One could also make the recipe more realistic, maybe replacing the blaze powder with something more realistic(that can trigger an ignition when not handled carefully).

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
One could also make the recipe more realistic, maybe replacing the blaze powder with something more realistic(that can trigger an ignition when not handled carefully).
Well since blaze powder is half sulfur and half dark ashes (1 blaze powder = 2 small piles of dark ashes + 2 small piles of sulfur dust) the recipe in the mixer could also be: 1 coal/charcoal dust + 1 gunpowder + 2 small piles of sulfur dust + 2 small piles of dark ashes. But than again you could split gunpowder into different dusts so I think my original suggestion would be the best way to do it. -
What about some jewerly? I suggest chiselling machine, which will do decorative plates of gold, silver, platinum and other metals, which can be used in jewerly. It can have different textures(3 or 4). Also be good, if you will be able to make combo plates with different metals or with jewels(ruby,emerland, or lasuri and quartz). I think that will make some metals and minerals more useful.
Also i suggest metal-depending of frames durability. I think thungsteel frame should carry on at least creeper explosion. Thats the point otherwise to waste valuable metal on frames which can be made of everything?I just figured it out. Laser Engraver can carve a pattern, and forming press can attach patterns to plates or attach gems. It might make more use for gems and foils. I can draw plates. I'll show you sample. If it will not fit, i will make use for texture anyway.
Minor suggestion : Some kind of cardboard cup that can contain any drinkable brew but is consumed in the process.
Because right now I'm having trouble preventing people to buy GT coffee so that they can recycle the thermos for easy aluminium. -
Minor suggestion : Some kind of cardboard cup that can contain any drinkable brew but is consumed in the process.
Because right now I'm having trouble preventing people to buy GT coffee so that they can recycle the thermos for easy aluminium.We need Polystyrene.
C6H5CH=CH2 (styrene) , made on chemical reactor with 8 carbon dust and 8 hydrogen buckets.
Produces 16 buckets of this which can later be solidified into molds inside the solidifier. -
C6H5CH=CH2 (styrene) , made on chemical reactor with 8 carbon dust and 8 hydrogen buckets.
Produces 16 buckets of this which can later be solidified into molds inside the solidifier.
This reaction looks awful. Can it be at least methane + clay dust? It doesn't make any more sense, than your suggestion, but at least were will be a little less confusion for different hydrocarbons.Also, i don't play GT for a long time, but there was some kind of unnamed plastic already there.
That unnamed Plastic is called "Plastic".
That unnamed Plastic is called "Plastic".
I guess it would be "polyisoprene", because it is extracted from hevea's latex.
Plastic is a term for a very wide range of different compositions with different polymers. -
Also, another minor suggestion : GT Fishing rods. Because why not ?
What GregTech really needs is some interesting content to make it worthwhile having an IV power grid and a massive factory. Also, I'd like more cross-mod integration with mods like Thaumcraft.
I'd like a device to create aura nodes from huge amounts of energy and essentia, and change existing ones for slightly less power and essentia. Probably a LuV multiblock device.
Also, finally adding that stargate would be pretty good. And re-adding the fusion reactor would be a good idea to power it. -
i think greg is working on it, but i also think that he has real life, too, and that it takes some time to write the code for stargates(and fusion reactors), and he has to work out how he wants to do them(at least for the stargates, don't know if he changes how fusion reactors work).
GregoriusT, Please take into account this small suggestion. You can make 2 minor changes with deep and meaningful result. And it may be better to do while moving to new version with new save system since no contradiction between old recipes and new one may arise. The first suggestion is to rename Pu-244 to Pu-238. It is Pu-238 because of it's low half-life is hot enough to be glowing red and can be used in RTG fuel. Pu-238 is the isotope of Pu that is contained in spent nuclear fuel and it can be separated from fuel rods just like in IC2. It matches existing crafting recipes perfectly.
The second one is to rename Pu-241 to Pu-239. Pu-239 is the isotope that really can be separated from Pu-238. You already have this recipe: Pu-244 ---> Pu-241 + U-238 where Uranium is a decay product. To be correct you just need to rename two Pu isotopes. So the recipe will change to Pu-238 ---> Pu-239 + U-238. Pu-239 is less useful in nuclear science and less radioactive, like you in-game Pu-241, so it will be really nice to rename Pu-241 to Pu-239.
but i also think that he has real life too.
Do I have such thing? Oh right, must be the watching TV and playing some other Games than Minecraft Part. XD
GregoriusT, Please take into account this small suggestion. You can make 2 minor changes with deep and meaningful result. And it may be better to do while moving to new version with new save system since no contradiction between old recipes and new one may arise. The first suggestion is to rename Pu-244 to Pu-238. It is Pu-238 because of it's low half-life is hot enough to be glowing red and can be used in RTG fuel. Pu-238 is the isotope of Pu that is contained in spent nuclear fuel and it can be separated from fuel rods just like in IC2. It matches existing crafting recipes perfectly.
The second one is to rename Pu-241 to Pu-239. Pu-239 is the isotope that really can be separated from Pu-238. You already have this recipe: Pu-244 ---> Pu-241 + U-238 where Uranium is a decay product. To be correct you just need to rename two Pu isotopes. So the recipe will change to Pu-238 ---> Pu-239 + U-238. Pu-239 is less useful in nuclear science and less radioactive, like you in-game Pu-241, so it will be really nice to rename Pu-241 to Pu-239.
I will add some System to contain Data Values for proper IRL Radioactive Decay (with the "Half-Life³-Time measured in Ticks), and add Defaults for some (but definetly not all) Materials. That will result in the creation of a special RTG Pellet, that contains more than one Element (due to Decay over time) for a GT-RTG.
I will add some System to contain Data Values for proper IRL Radioactive Decay (with the "Half-Life³-Time measured in Ticks), and add Defaults for some (but definetly not all) Materials. That will result in the creation of a special RTG Pellet, that contains more than one Element (due to Decay over time) for a GT-RTG.
So it will be true exponental decay, sounds great!
Okay, so I noticed that the conversion from slab to plank results in being more fuel efficient than the actual plank blocks that you make them from (even if you make it so that the slabs are made 1 to 1). The math that I'm using here is 1 plank block = 2 plank slabs = 2 plank items for each plank slab = 4 plank items. Each plank item has a burn time of 200 ticks (which is also exactly enough to smelt one item in the vanilla furnace, so you don't waste fuel whereas otherwise you would), while the plank block has a burn time of 300 and the plank slab has a burn time of 150. The equation makes sense for the block to slab conversion, but the slab to item conversion is suddenly 2.5 times as powerful as the original plank blocks. I think this should be a simple fix on your part and if the change is already implemented, then never mind. I just wanted you to know about this so that it can be fixed later on. Also, any plans for armor that you can make out of mostly any material like the tools? I think it would be really neat to have something like the thorns or unstable enchantment from open blocks on newly crafted armor, or armor with greater defense or an unbreaking/fire protection buff (there are many possibilities). I hope you found this post helpful.
IRL also includes the valentine day... Dunno if anyone used this day as a secret card to get out with guys/girls/villagers/me but for geeks, this day might actually be quite handy
also, Pu 238 exists ? I know there is U 238 ;P , so if you collide a proton with it, you get normally Pu 239 ( unless you loose a neutron from what I understood... ).
also, Pu 238 exists ?…/
Half-life is about 88 years. -
Ah, thanks, love to learn new things
Edit : Mmh, 88 years ? So it's used for RITEG if I understood correctly ?
So it's used for RITEG if I understood correctly ?
According wikipedia - yes.