I found a hot fix for placing blocks next to the machines and crashes you
bottom of the page
I found a hot fix for placing blocks next to the machines and crashes you
bottom of the page
You must not have looked hard enough (It's in Huge letters at the bottom of the page).
k thanks
on our server its the opposite NO ONE HAS SOUND D:
Has everyone on your server installed the vy.class file hotfix in the Download thread?
where is that? i checked the download thread but i could not find it D:
Already has been suggested and Al said he might implant it
aside for that, I think it's a good idea. May not be included in the base ic2 but an add-on would defintily be awesome.
That would be a epic addon... To bad i cant code D:
"Ever been down in your workshop crafting advanced machines and lapatron chrytals, when you realized how dull it can get? Then you need the new automized note block 9000!!! Capable of playing back 3 pre-set tunes that will be sure to get your head boobing. but we didn't stop there. Introducing the note block writerizer, capable of receiving YOUR input and turning it into a song! Just adjust the notes inside then press print (right click) with your cd and...Presto! You now have a music disc ready to go! Whats a music disc you ask? We won't tell you, grandma, because it will ruin all the old records you still secretely dance too! Order today and get not one, but TWO HAYO!
(I'm done now, I will leave the hayos to Ablaka.)
i Just want a better entertainment factor, and plus who wants to build a huge building for just one whole song, when you can just make it into one tiny block...
You know how you use too build huge strings of note blocks just to make a song well..... INTRODUCING THE NOTE BLOCK 9000, you can make music within it through a gui and then print it on paper, you can put that paper into a another a not block 9000 and it can read it or a better way of storage is a mobile hard drive
N = noteblock
W= wood
I = ink
Note block 9000
I N Glass Fibre
W Advanced Machine W
Hard drive
Refined Iron Cable Refined Iron
Glass Fibre Advanced Circuit Refined Iron
Refined Iron Refined Iron Refined Iron
um obsidian plate your macarator and make a input and a out pipe??
So... You want more out of the Wind Mill and you already reached max height?? Well INTRODUCING THE GEAR BOX..... It increases the wind gens power by nearly 50%!!!! But it depends what you craft it out of.
Well how do you install it? Just plop it down below the wind gen and put a cable underneath the gear box and your done! You can do the same with other machines, to make them faster or energy efficient.
Wooden gearbox( the weakest one)
W = Wood
Machine = M
Stone = S
Iron = I
D = Diamonds
MV= MV transformer
W Cable W
Refined Iron M Refined Iron
W Batbox W
Stone Gearbox(20% better then the wooden gearbox)
S Cable S
Refined Iron M Refined Iron
S LV-Transformer S
Iron Gearbox(50% better then the wooden one)
I Cable I
Refined Iron MFE-Transmitter Refined Iron
I Cable I
Reinforced Iron Gearbox(75% better then wooden)
Refined Iron Cable Refined Iron
Refined Iron Advanced Machine Refined Iron
Refined Iron MV Refined Iron
Diamond Gear Box (95% better then wooden)
D Cable D
D Advanced Machine D
Alloy Gear Box ( 120% better then wooden)
Alloy Glass Fibre Alloy
Alloy Advanced Machine Alloy
Alloy HV-Transformer Alloy
Iridium gearbox ( The most powerful and a whopping 200% better then the wooden gearbox)
Iridium Cable Iridium
Iridium Advanced Machine Iridium
Iridium HV-Transformer Iridium
hey guy here comes the rush since th yogs cast promoted the mod.... I guess the rush has came in early O.o
Hmmm next thing ubercharged solar panels???? Crafted with Iridium and the advance solar panels and a HV-Transformer cause it will put put 20 per tick and 10 at night
In the report a bug section.
ok thanks
Today, 4:57pm
Author: Alblaka
[Question] BugFix release before 1.8.x release? (NOT ASKING FOR DATES!): I actually planned to release a 1.7 SMP version.. but as things go my team just went up ahead and coded a 1.8.1 version (and now will need to port it to 1.9 once again , told ya). Thus the release will either be 1.8.1 or 1.9. Depending on when we fix the loads of SMP caused bugs.
NOOOO!!!! Sigh... we have to wait, probaly another 2 weeks
EDIT: where was this posted??? Just asking, curious...
Phaser123 so i was reading the logs, teleporting without request 6x requesting items from Admins...AGAIN over 20 request, are you kidding me... really you have been told by jesse and ME, NO ITEMS SPAWNED BY ADMINS...Then you say you lost so many REALLY! You leave engines running when you log off, which by the way is the biggest annoyance to me i can not explain how annoying it is to walk into an area and see pipes overflowing and an engine running. How many rules do you have to break really? You have lost the Player Mod group for now... if you can behave you can have it back but NO MORE REQUESTING FROM ADMINS...No more engines left on , No more teleporting without a request, you have the power to goto an area when there is an issue... not as a free ride... NO MORE SAYING SOMEONE STOLE IT. Period, never again ask for an item Expecially from Apiljax, he is not as a Moderater or as a Admin, He is on to play... he does not want help or to talk... He does not exsist, he is my project planner and just that... he is on to help ME and ME alone. End of discussion.
Ok D:
Me and nate aleredy got rid of the overflowing pipes 2 days ago.... And we leave it on casue of the quarry... so we can recycle our cobble
into scrap ....
EDIT : hey did you take some of the solar panels.. cause most of them wernt even spawned..... Like the mass fab and the elctro frunaces.... and the MFE's
I agree phaser, hey sorry about the lag you have been getting lately my network has been doing large file transfers the last few days as i am working on a small side project... that has had my attention as of late, but yes i agree 100% depending on a few thing this week i should be upgrading the ram to at least 4gb maybe more havent figured it out yet but hopefully that will make a big difference when we get the swarm... i am excited and everyday makes it just a little harder to wait. lol
h thats why there is tons of lagg so... What is you little side project there
Well anyways got the /w thing to work???
And i found some helpful plugins
Global Banks : http://forums.bukkit.org/threa…sions-iconomy-1060.30121/
Maybe Iconomy so we can enforce IC coins as currancy even more : http://forums.bukkit.org/threa…nomy-6-0-3-celty-1080.40/
Also i found a weather mod that will probaly work, just give it a try: http://forums.bukkit.org/threa…ork-hopefully-1060.31778/
just for fun :http://forums.bukkit.org/threa…necraft-tdm-ctf-1060.250/
and last thing.... HATS : http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/simplehat/
P.S you forgot to put me and nate on the player mods list..... On the front page
So it would be like the Induction furnace or the Rotary Macerator for the compressor? If so I would like it to have two slots instead of one in a similar fashion to the Induction furnace.