I did some testing. Bad news, orientation thing can't be done with just textures, because they get jumbled up when block is rotated. So, code support is needed.
Posts by baturinsky
Pro-tip: nuclear reactor can be switched off by redstoning block ADJACENT to core, be it chamber or cobblestone. And, you can get electricity from one of chambers, instead of core. So, you can have 24 blocks of water for eu- and restone wired zero chamber, and no "wasted" blocks at all for two chambers and up.
With such limitations, this -http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…p1sydsyj16cej3kj2lu9d8hfk, two plating instead of three HD.
But if you drop 22 water limit, even one chamber would suffice - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…fyfuuhzmi3ueswsex611j1c8w
from 700EU/t to 2048EU/t? Only one. It's the HV-transformer + Redstonesignal to invert it.
I trued it and it exploded. Probably because non-primary face of HVT accepts only up to 512, even when redstoned. -
As we are speaking about transformers now, how many transformers do I need to convert 700 eu packets into 2048 eu?
I just got almost completely offtopic idea. How about using framed hot reactor to evaporate whole lakes of water !!! Fully automatic !!!!!!!1!
Well if you heat it some more, it can evaporate whole lake in a moment. Neat! But actually, quite messy. -
I'm mostly ok with default texture, but these machines looking usually exactly the same and without visible orientation drive me mad.
So, suggestion is: different textures for transformers and storages (just different tint will do even) and oriented textures for sides (with output or higher-voltage output being the top), so it is possible to say where top is when top is covered by cable or other machine.if someone make this as texture mini-pack, it will be good too.
Oh... Thanks!
I always set my base at x:0 y:16 z:0. Allows easy access to minerals and lava, and easy to navigate. Then I dig a 64-meter grid.
I found that many computing things can be done with IC2 wiring in more compact and reliable way. Even more, many things from RedPower and such can be done with just simple IC elements.
Most interesting thing is timers. You want x ticks timer - you put 32*x eu in Batbox, set it on "emit when empty" and let it flow out.
But what if you need longer time?
Then you use what i call "slowwire". Essentially it is "snakes and ladders" for EU's. Simplest way is to queue transformers (acting as diodes), with output of each diode splitting two ways, one of which is "back to start".
Then each step increase time of EU travel by two. You can also split more than two ways each step, multiplying time by 3 or more.Of cause, even more crazy wiring is possible, giving more complex ratios, but they are much harder to predict.
See attachment for two examples - 1/6 slowcable (1/2 and 1/3 split) and 1/81 slowcable (4 times 1/3 split). As you see, they are very simple.
One full 40000EU batbox normally lasts for 1250 tics.
With those two slowcables it's possible to measure 7500 tics, and 101 250 tics.
This breeder heats from zero to 9375 in 7500 tics when run continuously. Then, if it is switched on and off for equal periods of time, it keeps it's temperature the same. And in 100 000 cycles (or a little below) depleted cells are charged, and breeder can be switched off to save uranium.
So, we can have nearly-perfect breeder that is run just by putting in cells and clicking a button. And no extra broken mods.
I'm still hammering details, though. Designing other elements.
For example, rotating off/on cycles can be done with clock generator, made of detector, transformer, batbox and one wire. If detector is adjacent to transformer, then it inverts it, effectively stopping EU flow. As detector updates once per second, we have perfect clock generator. Same be done with three redstone repeaters and a torch, but I think eutricity is more reliable.
Now about "starting" with a button" thing. It's also not too simple. But it can be done with what I call "sleeper". It's transformer followed immediately by batbox, set to "emit if empty". If batbox is empty, it inverts transformer, so nothing can go inside through it. So, nothing happens until you pit a little bit of electricity in it.
On picture it is done by pressing a button on couple of transformers, labeled "splitter". And yes, you can make splitter from even one transformer, though you have to be careful not to expose "low" side to any electric input. If you have two transformer looking different sides one after another, than you have a very good splitter, that is directional, and can handle low or medium current depending on orientation.
Unlike "real" splitter", this one does not waste EU's and is tic-perfect, while "real" splitter updates once per second.And last one thing - "stopwatch". Put one transformer between two batboxes. Put EUs in first one. Now note how many EUs went into send while and divide it by 32 to know number of tics signal was on. I timed clock generator with it to see it lasts exactly for 640 eu = 20 tics = 1 sec.
How do you calculate chance of blowing?
I suggest adding following controls for jet-pack:
Shift - freeze in space (like on ladders in vanilla), until shift is depressed (or - until other movement key pressed)
Double-Forward - horizontal increase of speed, at a cost of fuel (like dash in vanilla), until Forward button is depressedLess essential, but desired, for hover-mode only:
Double-space - fly up like in non-hover mode, until space is depressed
Double-shift - free fall until shift is depressed -
i found a way. Two batboxes, connected through LT-transformer.
Than I power "in" batbox and see how many other batbox gains EUs, while signal is on, and divide it by 32 to get exact number of tics.Transformers, btw, are often much, much better alternatives to splitter cable, because do not have EU loss and update each tic, instead of once per second.
We could extend this idea too. If this feature became available, it would be possible to implement a fail safe mechanism (e.g. a craftable block which attaches to the reactor chamber and reads the core temperature - when the temperature reaches a specified point, the reactor shuts down for a specified amount of time in order to cool down and prevent a nuclear explosion).
Nuclear Control already does it. But I think it makes things too simple. -
There are no designs of negative breeders because negative breeders are useless. In positive breeders you can breed from cold start. In neutral breeders you can breed better, but after preheating. What is the scenario when you need negative breeder?
Make temperature, and, optionally, maximum exploding/melting temperature shown in reactor interface (just like charge is shown in storage interface, for example).
Because, really, it is hardly possible to design any non-trivial without knowing temperature. Especially breeders.Knowing exact temperature or charge of reactor elements would be helpful too, but not that critical.
Right now I'm using Nuclear Control for temperature and Not Enough Items for details of individual elements, but I dislike using any extra mods, because they are usually either too exploitable, or break immersion.
Is it possible to propel primed nuke bomb long distance with dynamite?
What mod are frames from?
Thanks, it was very informative, but one thing about reactors is still confusing me. If I switch reactor on for a period shorter than one second, will it run cycle, or not?
My experiments indicates that then it's semi-random. If I have a battery of reactors with exactly same wiring and switch them on for 0.4 seconds, then some reactors run full cycle, and some run zero cycles.
Do different reactors update in different "time of second"? -
If you don't mind dropping to 40 EU/t, I have a design I'm quite proud of: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…rgtjvfau5jvi89ugrvhombcqo
Eff. 2 is pretty much the maximum for two nuke cells, and the innards can't really get any cheaper unless you go SUC.
Two nuke cells can't be more effective than 2, but there is one (and very likely, EXACTLY one, except for vertical mirroring) mk-2 with three uranium in 0-chamber. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…a=1p101010110010101001010
Also, SUC is not only alternative to MK-1/2, as there is redstone.