I have nothing against that ^^"
I am here and have infos if you need something
Posts by Speiger
well true... Also i modified some existed thing because immibis did change them or IC2 1.4.7 did change them...
Well^^ -
"Can I completely use IC2Exp compatible code" refers to: it uses the IC2Exp API.
But thanks for the information.
Btw: is this mods' id other than IC2 or are they both called IC2 internally?
Well if you mean the ModID then Yes. I Have to use the IC2 Exp ModID to load addon stuff
So if you are checking for IC2 Exp or classic (without a clue what is loaded) then search for Loader.isModloaded("IC2)
a API for corret detection is already there (delivered by classic which is a addition to exp api classes without conflicts) -
You can not use Exp code to make it compatible to the Enet...
You are using the API for that. Because the API has all nessesary classes that you need for that.
Classic adds some additions in the API that helps it to use it.
Detaild source information: (not required but it reduce the calculation time),
Packet Support: (allows you to send multibe energy packets per machine)
Colored Cable Info: (Allows you to add your own colored version of cable and they will only connect if the color is matching^^) -
The first time the world loads the cables seem to be connected, I havent tested if energy was flowing correctly though. It happens after I log off for like 5 minutes and then come back, sry but idk the chunk or world event that causes that.
Yeah i saw the problem already... I am currently working on a IC2 Classic fix... Chunkloading is not the problem. If the chunks deactivate it happens everything how it should be...
But when the World Unloads then the Chunks get not unloaded... They get saved and then simply deleted the data. So no really unloading is happening.
I tested that in my dev invioment for IC2 Classic and did also make a fix for that... Soon the next update for that is comming.The fix need a couple days because i am letting it test so it runs smooth and do not need to add extra stuff for that. Because there are some additions to that which i want to make. (More stable Enet)
Info for @Aroma: Please check in IC2 Exp if they clean up on world unload the EnergyNet (because the world do not call the onChunkUnloaded event on worldUnload) and also please let me do the fix for that.
Simply thing what you can do to prevent this thing on servers Keep the world loaded. As long the server is keeping the World loaded it fires onChunkUnload events and clean the Enet up... Thanks to you i could find these bugs ^^"
I don't think there is any relevant information here, but. I tested it again and it happened after I reloged.
Here is the full fml-server-latest
http://paste.ubuntu.com/11971065/one thing i nodest is that your log is full of crap... Some mods log way to much...
And it gave me a couple informations...
You said it happens on worldReload right?
And it works when you load the world after the game start? (First world load that instance) -
Refined location has his pros and contras.... From what i can tell is that the sorting chests (in major amount (20 - 40)) can create server performance lag (that mean only sorting chest/barrels) appart from these is the mod really usefull because it does support covers from FMP and BC pipes at the same time which can be a big help... But then again BC pipes are not the really best once... Server Wise...
^^.. Tubes... No clue -
I had a problem with cables not connecting to other cables and machines after the chuck unloads, on a server.
Edit: Here is a screenshot of that happening while I was livestreaming. http://prntscr.com/7ymz3d
Could you show us the mc logger from the steam (full log) that would be helpfull because the Enet should print everything...
A bug is when they did made the function work but it would fail in that progress...
I understood right what you meant with channels. But the powerlos would 9x per clustercable and with that you have even with the weakest wire a really high powerloss. Which makes it useless.
Also it could only provide 9x more energy...Chocohead
That the EU reader/EU detectorcable was broke was not a bug.
The simply did not add the Function in the E-net.
Without calculating something the said aways 0 no matter what...One of my reasons to switch...
Mining Laser on Super Heat destroys ores rather than turning them into ingots.
Ok i will check if that is a bug or not...
Rubber mats cannot be placed directly onto the ground and instead have to be placed on a adjacent side of a block next to it.
Not a bug. Simply it is a trampoline which requires a little bit of space to actually work... The things next to it are required because these blocks can not float...
Anyway thanks
20 cables of 10 wires apiece in theory is less laggy than 2 cables of 100 wires apiece for calculating connected tiles.
Well... No... Even if you place 100K of IC2 cables they do not lag at all. (thinking that the enet of Exp is not counting)
These cables have maybe tileEntity data but they are not ticking TileEntities, they simply represent only the cableType, connection info, cableData for Enet.
Nothing else is done in that... (They tick if you foam them but even after they did dry up the do not tick anymore...)You idea is... Well sorry crap...
First adding the idea of channels to cables is totally useless because electricity do not care about how you want the energy to flow... It flowes always the easiest way...
Also for what do you need channels? Flowing differend amounts of EU through the same cable? Why that is useless and also creates more lag then you think because each channel would have his own path which would mean you gain a lot of path and 9x more calculations which is way more laggy. Even with the Classic network which would simply say: "i am away fockers have fun with your crap"...And also saying that you could build with 8-9 channels smaller and smother(performance) is a lie... Even the cake would be less a lie then that... (Portal)
You simply could with (uncomplication/IC2Classic) send multible packets of low energy through the Enet and have even a better result of sending power without explosions... or you put in transformer upgrades... Same solution...Well your Math has one mind lost. You said all connected cables. You know that then the Powerloss would be way bigger then it is currently...
Second that is how powerloss works in (uncomplication/IC2Classic). It builds simply path (when ever you place a electric cable/machine/generator) from Sender to Receiver and back and calculates the Energy loss to it,
and every time energy get sended through that preset path it decreases the energy by the already calculated loss... (Good thing by the way is only the Sender Create lag so you do not need to care about placing receivers or cables)And that to write took me 10 minutes which could have used to fix 3 bugs for classic... thanks man...
Ohh thats interesting...
Normally it should explode also the Wires should melt... The thing is you have to check if the InputTiers of the Machines are higher then the Sended Energy... If the input tier is for example 128 eu but you transfering only 120 then it will not explode...
It has also something todo with the energy which was already sended because that causes the energynet to send less energy to the Machine which comes next and the explosion is prevented.
Also the Explosion happens only if the sended EU is greater then the save tier of the machine... Powerloss is also a thing... Keep that in mind...
Anyway interesting thing i will check that as soon as i can / aroma if he can check that before i am aviable again...Edit: Config has a Easy mode... Dissables Explosions. Check that (should be deactive from what you are telling but that is just a savety check)
Every download on the IC2 wiki = MC 1.6.4
Every download on the github page = 1.7.10
(Counts only for IC2 Classic) -
Well blaster MC has not much todo with java. (At least in my opinien) you simply could use a basic tutorial of entity creation/item/block creation to create the basefiles and help for some code (special item effects&entity renderer/logic) you will find from other people if you ask nice... ^^" Maybe you could do it even yourself just reading thats my rule if you can not find how something work read how it could work because any mod dev made something like that already... or ask...
Chocohead that is really not a bug.
The CropCard does simply check through the Entire CropList and then build out of that the Seedlist to it. (If classic would not have his filter for weeds it would show that too...)
I had a lot of problems with the Nei Plugin for that but now its working fine^^
Because even if it sounds weird. Weeds are actual good breeding crops... If they would count for breeding...