cpw, please dont stop working on these.. I dont really need the adv machines, just this adon, so thanks!
Posts by streetstar5
"Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations." Also known as: The furnace didn't have any sound, and he fixed it, so it has sound! (My guess )
Smartass -_- and wow i wasn't aware it didn't have sound. PwnGod is awesome
Updated for sound
thats from old world/old ids/new ids
Sphax support on deck 128x
http://www.eclipse-project.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=428 -
Aware of it, fixed.
sweet, was crashing with forge - i also informed lex, but he said its on you guys.
I didnt mean it like that - and yea i get quite a few issues with pauls code. For now im using better sound mod with ic2 patch
dynamic sounds ftw! -
How many block ids does this mod use?
It's just opinion some people feel the space an otherwise legitimate solar panel array would take up means more than even the cabling. I'm indifferent to either personally (except for the SMP benefit), but I do think large solar panel arrays can look kind of nice. Also about nuclear reactors they still take up a significant amount of space by comparison with the HV solar panels, you could fit 5 in just the space required for a maxed out reactor, not to mention all of the extra equipment/shielding needed. In the end I'm just happy people have options as to how to want to play.
if you feel guilty - then do some math and make extra cables and throw them in the damn lava - done.
Thanks CPW, Everything works here.
lmao kane_hart /endrage
This has been bugging people for a good while, nothing you can do unless disabling sounds.
Well what can YOU do about it?
I'm having similar problems with my server.
What if Forge is indeed the latest "recommended build"?
Does it have to be EXACTLY Forge 1.3.3, or can it be
Display More[SEVERE] Unexpected exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: forge.ISpecialArmor.getProperties(Lhk;II)Lforge/ArmorProperties; at hk.c(EntityPlayer.java:773) at lx.a(EntityLiving.java:482) at hk.a(EntityPlayer.java:686) at ft.a(EntityPlayerMP.java:163) at lx.b(EntityLiving.java:694) at hk.b(EntityPlayer.java:1294) at se.a(Entity.java:616) at ft.b(EntityPlayerMP.java:397) at lf.a(NetServerHandler.java:253) at iu.a(SourceFile:126) at pd.b(NetworkManager.java:234) at lf.a(NetServerHandler.java:49) at ew.a(SourceFile:108) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:446) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:346) at cz.run(SourceFile:465)
This is the error my server gets before crashing
ou need the forge version that added the armor hook - i believe its
Dont turn this onto a flame thread - excellent work cpw, as always
guest his is still needed for 1.71?
I'm with Kane Hart on this one - please add this to ic2 or someone make it happen. Just get it done. :p
New versions posted.
Note IB has changed save format, be sure to read the changelog, especially the last item :).
I love you
charging bench isnt compatible with 1.70 yet