I have noticed, that when someone near you has a jet pack, and you yu can hear the jetpack, even though he is not using it. I also tested it with a friend and he can also hear my jetpack when he jumps
Posts by phaser
but they have no reason and green does not want war D:
men are you updating to latest industrial craft 2?
well this is way better
http://test.vendaria.net/index…CCPUUPCCPUUPCCCPPCCHCCCCH -
you treid it?
I made one with 2.8 eff and low heat gain
http://test.vendaria.net/index…UPPUIIIXPUIPPCPUIPCCPUIPC -
any good breeders?
I think it is a perfect breeder...
Edit made a better one with 45 eu/t
"Also, the guys behind the DoS attack claimed to be the same guys who developed MCoverhaul. Unlikely..."
So I guess it was just a coincidence that as soon as you went apeshit and stormed off in a huff with your pals the server got DoS'd?
Doesn't matter anyway, I have the IP's of the people who DoS'd, and I have the IP's of you and all your buddies. Any further discourse is moot.
He is going down :evil:
By the way did the server got DoS'd again? Cause its down D:
Server was down because several people were DoS'ing it.
My response:
Computer fraud and abuse act of 1986 + http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/tips/ST04-015.html + the IP's of the attackers (already recorded from day one) = no longer my problem
I can substantiate the attack with records from my ISP. Further, even if the feds don't take legal action these people will be scrutinized. Thats one big magnifying glass, and since they did this they have probably done other things too, so hopefully at least one will get hit. Even if I can get the feds to identify them by pressing charges against the holder of the IP (through the ISP) I can get their names and addresses (when legal action is taken both parties are identified on the letters sent by the prosecuter). Also, the guys behind the DoS attack claimed to be the same guys who developed MCoverhaul. Unlikely, but I'll see if anyone from that team has any of their PII (personal identifiable information).
Also, should'nt really fuck with government workers, we know people. Like state officials in the governers office, and members of the PA cyber-crime task force.
oh ok so how did they get in?
can we also get thermometer addon? also charcoal dust :D?
thermometer: http://forum.industrial-craft.…?page=Thread&threadID=972
CharCoal Dust : http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=1671 -
why is it down D: ?
I suggested the idea when IC2 was in beta, Al said he might add it some day
Thanks guys
It would be cool to be able to craft glass pain, but it would have half of the explosion resistance then the whole block
Glass pain:
G= Reinforced glassGGG
Or, simply have some high-tech cooling block and place it in the normal 3*3*3 cooling cube for more cooling than water...
Yeh or that
I don't really like this idea, external cooling is already possible with Build craft and ice factory's.
I like the fact that its difficult to create a so called "Perfect reactor"It seems OP to me.
My idea was to connect tubes to the reactor which would carry the heat to some type of cooling block, and carry the cooled fluid back into the reactor and does the same cycle again. The more cooling blocks you connect to the tubes, the more colder the fluid will be, which will absorb more heat, and do it faster. The coldest color may can be black, and the hottest is green , because some of the radiation leaked into it which made it really hot. Also there could be different classes of cooling blocks to maintain heat for a specific reactor like a Mark 5 or maybe just a Mark 2. It could maybe work the other way, with breeders, adding heat with a heater the fluid will maintain heat in the reactor, so you don't have to build a heat balancing system inside.
Tube for the fluid:
The cooling thing(i dont know what name i should give it, you give it a name :D):
C= the integrated cooling thing for the reactorC
It would have a gui for how much coolant is stored in it, and how much energy it is receiving(the more energy it has the more colder the coolant will be)And the heater:
(just supply a steady amount of power maybe like 20 eu/t, will also have a setting on how hot you want the coolant to be)
all you have to do is attach the tubes to the reactor, then attach it to the cooling things or the heaters, then wire it to some gens. you can also atatch more then ne tube to the reactor.
al is making electric minecarts