Posts by willis936

    One thing I've wondered about for a while but have never tested:

    let's say a recipe uses 4 EU/t. This is technically ULV. When running it on LV does it pull 16 EU/t and run twice as fast or does it do something more weird and pull 32 EU/t? That is to say: does overclocking always double the original recipe's EU/t requirement and not round to the voltage tier?

    There is a limit rate which is 1A per battery and batteries (dis)charge at a rate of 1A aswell.

    Maybe add some upgrade to change that later in the game hm?
    (double in/output current for example)

    Ah you're right. Though I've noticed battery buffers can accept up to 1A more than the number of batteries they have. Maybe to charge the internal EU buffer idk. I've burned wires and drained sources faster then expected before I knew that.

    Also anime conventions usually have a rave of some sort that is usually a lot of fun. You meet interesting fellow introverts afterwards and there's a core group of people that stay up all night. You should try it.

    If I start filling an Ultimate Battery just right now: Wed, 16 Sep 2015 23:24:45 +0200
    ; At full UV Rate, I will win Minecraft exactly on: Sun, 02 Jun 29889 04:41:45 +0200

    You're thinking too small. As far as I'm aware there isn't a limit on the input current of battery buffers. If there isn't then you should be programming robots to mass produce fusion reactors.

    I'll look into this. Just to clarify, you're actually trying to transform around 600 L/s lava into 20 L/s SHS correct?

    Yes except I designed my system to consume 40 B/s of SHS and that's what the LHE produces when fed 610 mB/s of lava with a config 13 IC. I realized that this wasn't right while looking into making a fluid reactor LHE.

    Also the IC efficiency change calculations, superheated steam threshold, and max allowed input of the LHE has a ratio of 4:1 between lava and hot coolant. It would seem than 8:1 would be a more appropriate ratio if lava produces that much.

    Hey Pyure I noticed on the wiki page for the LHE it says the LHE will output half as much superheated steam as it would regular steam when in HP mode. However I didn't take this into account when making my setup. The kicker is that my setup works assuming the output isn't halved...

    I think I found a case of double dipping if this is not intentional.

    My setup aims to use 500 mB/s of lava to make 40 B/s of steam. The IC and extra 100 mB/s of lava allow this to happen in HP mode.
    500 mB/s lava * 80 steam/lava = 40 B/s
    If the output is supposed to be halved I should only be getting 20 B/s of HP steam.

    Note that if this is unintentional and is fixed the pahoehoe lava centrifuge array would take nearly as much energy than the best rotors can put out at 500 mB/s. It wouldn't be hard to bump to 1 B/s of lava and ditch the IC but then I'd have to move the pump more and use a higher percentage of the power to process the lava :p

    Also I haven't tested this but the wiki says the hot coolant outputs 10 mB of steam for every 1 mB of hot coolant. The LHE outputs 80 mB of steam for every 1 mB of lava. Lava and hot coolant are 4:1 in every other case with the LHE except for output. I haven't actually tested this yet but will soon since I plan on making a hot coolant setup with 6 reactors. It might be hard to get a reasonable amount of power out of it though if I plan on the HP steam mode getting halved in an update And now I have to take another unexpected halving into account.

    My partner made a good stable 4x quad thorium design that's easy to automate that outputs 900 Hu/s (900 mB/s of hot colant). Let's say I made 5. That's 4500 mB/s of hot coolant which translates too 22500 mB/s of HP steam. That's about 1.5 kEU/t. I want to make sure that this would be a setup as it's intended.

    I get that it's low maintenance 1.5 kEU/t forever but right now I'm making twice that with lava with very low capital cost compared to 6 decked out fluid reactors each using 8 iridium neutron reflectors.

    Also the integrated circuitry in the wiki example assumes no halving of HP steam output when using an IC with hot coolant. 1146 HP steam/t / .865 efficiency * 20 t/s = 26500 mB/s of HP steam for 2650 mB/s of hot coolant (10:1).

    That's pretty clever. I like that.

    For the boiler I was unsatisfied with BC gate's 25% granularity so I actually went with opencomputers. It lets me monitor consumption rate and do clever things like calculate the percentage full to turn on the boilers (assuming the flow rate doesn't change). Every loop check the consumption rate. If I know I can make 48 B/s and it takes me a minute to get there (with a linear increase from 0) I can pick a point where I should turn on so that I will be at 100% when the tank is completely empty. Dat efficiency.

    Now I'm curious: what other mods carry social stigmas in this forum?

    I actually like having mods like BC TE, and extra utilities as long as they're "balanced" to the point of costing much more than their GT counterparts. I don't like multiple blocks that do the same thing except one does it better, faster, for less energy, and less material cost. Everything in a pack should have its place.

    Also I've never actually used EnderIO personally but the reason I shy away from it is because from what I've seen it eliminates all routing and plumbing problems. I think those are some key elements in a design and just removing it from the equation isn't as satisfying.

    Honestly the cheapness of the lap xtals is causing me to rework my energy network for EV distribution. Even after a few tetra veins and proper processing I'm out of antimony while trying to wire things up. It just takes so many batteries to limit current to certain areas. With EV distribution/buffers with HV xfrmers it takes the burden off the batteries a little.

    Also I can't screenshot atm but I will later. I'm doing the isolated perpendicular RS Nor latch. You can actually make it a bit smaller than that picture shows. All it needs is the redstone from one torch going in front of the other torch. You also don't need the negated output (unless you design to do it). The hardest part is keeping all of the negates and double negates in your head. Your best bet is to just write down some states. You know you want the LHE on when the input buffer is low and off when the output buffer is high. Write down what your energy detectors do and what RS input your LHE needs. Also learn the single RS torch inverter. That thing makes life so easy.

    I do have a batbuffer with 8 Lapotron Crystals, before a Transformer near the EBF, and my turbine actives when the buffer is low, and deactivates when its full.
    Usually this is enough, but I finally found a tungstate vein today, and I'm cooking non-stop, so it's being too much for the poor girl.

    Well, I let it charge for now, tomorrow I finish batch, time to sleep here. No need to hasty now :D

    This inspired me to make two EV x16 bat buffers filled with lap xtals. I have two x4 EV buffers on either end with energy detectors hooked up to them. The energy detectors go to RS TX that feed a simple RS SR latch (the really compact one that only needs two RS torches). It turns on when the first buffer is near empty and off when the last buffer is near full.

    Also funny enough I do wear black jeans often, a wool sweatshirt that looks like that one, and a beard.


    Well for one a thermal centrifuge pulls 2A so that's 96 EU/t on the LV machines making your theoretical max left for the EBF be 504 EU/t. If the EBF actually pulls 512 EU/t rather than 480 then you're screwed there. Plus operating that close to the edge may result in cable losses being enough to make the system not be stable. I recommend putting a bat buffer on the EBF then putting an energy detector and hook it up to a machine controller on the EBF. I have mine set to only turn on if the buffer is full. Prevents stacks of dust from just disappearing and also regulates average EU/t consumption when energy production can't keep up.

    I am trying to not use regulators, are they needed?
    The Huge Titanium Pipe is just the first block, I am using different sized pipes to adjust flow, but I feel that it is not working right.
    I was using a Large and Normal Steel Pipes and two hatches before (19200+4800 = 24000l/sec).
    I am aware of the 125% flow, I could feed 30000l/sec on that case, but choose to use a 28800 to avoid another input hatch (because I feel that that was causing the problem, not sure on how that is being calculated);
    Does the turbine consumes by seconds or ticks? I assume that it does by ticks, so I'll HAVE to use regulators to it work properly (and that information should be on tooltip, or wiki at least).
    I would love to have operational information on the GUI, like Input and output of the generators, so we could at least know if there's something wrong.

    That's another reason I like the regulators: you can see if there's a surplus or defecit of steam by watching the internal buffer fill up or empty. You can then tune the LHE input using a fluid regulator as well to match. I don't see any way to reasonably hit that kind of efficiency using only pipes and covers.

    Another question about pipes and the turbine:
    I am feeding a Turbine with a Huge Stainless Pipe (28800l/sec), and I'm using a Thaumium turbine (24000l/sec). I used the scanner on the pipes a few times, and sometimes I get readings of "tank:28,800/14,400l steam."
    How it gets half empty (or half full, if you are an optimist)? Shouldn't it stays full all the time?
    I am pulling the steam from a Railcraft tank, using a Huge Titanium Pipe (38400l/sec) attached on a EV pump (40960l/sec). Everything is above the needed until it gets into the turbine (and I'm using shutters - output only - on every section).
    Is this only a weird reading?

    Don't forget that the turbines will consume up to 125% of the optimal flow so in this case you'd want to feed 2 fluid regulators (each set to 600 mB/t) from your titanium pipe. The output of the regulators should feed your large stainless steel pipe that goes to the turbine.

    If you trust the math implemented for multiple input hatches you could also just have the 2 fluid regulators go to a single input hatch each and save yourself the effort of recombining in a tight place (though you could come up with some really clever compact designs here).

    I started up a large high pressure turbine then a steam turbine with the turbine achievement primed but it didn't unlock.

    Also I can't get packagers to accept nuggets even though the ones I'm trying to import are shapeless craftable and if placed through the gui turn them into ingots.

    My god it's so beautiful.

    Config 13 IC in the LHE (haven't tested lower values yet, may work). 610 mB/s lava perfectly makes 40k mB/s superheated steam. Perfect means I left a gap for surplus to fill in the top fluid regulator, came back an hour later and it was the exact same value. Lava processing takes about 1600-1800 EU/t. Surplus was measured to be about 1666 EU/t. This falls in line with the theoretical output of 3450 EU/t. Lava's getting pulled by an HV pump fed by an HV turbine. HV turbine is getting steam through large steel cells through the tesseract.

    The large turbine running would make a pretty good front of a vanilla style airplane project.