Posts by baturinsky

    What happens when current splits to different consumers?

    It's really quite interesting. I was experimenting with it for a while, to make automatic timers for reactors without extra mods.

    You can find how it works yourself, btw - it could be really fun. Was for me. Here is what I know at the moment.

    When there is more than one possible target for EU packet at the moment, it splits. Not alternating between target, not choosing at random, just physically splits.
    It splits evenly between all possible targets. Or so i thought. and it is true - as long as you use only optic fiber with length up to four meters. I was using fiber for test stands, so has not noticed this detail until I started to replacing it with copper and gold to lower costs of production model.

    When I replaced some parts of fiber with copper, currents was suddenly completely jumbled. So I started simple experiments - splitting current from one batbox to two others through different wires. It was quite apparent that split ratio is very close to total resistance of cable, i.e. if we have 1m copper and 2m copper (or 1m gold) then ratio should be 2. But it was is 2.1 - close, but not exactly. Fiber (anywhere between 0 and 4 meters) and 1m copper is 4.16666. Fiber and 1m gold is 9.33333
    Suspicious numbers. I was very excited when I solved this thing - all these ratios (21/10, 25/6, 28/3) adds up to 31. So, packet is divided to integer sized packets, round down. Not sure what happens to remainder, but it seems to not be lost completely.

    So, complete (?) rule of splitting is this: when there are many possible takers for a packet, then it is split to smaller integer packets. Ratio is inversely proportional to resistances (i.e. supposed eu/t loss) of pathes to targets, with bottom cap of 0.1 EU/t. So, fiber and tin up to 4 meters, as well as connection without wires (side against side) are completely equal.

    This can be used, beside other things, to downgrade current all the way to 1 eu packets. 1eu can be made without losing energy, by merely a three-ways split, two of which are 1-4m fiber and last (1eu one) is 4m copper.

    Luminators can be charged from BatBox by copper tin, but only if there is always at least six (or exactly zero) luminators and machines (or storages or transformers) consuming energy from same source each tick. This can be easily done by adding five transformers to the wire, that transport energy back to the source BatBox.

    Any number of 100 Eu/t reactors can be fed directly to two MFSU - unless MFSU fill up. Useful if you run reactors in microcycles.

    And if there is a very long cable, it's better if there is only one storage taking energy from it most of time, because otherwise losses are doubled or more.

    I have NEI with IC2, loaded by MagicLoader. It works perfectly in cheat mode, but crashes each time I try to see any IC2-related recipe.

    Error report:

    Any ideas?

    I believe you are wrong, sir. AFAIK, only current will change, not voltage. It means there will still be 32eu/packet, but lower eu/t, because packets will be sent less frequently. Only way to actually modify packet size is using transformers, which does not provide lower output than 32eu/p. I'm not 100% sure here, so let me know if it isn't that way.
    To test this, you may set up 4 LV machines connected to single MFE. If it explodes, packets are not split.

    I have a habit of testing such things before telling. So, yes, BatBox+Tin Cable+7 Luminators=really working

    As for machines, they don't take EU every tick, so packets will not always be split 4+ ways.

    But I can power luminator with four MFE and no transformers. Or, in fact, from just two MFE - see attachment.

    Idea is very interesting, but you get the facts wrong.

    Green generators are not overpowered. Nuclear is where Eu's is.

    Plains are not bad for wind.
    "The best places for wind farms are in coastal areas, at the tops of rounded hills, open plains and gaps in mountains - places where the wind is strong and reliable. Some are offshore."

    So, hills and plains should have bonus, and extreme mountains, if any, should have penalties for heights above certain value (80-ish).

    And solar batteries works better where sun is. Biggest solar station is in Mojave desert. So, deserts should have huge bonus. They can have bigger chance to break there, as well. And snow = nearly no sun = solars are pointless.

    You can have more than one lasers on quickbar, set to different modes.

    I personally just want switching modes was not involving extra key. For example, why not just change modes on left click?

    and i have been testing on my own mk5 reactor http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…79bi3qo3let2vb92ty26y1m2o
    i wanted to get some opinions about it, though its not good, but its sort of not bad due to the power yield i have gotten from it

    Separate thread would be better way to get feedback, i think. And as about this models, it is not very bad, there are many flaws. For once, 4 dispensers in corners and 4 in central row are useless - just remove them and reactor will work even better.

    ]Nope its not possible, due to the Fact that Pistons are using Metadata for Rotation, and IC²-Stuff uses Metadata to save ID's, so it has to use TileEntity-based Rotation.

    Well, it's not just as simple as calling a function, but what about taking RenderBlocks.renderPistonBase and change the line where it is doing "getOrientation"?

    Also, I was thinking about how storage and transformers should look... I have thinked up following mnemonics.

    1. Color=type. Red is storage, because red=power (redstone, charge meter on batteries and most other things, etc.). Black is transformers, because this is color of wires. This color is drawn as a border around "face" side, but visible from sides too. Easy to modify current design with preserving familiarity, but not very pretty.
    2. Metal=type. Storage is tin (batteries), copper is transformers (wiring). Not really a good one.
    3. My favorite - metal is power. Just as wiring. So, storages are copper, gold and steel (orange, yellow and white) from low to high. And transformers are 3/4 one color and 1/4 other. Ultrahigh voltage is red, so HVT is white/red.
    Sketch of LVT is in attachment.

    Yes, you can, though in somewhat silly way. If 32eu current is split 7-ways, you get ultra-low voltage with packets of 5 or below. So, either connect bat box to 7+ luminators that never has full storage (may be just use 64 luminators/batbox?), or add 7 LVTs that return current back into batbox.

    And I never heard about luminators killing mobs.

    14. When there are few cells in reactor (like, breeder), then explosion is, indeed, much much smaller. Breeder reactor with one uranium explode only doubly as strong as a common TNT (7 meters radius)
    15. Plating reduce blast radius A LOT. 23 plates reduced explode of 3-uranium reactor to a couple of meters - less than on dynamite stick. With 12 plates and one uranium it didn't even leave a dent in ground.
    16. ENERGY Armor DOES protect from nuclear blast. On normal, quantum armor protected from point blank explode of 27 uranum completely. Nano helps too, especially agains MK 1/2 ones. Metal armor protects much less, died in diamond set.

    When block is facing horizontally, face, sides and back are ok, but top and bottom stay oriented exactly the same no matter where face is. So, no way to make it it is visible where face is, when looking from the top. i And when face is on top or bottom, sides do not rotate 90% as they should, they stay vertical.

    You can see it even with default texture - note how MFE sides always have shadow on the bottom, even when face is up.

    Those topic

    Bad idea to freeze in space. Jet is not cheat.

    Small fluctuation instead of perfect still (like i propose) is even cooler, yes. And may be shift and "no button" can be switched for "stay put" and "hover down" to make things less confusing.


    Bad idea. As if any jet movement not at cost of fuel. Slight position correction can lead to jump.

    I meant "even more" fuel. Right now to fly with horizontal speed of dush one need to make a running start on the ground, which is silly.


    I do not like those modes as described in Advanced JetPack theme.

    Actually, with these two combos there is no need for more than one mode too.

    So, something like this:

    No modes.

    Arrows - accelerate horizontally, up to certain speed (walking or a little faster). If it is opposite to where you are flying - decelerate.
    Double-forward - accelerate to significantly faster speed, until button is depressed. 2x fuel.
    Shift - descend at safe speed.
    Double-shift - free fall until button is depressed. 0x fuel
    Space - slowly accelerate up to certain (2x ladder) speed.
    Double-space - accelerate up to a much faster speed, until button is depressed. 3x fuel.
    Do nothing - stay roughly at the same place, with some fluctuations.

    So, essentially, you fly like in hover mode always, but can get bursts of high speed with double taps.

    Also, to put it other way, when jetpack is on you move nearly exactly like you do in vanilla, but in 3d instead of 2d, with space being "up" and shift being "down", and with more inertia and randomness.

    [quote='baturinsky','index.php?page=Thread&postID=69519#post69519'][quote='Gaxx',index.php?page=Thread&postID=69495#post69495][An MFSU (or any storage, really) can handle whatever EU/t you can throw at it until it fills up, so long as no individual EU packet is larger than its tier. You don't have to worry about blowing an MFSU if one in parallel with it fills up.

    Ah, yes, of cause, I meant 900 EU packets, not 900 EU/t. When there are many targets for packets, they do not alternate, they split several ways, resulting in smaller packets. So, if you feed output of stack of 900 eu/t reactors into two parallel MFSU they will be able to take it regardless of number of reactors. It useful with microcycle plant (i.e. reactors run 1-ish seconds on/50-ish seconds off on timer), so MFSU's can unload in off-cycle.

    actually a good idea, they could do the same with a detector cable but that would lead to EU loss. set the MFSU to half full signal and let it disable the reactor, but you would need at least two MFSU per line since one can't handle a 900EU/t output.

    If one MFSU go offline for a moment (because fully filled, for example), then other will be blown by 900 eu/t current. Just putting HVT is simpler and cheaper.
    Also, there is no "emit if half full" setting, sadly. Only useless " if partially filled"