Posts by phaser

    Hmmmm why dont we make a mod pack so they olny have to drag it into the jar and .minecraft folder :D??

    and levisthe server working now??

    Hmmm... We still can connect thourgh lan right :D.... I propose hamachi backup servers...... hosted by me :D just encase this happns again and a way of communicating... :D

    but lev has to join to so we can connect to him :D

    USE LOGMEIN HAMACHI!!!! ALSO PLZ ONLY JOIN 1 except for lev....

    Hamachi Server 1 = 076-454-263

    (I have to use id's cause i made it on the internet so i can control it any were >:D no jk so ican manage it any were i go as long there is internet)

    Hamachi Server 2 = 076-454-369

    Hamachi Server 3 = 076-454-713

    Is rhisa a good breeder :D?? well i know that i can make 2 isotpes every time but will this over heat???

    If you are new to the server ask for me and I will escort you to my cottage where you can spend the night and I will help you in other ways I can. :thumbup:

    ORyou can stay in my sub-divison where it is fuly fenced i has some quarrys holes that you can safley build in :D abd plus who ever join it has a free spot in my biodome town in IC2 smp comes out cause whole map resets and everything is wiped out ( by the way 1 spot costs 1 k of IC :D and there are 4 more free spots.... )

    It can affect you in many differnt ways, first or main would be damage over time, next would be slower rate of mining and moving, probally the most annoying is blured vison anything that is past 1 block will be very blurry including mobs so if a creeper is right infront of you, you proably wont notice him till he goes SSSSSSSSssssSSSSssssssS BOOM! To know how much radition you have in your system there will be a radtion bar aboveyour life bar.

    But there is way to prevent it..... wearing full armor hazmat suit bade of advance mobile alloy(technicaly advance alloy that has been been bonded on a molecular with wool and leather using a molecular bonder) it will absorb radition to certian point then it will no longer protect you, now how do you take out the radition from your hazmat suit :D?? Well you can make a wonderfull de-contamnation staion :D(lol it ryhemd) now just insert your self or the hazmat suit into it and just wait about 3 minuets and you or you hazmat suit will be radition free :D What if you dont have a high tech de-contamnation staion??? Well you can get inexpensive radition pills to counter the affect of radtion(well you have to take one every 5 min)

    How do get radition?? well if come in the radtion field of uranuim or if you have a un shielded nuke reactor or if it goes boom.

    Ok well this is acutually of topic but while writing about the molecular bonder i had an idea were you can bond types of materiels and reinforce them or create new things :D

    Well pneumatic tubes are vaccum tubes where you can go in and use it as elevator or way of transportaion :D

    To build one you have to put a vaccum turbine on the top of your building and must power it constantly of 50 Eu every second(to make it balanced and it is ment for tier 2). once done that you have to place a tube every floor and also a control panel next to it. Once also done that you have to name every level thourgh the control panels GUI, Once done that too(again) you have a fully working elevator :D. Now how to use it, just use the coltrol panel and select what level you want the the tube will open and close once you are inside, then it will open once you are there :D

    You can also use it for land travel just do the same thing but instead of levels just do other names :D But you need to add a Vaccum turbine every 10 blocks :D


    Wind Generator O

    Glass |

    Cable -

    Iron /

    space .

    Machine M

    vaccum turbine:

    / O /

    / - /

    | . |


    - . /

    | . |

    / . -

    Control panel:

    / / /

    - M /

    - / /