Like carry it on your person? Wouldn't that get a little...warm?
Anyhow carry an electric furnace, a wrench, and some batteries.
I find I never use a furnace that way, and if I need a furnace when I'm away from my workshop I make a stone furnace.
Like carry it on your person? Wouldn't that get a little...warm?
Anyhow carry an electric furnace, a wrench, and some batteries.
I find I never use a furnace that way, and if I need a furnace when I'm away from my workshop I make a stone furnace.
As I'm now near/at endgame status, I have a lappack and a laser. Putting on the horizontal mode, I blast my way through 2x1 shafts with a 2 block gap in between each shaft down at layer 12. I ignore most tin and copper, and get a ton of ore quite quickly.
This reminds of me of Sonic Adventure Battle 2. Oddly enough, I haven't played that game in years.
Having the same exact problem, not sure if its NEI. I've actually been dealing with it since 1.64, but haven't bothered to report. Why didn't I? I don' t know.
MAKE sure that PSU has bronze 80+ certification otherwise it is most likely a crap piece of equipment that will destroy every chip in your PC. This basically means it is reliable and delivers more than %80 of the power it chews :).
The NZXT M59 Classic is a very nice looking case for only $35-45 which comes with two very quiet fans :).
I'm currently unsure how much wattage I need. I'm going to update my part list soon.
Any recommendations for a psu around the 600w range? The psu is currently the part I'm researching the most. I am looking at this psu, but I haven't heard good reviews from Rosewill, hoever, this model seems like it has good reviews. Any advice? I'm kinda leaning modular, as the case I'm going to be getting is small (either the m59 or the 430).
I love the look of the NZXT M59, and the fact that it has 2 fans, however, it does not have any front fans. Currently, I think having a bottom front mounted fan is the way to go, though I could be wrong. What do you think of the one I selected?
I recently decided to supplement my solars with geothermal, as I had a ravine nearby with a lava lake inside it. I pumped the lava up to 2 geos, when I realized I needed a few more as the lava was piling up. I ended up with 7 geos all being fed, pumping some serious power. I will always use geothermal from now on.
I believe you may be mistaken. Not sure tho. We were talking about the Z68A and the Z68X. Obviously, I would like to keep 40 bucks in my pocket, as I'm buying a graphics card, and if that quits I'll have to buy a new one anyways.
As I was walking around in my base, I accidently fell down my quarry shaft my electric jet-pack was on my back, but it wasn't set to hover mode. At the last second I was able to switch, but my speed was too great to stop the fall, and I died. When I went back down, the jet-pack had continued to play the sound it makes when flying. Thinking I could fix it by logging out and back in, I decided to grab my stuff before I did. To my surprise, when I picked up the jet-pack, the sound stopped! Obviously this isn't intended behavior. All Items were made legitimately
IC2 V 1.70b
Buildcraft 2.2.12 all Modules
Redpower 2.0pre4d
Modloader 1.1
Modloader MP 1.1
NEI -Note- I did NOT spawn any Items, AT ALL.
If you are looking for a cheap, but hard to set up array, I recommend wind power. If you want to use an expensive but easy to set up array, I recommend solar. If you have a good source of lave nearby, try out geothermals, as they pump out some serious energy, and they are compatible with buildcraft pipes.
Or. I draw bad jokes out of plain copper cabling.
Saving this one for future use...
The idea is that the surrounding area eroded around the plateau, creating the formation. Obviously erosion doesn't erode anything in a perfect square.
That is pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing.
How do you think this was formed? Obviously erosion can't be the cause.
Toggable lights? Like the lanterns Notch promised but never got around to it. Probably would take him 5 minutes to code. Funny how as soon as Notch leaves, we get the stuff he said he was going to implement.
Studymate of mine coded himself a C++ based tool. It's sort of 10.000x times faster then MCEdit, though it yet lacks the full functionality.
If he completes it, it will make the day of any map maker. Sounds like a decent program.
Good news and bad news there
good news: More Block IDs and height to work with (woo! higher tanks of doom!)
bad news: MCEdit. The original author said he's not updating it anymore.
by "tank of doom" I mean in buildcraft. I tend to just build tall tanks from bedrock to the build height to store stuff in.
WHAT? No McEdit?
Although horrible, I'm sure someone will pick up a similar tool for us to use. There may even be one that exists.
idea #1:
This was suggest a long long time ago, back before minecraft forge, and Alblaka said it would be incredibly complex to render. Not sure on his stance now. My vote is yes, obviously with different models tho.
Idea #2:
I would imagine an add-on for the mods would work better.
Idea #3:
The current nuclear system probably won't get anymore complex, as most users have little to no knowledge of real life reactors. That being said, this is minecraft, so sometimes realism has to be compromised for play experience.
Solves all ID problems and permits Biome-modification by Terraformers :§
Direct biome modification? Like changing a desert to actually SNOW during weather incidents???
Considering you can make near-anything with UU matter (hope I'm not giving anything away ) I can't see any need for tier 2 UUM.
Maybe to make the Quantum suite more expensive, but it's extremely expensive as it is.
The wiki is slightly misleading with the composite armor, it is basically as high durability chest-plate, nothing more. Not sure on nano-armor, may be bugged. Make sure it is charged.