Makes me wonder what his username was before the change O.o
LOL, it was rocketsciencefails, it doesn't update it on already posted topics, click his username to see the new name.
Makes me wonder what his username was before the change O.o
LOL, it was rocketsciencefails, it doesn't update it on already posted topics, click his username to see the new name.
Agreed, fixed it for him.
PS: Amusingly, it doesn't update the username on already posted threads. Let's wait for him to reply :§
LOL, this is why I love IC, becuase of amazing developers.
Probably to Alblaka, maybe Feanturi, or one of the other Devs, ask them (like RichardG).
Kinda neat, kinda obsolete tho. Just switch to a different item (your hand for example) when you are near anything valuable.
Very nicely done. Enjoying it.
Totally agree with both, I was surprised when the foam went everywhere when I first used it, as I was expecting scaffold behavior.
I believe these are best handled via PM. Not sure tho.
Yeah, other cracky way => remove block sounds from the ic2.jar file. New config option - best way.
Totally agreed. Not a huge request, but something I would definitely like to see.
No, I already knew about that sound config option, it could work, but not perfectly. What I want is to turn off ALL IC blocks, but still have items play their sounds.
Now that you mention it, didn't it use to have sounds?
I know I can manually disable the sounds in the code (I think) but what I want is a config option to disable all the sounds that cause me lag, pretty much anything in block form, but still get my tools to make sounds.
As with several users of this mod, I experienced the extreme lag caused by the sound system. Because of this, I had to turn of my sounds in my config. This fixed the issue, but now I no longer have my jetpack and laser sounds, as well as a chainsaw and other tools, which aren't affected by the sound bug. I'm suggesting a config option to allow the disabling of say, machines and generators, but still allow the sounds like the mining laser and jetpack to still play. Thanks.
The electric treetap also uses the same inventory sprite as the wrench, which looks a little odd.
I believe RichardG has fixed this part.
Now, it's an interesting idea, but what would you use it for?
Plus, it would be cpu intensive, and most certainly cant be done without modifying base files.
That's part of the challenge for me is to build a system and have it look good. ...Compact, efficient and hidden.
That's actually my largest goal. My friend had a nuclear reactor built within a couple of days, while I was near-end game without one. The reason? I was busy building a complex control room and housing center for the nuclear reactor, complete with buttons and switches, all contained inside redpower's covers. Needless to say, it took quite some time doing it legit. I'll probably end up doing some screenshots in the near future.
I'm actually quite excited for the new AI. He's taking the whole mod intelligence and converting it to a new format. Once in the new format, they will be able to do awesome things, like more mob to mob interaction.
A pig powered factory could be interesting...
Very concise and easy to follow, I commend you. I tried making an addon once or twice before, but got stumped when I ran into npe's all over the place. I figured I did it wrong, and got a bit overwhelmed. I might try again now tho...
As I understand it, the op was out buildign some large structure (maybe a castle) out of smooth stone/bricks. While he was out, he underestimated how much stone he would need, and wanted to smelt up more while he was out. All I can say is Induction Furnace and a PC full of cobblestone.
And since there's a extra slot for upgrades, it should be removed.
I actually find the extra slot EXTREMELY useful. Why? When I go to macerate or smelt an ore, but find I have another one already in progress, I stick the ore in the slot. Helps so much.