@iridiumdisscusion: I think what everyone is trying to say is, add some recipe to your all powerful centrifuge that can give you a little iridum for a crap ton of other stuff. I know that you made a platium->iridium recipe, but i was thinking more like something from a more used and less OP mod (yes I think metallurgy is OP) Maybe a chrome/titanium/some unused cell-> iridium. I know we could just increase the spawnrate of the ore, but we need some other way besides mining.
Well, if you want to have spare iridium without Metallurgy(I set up my install so it only spawns nether ores and end ores naturally, the rest of them spawn only from Mystcraft Symbols), you could add TerrafirmaCraft and make it's platinum into dusts, then into Iridium.
But some uses for new cells to make Iridium(and Bauxite or Bauxite products so I can get Titanium without Bauxite. Seriously, it's the only source?), wouldn't hurt much, right?