Posts by Queue

    This is incredibly useful!
    I don't know that I have to build a Bronze Blast Furnace until see this :D

    BTW, can I translate this article to other languages and re-post it to other forums?

    Been quiet recently, just a gentle reminder to finish :P
    And about re-posting it, I don't see why not if you credit and link nonotan in the post then post where you posted the translate version.... correct me if im wrong

    Thanks, and I'm gonna say Unidye is not

    EDIT: We now have HardCoreEnderExpansion updated.............. hint hint wink wink... (if we grab that we should also grab Balkons Weapons, also updated and very fun)
    EDIT NUMBER TWO: The Google Drive doc is I repeat not fixed, not fixed folks :P


    Good news everyone.
    We are currently 57% completed on worldgen mods, and 42% if we use PFAA instead of UB (the numbers say 50% as I am accounting for both PFAA and UB until we make a decision of which one to use). All we need now is Gregtech, unidye and Thaumcraft (optionally PFAA).

    I see no repository for thermal dynamics 2, and thermal dynamics was last updated two months ago. I think it'll be a while before we get that.

    Figure out Google Drive :P (hint make an account and set the document share options to anyone with a link)

    I agree on pretty much everything you said. Now we lie in wait.............

    Sorry for my repeated dPosting :P

    I am running this list (0bv 1.6.4, but 1.7 shouldnt change too much):

    Chicken and His Bones:

    Code ChickenCore

    Those Silly Mods that Run on Extra Unusual electricity

    GT (You know, we should remove this super OP mod that has like zero content)
    Frogcraft (mr10movie SPOTLIGHT NOW DAMMIT)
    Unidye (what a silly mod I mean what guy makes a Unidye :P)
    Electric Rails




    Pam and Her harvesty Craft
    Growthcraft All modules

    Rails and other silly things/ misc

    Project Red: Illumination, Integration, Base, Lighting
    (all those client side mods, WAILA, OPIS etc)
    (all those server things, OPIS, EVOC)


    Chisel/ Autoutils
    Carpenters Blocks

    Worldgen sillies

    Glenn's Gasses

    Thoughts So Far:
    This pack seems to be quite nice. That's it. No problems, nothing wrong. It has a good feel and I would definately reccomend this for 1.7Kirara. It consists of most of the suggestions and honestly I love it.

    UB is quite laggy in terms of worldgen, and I thought most of the PFAA lag was related to the startup, not chunks generating? Anyway, I'm liking how this list is turning out.

    It is quite easy to survive with HO. Dont run. Dont Jump. Dont swim. Just collect food and build SLABS (you are welcome greg) around your base.

    IT is an awesome mod, but needs a LOAD of tweaking to work with GT. It messes with stacksizes, speed on different terrain, and block hardness- all things GT does. It isnt a particularly good idea if we are playing GT hardmode- fits vannila much better

    I was as well, but oh well.

    I've noticed that not many of us have been on recently (there are newer people on, but nobody older). Every time I go on, there is either nobody online, or only new people (haven't seen Linus on in ages :P). We seem to be spending less and less time on the server. Hopefully the 1.7 update changes this.

    Funny, we always log off right before the other one logs on, you linus and I

    So I haven't logged in for some time now. Mostly due to IRL stuff.

    So I need to update most of my mods, but I can't seem to find a Iron Chest dl that is the right version. On the official dl it only gives me 1.7.2 versions. Could somebody post their version so that I can download it.


    IronChest's dl pg has a legacy builds link, click that for 1.6.4

    Server restarted without galacticraft being present. I just logged in to my early electric base and the server did not crash. If this does not work the next victim will be Unidye. I of course did make a backup before taking this drastic action :)


    Fixed it for now. The problem is near ishis old base. Every time M3GA or I logged on we loaded it, so it crashed. So something near there is the issue.

    May just be coincidence but every time i open the advMiner it crashes- is m3ga near the new ishi base?

    Man as soon as the server gets all the MC celebrities I have no time to play D:


    The server is starting to really grow, and I've only been playing for a month or so
    (EDIT: Speaking of which, Inv I still don't exist on the first post :P)
    EDIT Number 2: Server is down.