Posts by Cadde

    I fail to see how this thread serves any "good" purpose?

    It is clear (to me at least) that the maintainers of the Technic pack is breaking copyright law and they are being asshats about it too.
    Then they go and argue LAW without understanding law at it's most basic level.
    Then they resume their arrogant and disrespectful ways.

    Then they want to tell us "They are really nice guys"...
    Yeah, they might be nice guys. As long as they get what they want and nobody defies them.

    Sorry, that just doesn't cut it in the real world.
    Please spare us anything that has anything to do with Technic pack. And please allow ALL to ridicule any users using Technic pack. They need to be informed of just how wrong they are by using that pack.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    Iam sorry you cannot understand simple 1+1 math.

    Your argument literary got crushed since it takes many times more resources to make a solar farm than a windgen farm i even showed you the numbers. You needed like 50 windgens to match the output of 250 solars that and 1 solar is more expensive than 1 windgen. The diference in time to place 50 windgens and 250 solars is nothing compared to the time it takes to get all the resources for a solar farm.

    I do listen to arguments but only if they are serious arguments not troll arguments.

    Really Rick... You would be more productive if you stabbed yourself in the face with a spoon.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    I don't see why not as long as it doesn't add needless bulk to the code that causes less performance.

    I am quite satisfied with IC2, RP2, BC and Forestry and the odd addons i use. 255 ID's (Air excluded) is still plenty for me... And we are already using block damage to get up to 15 extra blocks out of each ID.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    to overpowed i think and another idea like this was already turned down.

    As an addon you can make a nuclear bomb that destroys the entire planet. I fail to see your point and you clearly forgot to consider that this could become an addon.
    Also, i disagree with everything you said. I even disagree with your name. (Because I CAN, i don't even remember what your name was)


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    Not this fking conversations again. EE is a fine mod on it's own, and honestly, People should try using it before bashing it. It certainly has some loophole issues when used with other mods, and I can understand people having a problem with the idea of getting *free* diamonds, but I cannot agree that EE gives free damonds, because you still have to work for them, Unlike TMI, which lots of people insist in comparing it to... Sorry, If you have to use 8 stacks of cobblestone to get one diamond, I do not consider that free, and if you are using a automated buildcraft, industrialcraft cobblestone generator, that uses up resources (or time, considering that solar panels give *free* power) with redpower cobble-gen being the only imbalanced one.

    Anyway, while I personally think that recipes ought to exist for any and all raw materials, I do not believe convincing Alblaka to add these recipes would easy enough to be worth it, and so I just use one of several custom recipe adder mods, and add them manually, which is WAY easier. It is not hard, and it requires no argument or justification to anyone. So yea, unless you have a good argument, that you really think Alblaka will agree with, I suggest you tell us about it, or just stop arguing, and add it yourself manually.

    Sorry but what?
    I didn't make a conversation about EE at all. I merely stated my opinion about it and added a little flavor to it.
    If you don't like my opinion about it then BOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO.
    I have been using it in the past so your entire argument is MOOT.



    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    Lets badger Kent to add the add-on to chocolate IC! Now why did I just refer to Ic as chocolate.....

    For the same reason you dug up a 10+ day old thread just to post something about a badger... Giving me a reason to post about a badger.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    You are not supposed to enchant any IC2 items.
    Ennchanting IC2 stuff will be disabled for ALL of the items related to IC2 in a future release.

    Stop using enchantments (pretty much period) and you should be fine both code wise and mentally.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    This is related to all your questions: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=3278

    Also to confirm what has been said already.
    No, placing wood blocks will NOT spawn resin holes, only a newly grown tree with create resin holes.
    If you accidentally destroy or cut a wood block with a resin hole in it you will have to re-plant the tree.

    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    I am at a total loss... Obviously you are doing something wrong but i can't tell what that is.
    Provide a list of all mods you are using (AND their versions) and you may as well post a modloader.txt as well.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    If someone wouldn't mind just winzipping a working server and sending it to me, that would just nip this issue in the bud. I am at a loss.

    Asking for minecraft server .jar files or minecraft.jar files is futile in the best of situations. Especially on an open forum.
    Sending you one would mean we would have to break copyright law. Thus (at least I) won't be sending you one and i don't recommend anyone doing so.

    Also, solving your problems for you by giving you a working .jar is not going to help you solve any problems. It will just keep you ignorant and dumb for the rest of your life. You really need to start taking care of your own problems.
    If that is too much to ask then you may as well stop trying in life and get a job as a janitor at McDonalds.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

    Geez the same old argument again? I already told you the numbers many times why cant you just read them for once? It takes longer to make a solar farm than to make a windgen farm. Before you even get the resources for the solarfarm a windgen farm would have been finished.

    This is starting to get boring. Cant you be a more creative troll?

    First of all, you didn't want to back up your claim in a real test. Hence your argument is "as valid" as mine (except, going by history you never care to look up your facts)
    Second, i am not a troll. Had you not been such a silly kid you would have understood this a long time ago. Now you are just stomping the ground because you don't get "your way".

    I have an even more detailed explanation in this very thread though...


    I can think of a few ways to empty a lake...

    • Fill it with blocks. (obviously)
    • Fill it with torches REALLY fast. (macro ftw)
    • Use empty cells REALLY fast. (macro FTW)
    • Use a pump.
    • Use a sponge from finite liquid (Yeah, you just didn't list it)
    • Make a lake clearing machine that simply cooks all liquid it finds next to it recursively. Requiring 1 EU per water block. Extract plantball from machine for every 20 blocks cleared?

    However, clearing lakes with the laser would be a nice addition. It needs to have an area of effect though to clear out all water block in one click.

    There is a 90% chance that you get the solar panel back after wrenching. Hence there is a 10% chance that you get a normal generator back from wrenching. It doesn't matter if you use an electric wrench or the standard wrench.

    The benefit you gain from the electric wrench is the same as you get from a standard mining drill. It works like a diamond pickaxe and shovel and can be "repaired" by charging it.

    Oh an any mechanic knows that using power tools to assemble/dismantle any machine has a higher risk of damaging the machine. So if anything, an electric wrench should increase the breakage rate but it doesn't because that would make people not use it.

    As for the actual drop rate being in the mod to begin with... This is so you don't use IC2 as your own mobile "on demand" factory. Once set down, you are not meant to move machines.
    Bat boxes, MFEs and MFSUs are excempt from breaking. So are all transformers. You can move these however many times you want.

    Yeah, except the shape is that of a chainsaw. But yes.

    EDIT: In fact, i kinda like this idea enough that i wanna have a stab at it... Gonna need to learn IC2 addon making but the implementation seems rather simple.
    Though, it's Christmas eve tomorrow so that will have to happen on Christmas day or something.