Posts by blub01

    how so? it is a GT suggestion, so it belongs here(and, btw, GT should really get a forum secttion for suggestions)

    EDIT: and it was posted here the first time anyway.

    EDIT II.:

    He also likes oil and liquids as much as we all do- but oil rarely gets used. We did use it a bit in the start, but our bio-steam plant replaced that need entirely, why not use oil as in real world in CSP power production?

    That sounds a bit like rotary craft's solar power, which also melts sand and cobble to glas/lava when you have to many mirrors around the tower, might be a nice idea to have in the GT version as well(without the lava, that would be OP).

    well, i could do the Thaumcraft stuff, and i can build semi-nice looking buildings(like, they look acceptable, but they aren't like, very good), and i REALLY would like to team with somebody.

    did that 3-4 count you in, Blood Asp? because joining a team might actually get me back to minecraft before i get an internet connection where mobs don't freeze for 10 seconds, and then freeze somewhere nearby, and then do it again, and again, until i actually manage to hit them.

    how much work it would be depends upon the way current storage blocks work, when you just have storage block code with parameters for capacity, discharge rate, voltage, name, ID and so on, then you just need to replicate the code and add the paramters, and the rest is really only thinking about combinations and the hash function. Anyway, there might be people who want IC(not IC1, the general IC) with more complexity, but not GT grade complexity, and there might be server owners who want some extra challenge for the players. Although if it is optional, then it could be an add-on as well. Also I would think that you could simply make the possible results better than usual storage blocks, maybe allowing QEV(Quad Extreme Voltage), and ading some machine that uses it. basically, it either becomes an add-on or becomes something you have to do in orer to progress to some upper tiers or something like that.

    What you're describing doesn't sound that fun at all, it's basically IC2's Crop breeding mechanic but for batteries. The horrible randomness sounds even more frustrating than outright hardness gameplay wise.

    it is totally NOT like ic² cropbreeding, cropbreeding gets you a random result every time you breed, this is(in one world, anyway) with the same components always the same, so one combination in one world gets always the same storage medium quality.

    that#s what i meant, sorry if that was unclear.

    i guess he didn't write his suggestion down completely, but referred to a non-posted part of it in his post. i think he suggests some kind of storage medium item which is created by mixing several possible materials for several components(maybe depending of the way the medium stores energy), like being able to combine nickel and cadmium into a battery, but also all the other things you can use to make batteries i don't remember right now, not necessarily in the combinations used in RL, and every choice impacts the performance of the medium somehow(it might end up with either 3 or 4 components with this "hash-function" thingy, 3 if you can make different ways of storing energy(like batteries and flywheels), that would use one of the 4 values to determine the way of storing the energy.

    this sounds cool, but maybe something like "storage casings" with different tiers could be added, which take the energy storage items, but they are limited in efficiency and discharge rate (and maybe degrade dactor?) due to the wire you use to get energy out of them, basically tier 1: tin wire, efficiency equals cable loss of tin wire when energy losses get reimplemented, discharge rate 32 eu/tick, tier 2 would use copper wire and would have an efficiency that equals the currently not existing cable loss of copper wire, a discharge rate of 128eu/tick(MV), tier 3 would use gold wire, and so on up to glassfibre cable. Another idea would be to make "storage casing" where you can insert both wire and storage mediium, and would otherwise be the same.

    I don't know how fast black holes disappear, fact is, if you compress a football inot something smaller than its schwarzschild radius(hope i got the name right), it still only has the potential energy of a football, so that it CAN suck in everything, but only in a super tiny space around it. at least that is how i understand it, i don't have a degree of any kind(actually i'm still in school).

    I don't wonder if master801 will get an email and get annoyed, at least i don't really wonder if Master801 will get an email, and I'm pretty sure it will be by..
    it is a mystery..
    xbony2! that was really hard to guess(not)!

    I wonder if the forum game in the offtopic section is dead.
    I wonder when i will learn typing again.(quick and without a lot of mistakes, that is)