This was removed intentionally because leaves were a bit too plentiful.
Posts by Drashian
Actually the 12 is just the item ID. Looks like the testing recipes got left in there.
That's probably from the one I accidentally generated with Unix-style line breaks. Notepad will get mad, but it should open okay in Wordpad.
A little of both. TMI is trying to render blocks (those unnamed gray ones especially) with meta IDs that don't really exist, and IC2 is spitting out the warning because TMI is requesting textures for the the invalid meta. If we can't find a way to signal TMI that it should stay away from those metas, we could probably get away with just removing the warning at this point.
Whoops, forgot the working directory wouldn't be the .minecraft directory. Submitting a fix, thanks for the report.
There has to be at least one massive nuclear crater.
In my experience, it's not an IC2 game without at least one nuclear crater.
...of course that might just be me... grumble grumble walk away from it for ten minutes...
You're meant to tell this to me :OHaha, sorry! I just thought it meant they weren't ready to go yet.
I was under the impression that was not the case, and Alblaka allowed you to place cables where you are standing for convenience.
Well, as it doesn't seem to suffocate you anymore, leaving it as is could certainly work too.
Could you please elaborate, it seems to work fine for me...
A number of TMI'd items (especially chargeable ones) don't come out in states that can be used in crafting recipes and certain other functions. It works fine for more than 75% of stuff, but we've seen a ton of silly bug reports because of the remainder.
Edit: Regarding the map - awesome!
Yeah, being able to cable over yourself is unintentional and will probably get fixed eventually. That only affects right click placement though, probably won't change whatever's causing this.
How about terraformers?
I've gotten all of the materials I need for one, I just have to be able to build oneI don't think terraformers are ready for 1.00. At least, the recipes aren't in there yet. Not sure though.
0_0 First thing that crossed my mind was, "Iron Man?"
...yeah, I was actually thinking much the same thing by the time I finished typing that.
Okay, what if we apply a tweak like we did for machines, and make a redstone powered storage boxes emit down to storage - output? So a redstoned MFE would output down to 599872. Wouldn't look as pretty, unless we added an invisible 128EU buffer at the top, but it'd allow it to take in full power again.
Fixed for the next release. Except redstone. Forge actually purposefully recreates that oddity, so the bronze pickaxe doesn't mess with it. Our drills still go through it like butter though.
Looks like the middle coolant cells (row 2 column 5 and row 5 column 5) aren't going to be dispersed quickly enough. With only one target, their adjacent uranium cells will output 10 heat to them, while the disperser blocks can only pull 6 heat per pulse from each neighbor.
Edit: But I'm simulating the fixed values. To answer your concern, yeah I believe the dispersers are affected by the bug he mentioned.
Does this also fix using the drill on "normal" stone furnaces? Because atm the drill destroys them.
Sure does.
I haven't installed IC2 just yet, so I'm not sure it will work, however, in IC you could just hook a sticky piston to a cable to make a shut-off switch (I did this because I wanted to control when a capacitor was charging or emitting directly and was not sure of another way to do it).
Can't in IC2, because cables have tile entities now.
Although I think I read something about a mod that lets pistons push tile entities, your mileage may vary. But I've written in the change to let us turn mass fabs off with redstone (and to place switches directly on them, of course), if Alblaka okays this feature it should be able to go in with the next release.
You can achieve a similar effect in IC2 by switching a storage block or transformer before the mass fab. But I second the idea of being able to attach levers and making redstone power deactivate mass fabricators directly.
Looks like batteries/crystals are being overly aggressive and always returning their maximum transfer rate, ignoring the amount requested entirely. Pretty sure that's unintended, so I'll upload a fix.