the file linked at "" (the first one):
He deleted
val Lens = <RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_misccraft:1>;val Bowstring = <TConstruct:bowstring>;val Torchberries = <TwilightForest:item.torchberries>;
This is the reason I explicitly started that section with "Change unless Mod is installed"
(Not "Delete unless Mod is installed)
However he calls these at:
// --- Beaconrecipes.addShaped(Beacon, [[<minecraft:glass_pane>, Lens, <minecraft:glass_pane>],[<minecraft:glass_pane>, NetherStar, <minecraft:glass_pane>],[DenseObsidianPlate, DenseObsidianPlate, DenseObsidianPlate]]);
// --- Dispenserrecipes.addShaped(Dispenser, [[StoneRod, IronPlate, StoneRod],[IronBars, Bowstring, IronPlate],[Cobble, Piston, Cobble]]);
// --- Torch
////[at the bottom of "Torch"]// -recipes.addShaped(Torch * 7, [[Torchberries, String],[ImpregnatedStick, null]]);
Edit: And how do you get these code blocks to be multiline?
Edit: I use this Grep search pattern to find items not from Minecraft or ore the dictionary: