Nice stuff.
Small thing:
How in the world did I not notice that!?!
Nice stuff.
Small thing:
How in the world did I not notice that!?!
Ok guys I added the resources feature! It just tells you the amount of each material you will need :).
So I was experimenting with dynamite (and stick dynamite) and I was quite let down by the way the dyno-mote worked. You see I always thought it would be a tool for running through your best friends house, throwing sticky dynamite on all his chests then hiding behind a wall and activating the remote. Sadly it isn't.
My suggestion:
Using the mode key you can switch dynamite/sticky dynamite between fuse mode which is what we have right now and remote mode. In remote mode the explosives would not detonate until the player who threw them down detonates them using the dyno-mote.
I think this would be great fun, especially with that industrial conflict thingy (in future things like a bomb scanner could also be added).
Let's say we have 10,000,000 EU (a full MFSU) to move over a distance of 300 blocks (from your reactor in town to your Fortress of Solitude out in the hills).
Shouldn't it be from your reactor in your fortress of solitude to your town house? Most mayors I have played with on SMP aren't to keen on the idea of me plonking down a reactor in my back yard.
Display MoreSorry Gregorius, there are 20 ticks per second.
"Minecraft's game loop runs at a fixed rate of 20 cycles per second, so one tick happens every 1/20th of a second. An in-game day lasts exactly 24000 ticks, or 20 minutes."
straight from the minecraft wiki.
also, if there were only 10 ticks per second the solar panels would only produce 6525EU per day, not the 13050 they well and truely do. (assuming there isn't any rain to lesson production)
I know full well what I am talking about here, having done numerous calculations using EUs and energy production.
Ah, I found what you were refering to with the 10 ticks a second. redstone repeaters minimum delay is .1 of a second, (or a 1/10 tick as they say in the wiki). As it is I think my 20 ticks a second still stands.
Indeed, people always seem to assume the number is ten for some reason :(.
From what I know BC2s power "network" is pretty dumb when it comes to the way it manages power, if you have an engine on it it will run at full power all the time even if there isn't enough machinery to consume the power generated. Make sure you have carefully balanced the requirement of your refineries with the output of the IC2>BC2 power converter (I seem to remember the industrial engine is VERY powerful and is probably overkill for four refineries).
How much EU/t??
just curious, but why is this both on electric engineering and the industrial engineering forum sections.....?
I thought the Electric Engineering forum was kind of... dead. Everyone uses the Industrial Engineering forum now (which I didn't even know you could post in because my laptop had such a small screen).
Soz was away on a bike trip.
Thanks a ton for the feed back, nice to see it getting used (about 40~ hits a day :).
Nice but your intro is a bit to long. Really it should stop just before it said "Minecraft".
So wait... your issue with solars is that they are overpowered, not because of the materials needed, but because of the space?
So you'd rather have a solar array taking up space... for what reason? You;'d rather have each panel updating the eNet separately and lagging out the server and the game?
Ummm... OK? You do that. Glad that your opinion isn't the final word.
Read his tag, I wouldn't be surprised if his full time job is to bitch on suggestions (and addons it seems).
Anyways, great job! This will be a great hand on SMP where the equal of a single HV Panel laid out in regular panels would cause serious lag issues.
Does it actually cause any issues? In my experience Java just noms up the RAM until the OS starts running out then it stops (and actually clears up after itself) and runs as normal. For some reason the JVM only frees up RAM when it is actually running low on RAM.
Try using a Virtual Box container and limiting it to say 4GBs.
Can I just say this, I got 9 diamonds in my first couple of nights. Lucky, but once I had these with EE I could be turning my redstone into diamonds, not a huge amount but probably a decent amount of them (this world has had hours of playtime). As such I don't use EE, but it's your choice.
Oh and some of the toys in EE are very tempting (looks sideways at catalysts).
And yes, solar + Mass Fab on SMP is pretty OP :D. NB: I would never join a EE server mainly because the use of IC2, RP2 and BC2 completely throws the balance. While on SSP I could simply ignore these methods on SMP I would get really annoyed when I find automatic diamond farms running 24/7 next to my base (I can't remember but some mechanic of IC2 allowed you to process something, transmute it back and get a considerable gain of EMC- enough to get a decent amount of diamonds quickly).
Display MoreHi all
I think i may be able to sort this one out to make it nice and simply, as long as you have the redpower2 mod.
no need to use more than one batbox.
So the setup is a standard batbox with the redstone setting on "never emit energy when redstone is applied".
you then connect it to a not gate so that most of the time a redstone signal is applied thus stopping the flow.
Connected to this not gate you use a timer so that when it provides a signal, the batbox is allowed (momentarily) to emit a few EUs then stopped until the timer comes round again. To adjust the EUs that are emitted just change the length on the timer. A quicker timer will give the batbox more chances (per sec say) to emit EUs and a slower timer will reduce EU output.
Some trial and error is required, but I think this might be a good way to do it. You have a nice regular EU output (compared to slowly transferring energy crystals), and is fairly simple.
you could do this without redpower2, however it would be harder to calibrate the timer to get the required EU output.
Just a quick thankyou to people who come up with these types of ideas. I love bending my head round these issues.
It may be easier to calibrate. One torch = 1 tick, a torch will be on for 1 tick fuss a five clock would emit power 1/5 ticks (32/5 = 6.4EU/t).
Ok I'm working on adding an ingredients table now.
Just thinking. Animated water doesnt lag minecraft so why would a animated solar lag?
It does if you have a crappy computer.
Basically right now Solar Panels are one basic TileEntity with one part. If you add this they would become multiple parts some of which are moving. This would double, triple of even quadruple the amount of CPU/GPU time the solar panels use. As Kane discovered have a lot of parts (like the two parts that make up a sign) causes a decent amount of lag (they had a trade center with hundreds of signs, even Kane who gets 500+ FPS couldn't play smoothly in spawn).
I guess animation could be client side, BUT then it would result in a ton of weird glitches (players walking along solar panels would glitch out because there computers see them as regular boxes while the server sees them as complicated models).
Transform the power into LV and feed it through a BatBox? Then use a splitter cable feeding one half the the machine and the other to a MassFab. That's 16EU/t.
Display MoreNo tl;dr. I spent 20 mins writing this so you can bloody well read it
Hopefully you know that EU travels in packets of a certain size. So to move 1024EU from a batbox to a machine using copper cable, it's broken up into 32 separate packets of 32EU. Using gold cable it's 8 packets of 128EU or just two packets of 512EU using glass cable. A power source can only produce one packet per tick (1/20th of a second) so sources with higher voltages can move EU more quickly because they move more EU per tick. OK, that's the basics out of the way.
All cables lose a certain amount of EU per packet, per block travelled.
Insulated copper loses 1 EU per 5 blocks. So if you have a batbox or transformer every 5th block (only 4 bits of cable between the batboxes), you lose only 4 x 20% of an EU which is rounded down to zero EU. You never lose anything. But if you ran, say, 30 blocks of insulated copper you'd lose 6EU from each of those 32EU packets. So if you sent 20,480 EU (split up into 640 x 32EU packets), you'd only receive 16640 EU total at the other end. Also it'd take 640 ticks (32 seconds) to move it.
HV Cable (aka Iron cable) has the highest loss per block. When properly insulated (HVx4) it can handle Extreme Voltage (EV) of 2048EU per packet. It loses 1EU per packet per 1.25 blocks. So the same 20,480 EU will be moved in only 10 packets. Each packet loses 24 EU over the 30 blocks. This is a much higher loss, per-packet, than copper cable BUT because the packets are so big there are not many of them so the total loss is less. Only 240EU (30 blocks / 1.25 x 10 packets) is lost over the 30 blocks. So you're left with 20,240 EU at the destination.
Gold cable (MV) fits in between copper (LV) and iron (HV) cable.
That's the basics. Higher voltages are useful for reducing the loss of EU over longer distances. This is exactly how it works in the real world. The power lines way overhead on the big towers are 11,000V compared to the 110-240V in your wall socket.
Glass fibre cable throws a bit of a curve ball. It breaks the Copper-Gold-Iron progression because for its relatively high carrying capacity, it has Very low loss over distance. It loses only 1 EU per packet for every 40 blocks and can handle 512EU packets. So let's do a comparison in the name of SCIENCE \o/
Let's say we have 10,000,000 EU (a full MFSU) to move over a distance of 300 blocks (from your reactor in town to your Fortress of Solitude out in the hills).
Glass Fibre
10,000,000 EU becomes 19,532 packets of 512 EU
7.5 EU lost per packet over 300 blocks. Rounding up to 8 EU.
156,256 EU total loss.
10M EU sent, 9,843,744 arrive in 977 seconds (16.3 mins).
HVx4 Cable
10,000,000 EU becomes 4,883 packets of 2048 EU
240 EU lost per packet over 300 blocks.
1,171,920 EU total loss.
10M EU sent, 8,828,080 arrive in 245 seconds (4 mins).
So what do we learn from all of the above?
In Copper, Gold and Iron, the higher tier cables can move power more efficiently. For most cases, the resource costs of the transformers is negligible. However Glass Fibre is so efficient that it's probably the best for the majority of cases. The only time that you'd want to use Extreme Voltage would be if you needed to get a Very Large amount of EU over a long distance in a real hurry. I can't think of many situations where you'd need to do that. Teleporters or terraformers perhaps?
I use glass fibre for almost everything I do. As yet I haven't needed to run cables more than 40 blocks.
Anyway, I hope that helps.
If you would like the official description, it's here on the Wiki
edit: Tweaked the explanations and formatting for greater clarity.
Round down.
Thats how IC2 does it i'm pretty sure.
Plug the BatBoxes into the MFE? If you aren't doing it at night then just run the cable from the solars directly to the MFE.
I just put together a percentage based cable loss calculator.
Please report any bugs on this thread.
I think this should be a slow process that would be useful to new players who just need to cook the odd thing. It should be cheap so it can be used by new players and like I said, really slow.