitors and mega-speakers (I have a nice pair of head-phones already, and some small desktop speakers laying around) Staying in budget is also having me consider a free OP System like Linux, which I created a seperate thread for it here.

    What I'm looking for:
    - A computer capable of handling minecraft and equivalent games at full-max settings
    - run complex video editing
    - run a small 1-3 person server with friends on it
    - watch movies (easy one, I know)
    - process word documents/ all other day-to-day things, browsing this forum (had to throw it in there, easy I know)
    -create minecraft videos as well as any game that I feel is worthy of doing a commentary on.
    - other, can't think of off the top of my head.

    Basically this would require a good bit of ram, decent graphics card, very good grade cpu and motherboard, and probably a reliable OP system

    Parts List
    parts I've currently selected, let me know if you either find a better deal, or a better product, and any other input.

    CPU - The Intel i5 2500K$225

    MotherBoard - Gigabyte Intel Z68A - $118

    HardDrive - Hitachi 500 GB - $80 Sheesh hardrives are expensive now. I don't really need a 500 gig. Any good suggestions for a decent 320 or so?

    Video Card - HIS Radeon 6850 - $140

    Case - Cooler Master Elite 430 - $50 Currently the one I've selected, anything better of equivalent price?

    PSU - Not going to lie, this PSU is basically a placeholder, I have no idea what wattage I need, and don't want to go with a cheap brand. However, I can't spend hundreds on a PSU. Here is a 600w ~$60

    RAM - 4GB (x1) Corsair Vengence Will buy another stick later on. - $25

    Optical Drive - LG 24X - $17 I do not need anything fancy here, this will do.

    Comes out to around $715. I will not go much higher on price, as recent budget changes won't allow me to do so. However, things I can add later, like another stick of RAM, I will do. I still need to find a deal on a monitor...

    All in all, I feel there may be better parts out there, or I may be cutting corners in areas I shouldn't, and being too excess in other areas. Let me know what you think, and thanks so much.

    If the new version of ML does not indeed fix the load order issue, I have a workaround that has proven successful on my own server. I made a 50mb file formatted as a vfat file system and mounted that file as my 'mods' folder. This causes the files in the mods folder to be loaded similar to the way Windows orders the files to load.

    If needed I can provide more details, if anyone needs just PM me to remind me to do it when I'm not on my laptop.

    Thanks for the info, probably won't need to worry about it right away, as I haven't even ordered the parts yet. But I may look into your fix when the time arises.

    The only known issue with Linux in regard of IC is it's nasty habit to ignore alphabetical order, which can essentiall cause addons to malfunction if they are loaded before IC2 is.
    However, i've read the most recent ML version fixes this problem. Not entirely sure though.

    Thank you very much, glad to hear it.

    Hate every encounter with linux as a desktop OS, but love it as a server OS.

    Could you give some examples please? I do plan on using the computer to run a server to play with friends, if it can handle it, as well as using it as my main workspace. (My $300 laptop really doesn't cut it :3)

    Hello all! I am currently in the process of building a gaming computer. When I got to the choice of operating systems, I started to look into Linux. Now I've heard that is compatible with most things, but also heard there are some issues. It would be nice to be able to save some money on the op system, but I don't want to sacrifice a whole lot.I want it to be compatible with IC2 of course, as well as most/all mods. If you have/have used Linux, I would appreciate any problems and solutions to events that have occurred to you, as well as pros and cons. Thanks guys.

    P.S. I heard there is another free op system based more on Windows, no idea about it tho, but interested nonetheless.

    EDIT: Here is the link for my PC build, and all the parts I've currently selected.

    You see, the wire frys at a packet size >5 not total eu. A solar panel sends a 1eu packet, but you have sever solar sending energy, which produces a total of 20 eu/t, but each is sending a 1 packet.

    I love all of those Catt! Typo tho, maybe. In the leaving the stone age, you said upgrade from furnace to generator, shouldn't it be an upgrade to an iron furnace, not a generator? I'm sure you could use some agriculture achievements too, maybe have one by using the crop analyzer or whatever that is. Call it green thumb or something.

    If that is implemented, that will be good for mass fabricators, which if it is exploded on ground make a crater of 16 diameter + 6 deep [tested now] [MC 1.0.0/IC² 1.43]
    I somehow managed to exploded one on a smp server, 3/4 of my house was destroyed (32x32 plot), all chests were destroyed and server lagged due high number of items on ground =\

    Maybe, although I currently like the mass fabs exploding upon reaching extreme voltage. Kinda makes it feel dangerous, and on the edge. besides, the point of this is to help new players, who probably aren't building mass fabs until they know a bit about IC2. Up to the dev team though.

    Dunno about.

    *Shrugs Shoulders*
    Welp, I added a poll to see what other users think. I believe it should be possible coding wise, and without the need to add any new blocks (Although you may need a new Gui)

    IMHO, I think this would benefit the game much more in terms of making it more realistic, as well as helping new players not rage quit upon blowing up their machines in that first unstable beginnings.
    I personally still wish to see machines explode upon reaching a tier that is 2 levels too high, instead of the current, give one more eu over 32 and boom system.