Posts by YX33A

    Foreword: I hope this hasn't been suggested before, accepting that it likely has, and also hoping that it hasn't been turned down outright on principle, accepting that it likely has been turned down due to unbalanced suggestions of usage. Without further adieu, here is my (hopefully) well thought out suggestion for a (hopefully) well balanced device.

    Suggestion/idea: Liquid UU Duplication Device MK IIIXX

    The idea of making something from nothing is a wonderful idea. And horrible for profits if it worked. But making more of something from something which is expensive, and obviously hard to get, but none the less obtainable, is a paradise for the market. One could make endless supplies of oil for the oil companies to shove down consumers throats while making a tidy profit. But such a idea is not easy to adapt to other things if all one can make is oil. You can make things from oil, but one can also make things from Iron, or Emeralds, or even Iridium. But how can one claim their stake in this field? With our brand new Liquid Universal Usage Matter Catalyzed Resource Duplication Device Mark Seventeen. But it's not all easy. It takes two of your desired resource to affix the binary state of the Liquid UUM into this non-standard form, and it takes 30 liters of this fluid to produce even one extra sample of your desired resource. But the ability to make anything from something you already have, is very tempting, and we have made this dream possible.
    How you ask? We are not ready to release the blueprints for the DIY crowd, but depending on how our pitch goes to the Bigwigs, you may be able to set one up in your garage sometime soon. If not, I'm sure we will find a good use for this technology somewhere.

    I haven't had a chance to start building my suit(using a seed/mod setup which makes finding resources near impossible while having many great things near spawn), but I was planning on adding some UE mods to my setup again, just wanted to check, if I make sure the config setting

    # general
    general {
        B:"Gregtech Recipes"=true

    remains as is, I will still have to use GregTech recipes to craft these things, yes? I figure that is the case, but I am worried adding UE might mess up the config in that regard and force me to use UE recipes.

    Also, just a thought since you now use Render Player API, you could even add custom animations and custom armor shapes. Or maybe, but don't quote me on this, alter the armor shape depending on what modules your armor has, or even what is in use for a more "transforming armor" feel.

    Anyway, two must have weapons(for when you start making them and maybe need ideas), no suit of power armor is complete without a weapon which replaces your hand. A not fully literal, but still accurate definition of hand cannon is indeed a cannon which you have instead of your hand. No sane person would go fully literal on this one, as that is also going full retard. Second is a Big F---ing Gun of some kind. Likely a Positron weapon, as a reason to use UE's Atomic Science, as one would need Antimatter for ammo, but adding the option to use Uranium Cells(IC2 level), Nether Stars(vanilla level), or a special GregTech level nuclear battery with re-enriched uranium cells, plutonium cells, Iridium Deflectors, and Iridium and Vacuum Hardened Tungsten Reinforced Stone, and Sheldonite Dust, and a whole mess of expensive stuff, would be a good touch.

    Also, just in case you haven't done so yet, you might want to make the suit lose power if affected by a ICBM EMP. As a form of defense against people with fancy power armor doing fancy power armor things, like wrecking your shit something fierce.

    True but with EBXL installed finding a biome on its own takes quite some time.

    True, but with Custom Ore Generation, one can find emeralds under plains, or anywhere, actually(just more common in plains). Or you could create a Mystcraft Single Biome Flatland Extreme Hills age and just stripmine the hell out of it.

    Hm...Just a thought, but if you're planning on adding a GregTech level Hard Mode, you might want to make it require use of a GregTech level energy flow(aka use of a redstone'd Supercondensator to be able to charge it quick enough).
    Currently the only device which needs a Supercondensator is a Fusion Reactor, and even so, it uses it to down-convert the power output.
    Use of a new energy type which is in essence a super high value EU level(as these devices can be charged with EU, one could convert quite a lot of EU into a single energy unit for these devices) would make use of a Supercondensator to up-convert the EU would make sense in then.

    Plus, Multiblock structures ROCK. I fully support using Multiblock setups to transport stuff, and remember, bitches love particle effects. I also love the idea of teleporting nukes into by foes bases, active ones. So I hope this all works well enough, because I'm adding it to my game.
    Might not be able to use it much, but it's still sweet.

    whenever i try to charge your suit in an mfsu it crashes any idea why ?

    You know the deal(or should by now), error logs or it didn't happen.
    Much like No pics, no clicks, if you can't supply the error log(or at least the stack trace), you can't prove you crashed.
    Also, did you happen to have the latest IC2 beta? The one from the Jenkins Build Page linked on the UE page for this(also the UE site download is working now, must have been taking a while to upload or something? If not, there's your problem, this mod REQUIRES the latest beta.

    While I have suggested this before(I think), I feel it's still worth suggesting.

    The Computer Aided Keratin Edible Device(C.A.K.E. Device for short). Using a small supply of EU, the C.A.K.E. Device will grow various healthy, if sometimes disgusting, foods. Supply low voltage, give it time to work, and BOOM, Tasty Nutritious Edible Food Paste!
    How it works: Basically, it uses a small amount of electric charge to increase the speed of the growth of a Genetically Modified Yeast, which can sustain you, but may cause some debuffs when eaten. If one adds Sugar, it tastes better(restores more hunger), but causes side effects more often. If one adds salt(which one has to find somewhere else, usually from Pams Harvest Craft), it tastes a bit better, but also is less likely to cause side effects(because the salt kills some of the yeast, while still tasting like salt). One can even add various types of juices or nectars to the yeast while it's being made to make it healthier(less negative side effects, and a chance of positive ones as well), but one has to have Forestry for Honey and Apple Juice, and Plugins for Forestry for Melon, Pumpkin, and veggy juices, and when it's implemented, Fruit Juice.
    In theory one could use Living Seed Oil, but that might end poorly(fully random potion effect, can be more powerful then normal potions, and lasts 8 minutes. Good luck.)
    One can use any container to place the liquid in the C.A.K.E. Device, even pipes, but if one uses Pipes, it's obviously harder to make other kinds right away, and one cubic meter of juice is good for 20 units of Food Paste, and with it's 10 liter internal storage... Better off using buckets or cans.

    Oh, and the reason I'm requesting this is because I'm always looking for more ways to feed my character, and a future where the world doesn't eat Genetically Modified Yeast is a weird one not fit for any Cyberpunk Dystopia. And I am always looking for ways to make Minecraft feel more like Shadowrun.

    Good news: This has IC2 support, and will be very cool. It can be recharged with IC2 or UE.
    Bad News: Assuming the file is hosted on the UE Website only, the V0.1.10 file is not present, Assuming this is the right file path, which is linked from your download page there. Might want to fix that, or provide a temporary offsite download.

    Oh, and if you want to make it more expensive, you could make it use GregTech parts if it's installed. Just a idea.

    I mine by hand. I mix enchanted tools with powered tools so I can use a rock cutter to mine the ores, or a drill if it's safe to mine, a jackhammer to clear stone, and a fortune pickaxe to increase ore drops in the end. I don't have a enchanted pick yet, so I usually just store it all in chests and use only what I need to build my needed tools.
    While this is slower and can't get me everything, I prefer this method because I like caving. I enjoy fighting off foes while looking for rare stuff, sometimes finding chests full of rare loot, usually finding string, redstone, and a saddle. But in the end, I prefer it this way. I find all kinds of neat things that I wouldn't if I just set a quarry to mine, or used a frame mining setup.

    Though I do plan on building a big Frame Base, one which has a ton of storage space and has IC2 miners set up to mine when I want them to, sorting everything into it's place in the storage rooms. I plan on using Magic Engines with GregTech to power the IC2 stuff. I wish Redpower had a way to convert other mods power into Bluelectricty. Then I could power the whole thing with them.

    Anti-Wall O' Text Spoiler ahead!

    Tl;Dr? I believe OP lied to me with his thread name. There is no CraftGuide IC2 add on in this thread, so in my frank and honest opinion, OP failed to deliver what his thread name promised.

    the solar helmet is not feeding me, this makes me sad.

    It's in the OP that it doesn't do any of the things a quantum helm does save for go on your head and protect you from small rocks from above. So you will need to pack some food if you want to use it. And some milk, and of course, compressed air cells for your diving helmet. Also wouldn't hurt to pack some grenades and a laser designator.

    I put again my question : I'am stuck with a few diamond block, that i can't craft back in diamond. Is there a way to make diamond from diamond dust, or from diamond ? unfortunaly, i don't use only this mod, so, diamond are still usefull.

    And sorry if someone as answer my question previously, have not seen it.

    Thanks a lot.

    I was going to suggest you smelt it into gems again, but it seems that won't work. So instead macerate it into dusts and use the dusts in a Forge Lexicon in the mean time while Greg finds a way to allow for diamonds to be turned back into gems from blocks without being out of the mod's scope. Perhaps the Compressor could help with that with gem dusts, but not ore dusts.

    Damn it, I hate how correct all your points are... >3>

    That's got to me one of the nicest things anyone has said about me on the Internet.

    I still think it's a good idea, though, and I see no reason why having to exit the GUI to update storage space should be seen as a major detractor. It is, at worst, a minor annoyance, in my opinion.

    Explaining it without getting into multi-block machines, though, would be hard... What about simply making machines take items out of adjacent chests?

    I think that taking items out of adjacent chests is a good idea, though. And if it's a upgrade item which does this... Then one could have it balanced by virtue of it takes up to "Upgrade Count" items in one pull, costing EU to do so. And one could add a second upgrade which outputs items into a chest, but does so slowly unless one has a lot of them in the device, again, costing EU. More upgrades = More EU cost, but More Upgrades = Faster Input/Output.
    One could even make them pull from the right slots, a chest above for input, a chest below for output. Well, to the side. I can't think of any machines which are non-opaque, so one wouldn't be able to open the chest if it went downwards into a chest. If it went down, one would need automation tools to get the stuff out.

    @NewVersions: Look how i post Changelogs together with Versionnumbers to keep you up to Date. I could do it like Chickenbones and not notify you at all about an important Update or Bugfix.

    You could also include some code in your mod to tell you when a update is released as well, but that might piss people off considering how fast you release updates.

    I believe it was FenixR that made a very convincing post on why HV solars are OP. Basically, it's the fact that every generator type has its downsides, wind mills must be put way up high in order to get any real power out of them, water mills need redpower systems with retrievers and water buckets to get any meaningful amount of energy out of them, geothermals rely upon a semi-limited source of energy, normal generators require a kind of fuel to keep them going, and then you get to solars. Solars are unique in that their downside is two-fold due to them being spammed constantly, 1. They are expensive costing two circuits for 1 panel, and 2. They lag, no avoiding it, when you have 512 blocks all iterating to the sky in order to check if they are in the sun, lag happens, and if you have 4096 solars, they lag a hell of a lot more than 512 solars, and massively more than 1 solar, then HV solars comes along and suddenly you are beating the system by getting 4096 solars worth of eus from 8 blocks with no lag whatsoever.

    So the downside of Solars is that they lag is spammed? I would have to read the post, but uh, that sounds pretty damn weak. The downside of solars(as far as I know) is the sun light need, so they don't work at night. Lag isn't a valid downside in my eyes because they can lag less of done right.

    Plus solar arrays were built with servers in mind. Less solar spam = less lag = better server speed = less wasted money for hosting. Also why GregTech and Thermal Expansion have cobble gen blocks, so one can avoid the need for Rp2 cobble generators which cause lag both in that they cause lighting updates, and that they can be sent into a recycler to make scrap which could be then burned in a generator(which IC2 has built in config file stuff for, so one can turn off scrap burning in generators). GregTech one can make Obsidian, though, if one supplies Redstone, edging out TE ones for utility by adding support for Obsidian Generator support(something TE only supports if you spend a bucket of lava and water).

    It's their problem

    I've used their ingots for making their other bronze things just fine, but once one goes to craft a Metallurgy Bronze Sword, or a Bronze Tool, you get IC2 ones. One can't even craft Metallurgy stuff with IC2 bronze, despite Forestry Bronze working just fine for IC2 or Metallurgy. Even if it is "Their Problem", would it hurt to include a IC2 config option to disable IC2 bronze tools?
    I had my own thread on this, but it never got more then two posts.

    An upgrade for expanded capacity.
    I would absolutely LOVE to have this added to the main mod, I'd FINALLY have an upgrade I'll actually USE! ;P (I have this thing for efficiency, you see...)

    Extra slots for items from upgrades? Sounds... odd. Not only on the idea of it adding more storage by placing something in which obviously takes up space, but also because it sounds hard to code. Can one make a machine which checks how many of item X it has and then increases storage space without exiting the GUI? Best bet is a Multi-block style. Need more storage? Make it bigger. Easy to explain, and easy enough to code, because one isn't likely to place a block while using a GUI.

    Unless it used Ender pearls and stuff. But that would rely on Magic. *snort snort* And we all know how well that would go over...

    How is HV solars cheating if you're dumping the same amount of resources on solars? Because it's smaller and causes less E-net updates and thus less lag? If you're crafting each solar panel and upgrading each one into a LV array before starting on making more LV arrays before making one MV array, and then doing that whole process again 7 times before making one HV array... How is it cheating? It's smaller, which is the point, less solar spam, less lag from e-net updates. Instead of making a massive solar flower for maybe 50EU/t, one can craft a MV array, which while it uses more panels, is only one block.

    If the reason people say HV arrays are cheating is because they are smaller(so one can increase density and thus output), people on the IC2 forums need to give their heads a collective shake and craft some manually. No quarries, no miners. No minions or Dense Ore symbol spamming. Legit mining of coal, macerating of coal, and crafting. It's fuggin' expensive. One can even make it harder by using GregTech, which makes green power more expensive, and thus less desirable. Then it takes a full stack of sand to make one Si-Cell, and you need 2(IIRC) to make one solar, as well as a carbon plate. And getting the Cells takes EU and time, so it's even less ideal.

    If people really think they are overpowered, they should look at them in a vacuum. Then add more things until you find what makes them seem "OP". More often then not, it's something else which makes it "OP".

    While it does provide pretty much unlimited resources, it doesn't give them in a cheap way like EE, in the sense that you still have to go out and get the materials, plus it does let everyone nuke the hell out of do whatever they want in their own worlds without interfering with other player's works, but it could stand to be a little more balanced on the costs of books and other related items.

    MystCraft has more expensive books planned, and has been planned for a long time. Current releases are more focused on instability and getting the mod working before overhauling crafting of linking books and descriptive books. The Link Modifier block is a example of this, really. All of the features it provides will be supplied by crafting your linking books differently. And when it is overhauled, you'll need to work MUCH harder to write ages which don't fall apart around you, or even learn new symbols. But it's not in yet, so enjoy the easy usage for now.

    As for what to use for scrap generation, I suggest scaffolding. Unless you use GregTech, you get 16 of them from two logs, with wood to spare. About as much sticks as you would get from a whole 2 logs(one log makes four planks, two planks make four sticks, thus eight planks make 16 sticks), but they can be used in a scrap farm(IIRC).
    If you have Forestry and don't have Extra Bees(the addon, I mean), spare drones are oddly effective with short lived but high fertility bees.(something one has to breed really, or use Extra Bees for Marbeled Bees, but again, it adds uses for useless bees in the form of Liquid Bee DNA, which is used in it's devices for cool things)

    I said this to another guy on a IRC chat, but if you're low on iron, but have other resources to spare, mix tin and copper dusts. Not to make bronze, though. TNT amounts. It's not cheap, but you'll be able to stretch your ingots a bit further then normal.
    If Redpower 2 was updated, you could make tin buckets and smelt it back to iron, if you don't mine cheating a bit. If Redpower 2 was updated and you were using Metallurgy you could do so with copper as well.

    But as far as valid uses for tin goes, your best bet is either cells/cans and fuel production, or making more powerful fuels with GregTech.(not a great option for some, but then again, neither are Steam Reactors or TerrafirmaCraft)