Posts by willis936

    No hard limits. I believe in soft controls in game design rather than strict ones.

    Short verison:

    • Machines will produce varying amounts of pollution per cycle into the chunk and dimension. Stuff like Lava Boilers will be big offenders.
    • The air will cleanse itself of Y pollution per cycle. This way you can always produce SOME pollution and it has zero impact.
    • Chunks will dissipate Z pollution per cycle into adjacent chunks.
    • Machines (possibly any GT machine in your base) will regularly check the pollution level and if its too high, have a chance to "miss" a tick production wise. So energy will be spent, but nothing will happen during that tick.
    • Higher tier machines will generally produce far less pollution than lower tech machines!!

    After that I'll entertain all the usual requests about dying crops and acid rain and health impacts, etc etc. Tech balance first though.

    Any concern of griefing chunks by secretly placing pollution sources next to protected chunks? Perhaps tie the pollution creation to the owner of the pollution sources so if a player can't place a block in a chunk then his pollution can't affect that chunk.

    The short term solution is to not restart the server. I keep mine up for weeks at a time without issue and when it goes down it's because I'm making changes/fixes to the pack. Forgeessentials backup plugin has been working flawlessly the whole time.

    Also in case anyone is interested in D+T numbers:…NdF3xhWk/edit?usp=sharing

    After hours of testing I see that I fucked up in a pretty big way here. I was calculating requirements based on the input of recipes rather than the output. As a result I calculated needing 110 machines rather than 258. My 64x electrolyzer array (which I've built twice now) doesn't output nearly enough hydrogen. I've updated the spreadsheet.…TzccM-ig/edit?usp=sharing

    Blood said a few (maybe more at this point lol, within the past two weeks though) that the double lava value was intentional and cited the lava boiler still being more powerful than the LHE even after a large nerf to the lava boiler. I can't speak for the hot coolant. Idk things feel fairly balanced right now because it feels like there's sufficient incentive to go for multiblocks if they can be afforded and even more motivation to go superheated steam. I never actually did non superheated steam tests so what I was seeing must have been the halved value but the confusion came from expecting half as much from the wiki :p

    I know IC2 doesn't feature energy loss these days, but I wonder how much that would cut into your profits if it did. A GT5 turbine is a single point of contact requiring much less wiring. Your array would require considerably more.

    (In infitech2 we've removed IC2 wiring. No free power transmission for you :p )

    I disable ic2 cables too. Cable loss can be virtually eliminated by transforming up right at the output. With clever geometries you can get by with few transformers too. By the time you're at HV you don't need to think about it and use EV for transmission further than ten blocks. Just because the generators don't produce as much as the transformers could handle doesn't mean there's loss. I haven't done the numbers but I think cable losses from LV generation can be brought down to under 5%.

    Well in my opinion the LHE +large turbines has a huge material cost and requires material upkeep and multiblock maintenance. To make sense to use it should be at least as good as the stirling engines or else I just wouldn't bother with it and would just make a srirling engine array.

    Also when I said normal I meant steam so two large turbines both using the same type of rotor.

    I started off redstone centrifuging but mining roughly 5000 ore is just unreasonable so I instead focused on making a stable energy surplus for replication.

    Mass fabricator turns EU into UUM.
    UUM turns into items in a replicator.
    To choose which item to replicate you need to scan it into a data orb using a scanner.
    UUM can be made quicker/more EU efficient when boosting a mass fab with UUAmplifier.
    UUAmplifier is made with scrap in a amplifabricator.
    Scrap is made in a recycler.

    If you want you could go nuts with ratios to keep everything fed properly but I just made a set of MV machines and let it run for about 300 hours (it's only about 40 in so far).

    Uh, what's the point of the distillation tower numbers? Electrolyzing regular water gives the same outputs (and takes the same amount of time and EU) as electrolyzing distilled water, so it isn't really necessary to distill it first.

    When I glanced through NEI I thought it implied that distilled water had to be use to electrolyze into hydrogen. They're off to the side because I already did the numbers and they don't hurt anything. They're not used in the actual EU calculations.

    Also cool thing I learned today: machine controller + shutter modules can be used to control EU flow through cables. This makes turning machine arrays on and off easy.

    Idk why that link died. Fucking google.…NdF3xhWk/edit?usp=sharing

    The short term solution is to not restart the server. I keep mine up for weeks at a time without issue and when it goes down it's because I'm making changes/fixes to the pack. Forgeessentials backup plugin has been working flawlessly the whole time.

    Also in case anyone is interested in D+T numbers:…NdF3xhWk/edit?usp=sharing

    When making a water to centrifuge array I found something interesting: the rated temperature of wooden fluid pipes is higher than the temperature of hydrogen gas but they would still make a steam sound when passing it through. It also had a cool visual affect but I replaced them with copper pipes anyway since I wasn't sure if there was loss with it.

    Also for some reason two LV transformers was not enough to keep 8 LV electrolyzers happy. I guess the cable loss is bigger than 2 EU/t 4 blocks in.

    Also make regular backups... I just blew up three hours of building.

    I don't find any of the large turbines viable at all without tungstensteel rotors. I design systems to make close to some multiple of 10 B/s and use multiple large turbines as necessary. Also make large battery buffers (energy and lap xtals are cheap for what they are if you can afford such things) and run the turbines until those are full then turn them off. It reduces maintenance costs and wasted fuel.

    Nuclear EU reactors cost a lot but make a huge difference when they start adding up. Thorium is a virtually endless supply of energy and if you make about 8 small ish reactors you can get upwards of 500 EU/t out of it.

    When you say "SHS output from LHE reduced to half" are you talking about the way it outputs 50% SHS as opposed to 100% Steam, or are you talking about reducing the threshold with Integrated Circuits from 2000 to ~1000?

    I'm saying that if you put 999 mB/s of lava into an LHE with no IC it will output 79,920 steam/s.
    If you put 1001 mB/s of lava into an LHE with no IC it will output 80,080 SHS/s.
    As I understood the wiki it should output 40,040 SHS/s in that second case

    Can you please confirm for me that you're using the SHS properly? The loop for distilled water is:

    LHE ----(SHS)---> HP Turbine ---(Steam)---->Turbine ---(Water) ---> LHE

    That is indeed the case.

    Given that's the case, can you break down in detail how stirling engines are better than non-tunsgensteel turbines?

    Liquid heat exchanger with 10 heat conductors takes in 100 hot coolant/s and outputs 100 Hu/something. The stirling engine takes in 100 Hu/something and outputs 50 EU/t (1000 EU/s).
    That is 1000 EU for 100 hot coolant or 10 EU per hot coolant.

    Let's say an LHE is fed 4000 hot coolant/second to produce 20000 SHS/s (half of what it produces now, what the wiki suggests is correct behavior). HP+normal Turbine with tungstensteel rotors will produce 20000 EU/s * 1.5 (for regular steam turbine) * 1.15 (efficiency) is 1725 EU/t (34500 EU/s).
    That is 34500 EU for 4000 hot coolant or 8.625 EU per hot coolant.
    As it is right now it outputs 17.25 EU per hot coolant.

    "how would the multimachine know which output hatch was for which fluid?"
    None of the multiblock turbines output more than one type of fluid. If you're feeding SHS into a HP Turbine, it outputs Steam, which you then dump into a second (non HP) turbine, which outputs distilled water. This amount of distilled water is equal to the amount of distilled water that created the SHS in the first place. I've tested this.

    I know. I was suggesting ways to fix the issue of losing half of the water if the LHE was "fixed" to output half as much when in SHS mode. Another, more clean solution would be to just make the distilled water requirements half when in SHS mode.

    Hey Pyure: here's a little food for thought on the LHE SHS output

    If the SHS output from the LHE is reduced to half then in the case of using a two pairs of normal tungstensteel turbines (1.15 efficiency) you would get 8.625 EU per hot coolant. IC2 stirling engines give 10 EU per hot coolant. You would need to use large tungstensteel turbines (1.4 efficiency) to get better efficiency than the stirling engines (11 EU per hot coolant). This just seems wrong to me.

    You'd also end up losing half of the distilled water fed to the LHE unless the normal steam turbine output twice as much distilled water (bad) or the HP turbine had two outputs (one for steam and one for distilled water). I think things are working pretty well right now considering you need a lot more fuel and a lot more material to make SHS work. It gives decent incentive to make cool, big setups without being overpowered. Right now I'm aiming to have 7 ic2 fluid reactors producing 900 Hu/s each (8 iridium neutron reflectors and 4 quad thorium cells in each) to make 6.3 B/s of hot coolant. Using large tungstensteel turbines and only producing/consuming 60 B/s of SHS this will produce 6.3 kEU/t. That's a LOT of power but the scale of this setup is immense. Hundreds of iridium, thousands of other metals, ages of AE2 crafts, hours spent designing and handling the logistics. It doesn't exceed fusion but it fills a nice hole.

    One thing that just occurred to me for adding an output to the HP turbine for distilled water: how would the multimachine know which output hatch was for which fluid? You'd need to add support for placing hatches on the top/bottom for this specifically. Idk it doesn't seem to fit.

    My partner did his own throughput tests with a better test methodology than me (used AHK) and found that the pipes do transmit their rated amount in the case of the internal tanks being full and the supply being fully fed.

    My final conclusion is that while the GT pipes don't lose any liquid when they shouldn't they also don't update in a way that's good enough to be used for feeding turbines. That is to say: use fluid regulators and if you have to go over 20 B/s use a second input hatch. Fluid regulators should always be adjacent to the turbine input hatches. If you're using GT pipes along the way it's probably a good idea to have some sort of buffer tank (a decent sized input hatch + fast export pump should be enough). I haven't (and probably won't) test if this is good enough or if you have to also overproduce for a short period so you don't operate too close to an empty buffer. These are the kinds of solutions that are called "hackish" and if you're messing with a turbine you really should put it right next to your steam/plasma source and use only fluid regulators (or enderIO or mekanism and put them wherever if you hate fun).

    Also sorry about the structure of that post. It's quite scattered and hard to interpret. It's lab notebook style.



    At least I'm pretty sure that's the case....

    It's so close to half the rated input that a few percentage may be in the wash. My case really isn't a good test.

    I just tried swapping between a fluid regulator set to 1 B/t and a huge titanium pipe and within my ability to do stopwatch numbers they have the same output (500kEU in 12 seconds).

    They both took 49 seconds to fill 2 MEU. I'm fairly confident in these results considering there's a 4% difference between (38400 mB/s) / 2 and 20 B/s and if I had a one second error that would still only be 2%.

    Also these are the excess numbers. In all cases I'm running 16 MV centrifuges for the pahoehoe lava with 100% duty cycle (there's a buffer built up, typically only about 10 run on average) as well as the fluid regulators (which is under the noise floor here). Don't worry 40 B/s of SHS produces more than 2040 EU/t. Two sets of turbines are running: one has a single fluid regulator between the LHE and the turbine and the second one has a fluid regulator and the variable block tested here. All four turbines are using tungstensteel rotors (20000 mB/s optimal flow, 115% efficiency).

    New test with the excess lava completely drained and the entire system at a nominal steady state. In all cases I verified that the rate that SHS was being pulled from the LHE matched how much was produced. A webpage stopwatch with alt+tab (gonna say about half second percision) was used to measure the time to charge a 10 MEU lap xtal.
    fluid regulator run 1: 243.883 s, 2050 EU/t
    fluid regulator run 2: 244.101 s, 2048 EU/t
    huge titanium pipe run 1: 272.564 s, 1834 EU/t
    huge titanium pipe run 2: 271.721 s, 1840 EU/t
    huge tungstensteel pipe run 1: 274.074 s, 1824 EU/t
    huge titanium pipe run 3: 271.170 s, 1844 EU/t
    huge tungstensteel pipe run 2: 271.637 s, 1841 EU/t

    That's a roughly 10% difference. A bit more than the expected 4% but maybe I messed up in an assumption of how much was lost or in the testing methodology (I tried to pay pretty close attention to the details here though).

    In conclusion: I think you're right lol.

    After trying with a huge tungstensteel pipe: if my only issue was the half throughput due to internal tank size then I wouldn't be losing 10% on the huge tungstensteel... I'm thinking some is lost due to sloshing between the input hatch and the pipe. I wouldn't think this is possible since typically machines are one way valves for fluids. I guess hatches are an exception. Huge titanium run 3 uses a shutter set to output only on the pipe side facing the input hatch.

    Nevermind that was wrong too. huge tungstensteel pipe run 2 uses a shutter input only facing the fluid regulator and a shutter output only facing the input hatch. If this doesn't work I can only assume GT pipes suck.

    It gets weirder. At this point I'm no longer thinking any fluid is getting lost since I've looked at the return distilled water pipe and it's still full (I made every pipe segment's tank be full). If steam were being lost then this should not be full. Perhaps there's some issue with when the flow rate of the turbine is calculated relative to when the GT pipe moves liquid (and how much liquid is moved since it has this fill up/empty mechanic).

    That would explain why sometimes I scan pipes and they show half tank.
    Would be a way to avoid exactly what I described? Instead having a hidden buffer, they work at half listed efficiency capacity?
    If so, I will have to double my pipes. At least, would explain why my turbine seems to have such a low output...

    Also, if what Spwnx said it true, Blood could consider to double the actual pipes capacity.
    A Large Steel Boiler produces 1200L/T steam, while a Huge steel pipe only can transport 480l/t ( (19200/20 ) /2).
    It would be needed 2 Steel Huge pipes and 1 Normal Steel Pipe one to keep with it, without loses. That's pretty expensive...

    It's not meant to be cheap :D

    I think the pipe flows are relatively balanced as they are now but my only qualm is that for really high end designs the upper limit per pipe is somewhat... limiting.

    Maxing the output hatches on an LHE (5 I believe) and using all huge tungstensteel pipes (48 B/s) results in a max throughput of 240 B/s (wowzers). A 2 B/s lava LHE as it behaves now (which may be wrong) outputs 160 B/s of SHS. It's still possible to get all of the steam out but it requires 5 of the highest tier pipes. This isn't really an issue and requires high builds to have high end costs (and induce pipe routing nightmares).