xBony when do you throw out the IC2 Classic compatible version of NC?
Posts by Speiger
To throw out the progress i have done and what i want todo before the next update i made a list/milestone on github where you can see what i am currently doing. Could be possible that i add/remove stuff from it but that should be most of the things i do...
*Phew* Aroma Exploded xD
Do you support by the way multipackets now? Because with the Uncomplication Mod in combination it could be possible that you burn easier cables with this mod^^"
API Update. I made some changes to the API so that it is more helpfull/accessable for the people.
Important changes:
-CanningMachine Support
-Upgrade Addtions. Some explainig.Just a prepairing of the next update which comes close to the end.
Backup your world before updating cause i played with a lot of the code from the old machines so they might not work flawlessly
As long you do not messup NBTLoading (requesting differend things with the same name) even a update with changed code should be no problem because the tileEntity resets his class everytime it get reloaded... (ChunkLoad/WorldLoad)
So if you are adding/removing variables it should be no problem as long NBTLoading is fine.
(Note: I learned that the hard way) -
True but IC2 is all about industrialistation, and not all about science technology like AE.
Or use a Better Barrels Dolly that should work too
Added a Texture Tracker if you guys want to support me.
I am really not a Texturer so i need every help that i can find^^ -
Simply AE copy -.-"
No, Greg did. His "fixes" weren't backwards compatible at all.
Then use mine they are working fine. The classes are the same.
This addon fixed the NEI bug.
Oh yeah forgot about that... Because Exp did his Recipe things wrong in 1.6.4...
Normally it shoud be 160 Steam per mB of water instead of 100...
Since railcraft was the first mod with steam he did set the balance for it -
So, guys, since this is a random IC2 chat I'm just gonna ask something mod concerned...
So I just realized that the latest IC2exp version for 1.6.4 is 397, but from the version number (2.0, not yet 2.1) build 402 should still be 1.6.4.
Is that the case? Or just a late switch in version numbers?I'm asking because the NEI recipes for IC2 behave kind of weird (and are wrong) in #397. Means: crafting works with right recipe, but nei shows a wrong one.
Since the version is that outdated and the issue is somewhat minor, I just thought I'd ask whether you guys here had a fix or something so I dont actually ask for real support xD- Shadow
Sadly in 1.6.4 are most features with the EnergyNet really not supportet. (Entity Damage on uninsulated cables, EU Reader, EU detectorcables),
if you want to have a fixed version. Try classic, which still get at least bugsupport^^" No new additions but bugsupport. -
Do you know how to fix this?
Simply throwing a BlockBreakEvent thats it... (codewise not much work.. Depends also on how complex the tool is)
(I Still believe that forge took that event from my original source xDDD)
I don't really understand what you're suggesting, but the current code is an application of the standard binary search algorithm, so I'm fairly sure it already handles all crops, and will generally have better performance than the sequential search that was used in builds 677 and earlier.
Well i think both ways taking the same average time... But personally i like the old one more (only the picking part), but the world is sadly not a Wishing spot... xD
That's wrong on at least two points:
1. Since the array is size 24 when not using other mods that add crops, it starts with (0+23)/2, which equals 11 (integer division truncates, it doesn't round, at least for positive integers - behavior of dividing negative integers can vary between programming languages). This one's a minor nitpick, though.
2. you seem to be missing the point of the if statement - sometimes it increases the min (technically to 12 for the first iteration) and searches higher next (index 17), but other times it decreases max instead and searches lower next (index 5 for the second iteration in that case).Ok some part i did misscalculate (the 0-23 part) thanks for correting me.
But i am aware of it that he decreases the Number of the max, and yeah he can decrease the total number with that, but only to a certan point... and so some results are not possible or are very rare to get... (even if it should be a high chance),
why not instead adding a few extra points to the total number and let a Random pick the a number and then which one is the closest to it... That would be way easier and also handle all crops... (that have points)Edit: I saw before that you can decrease the Max number but did not realize his effect...
I did not include everything before or after that, because that code is ok,
Min and Max have to be the same number and based on that number he picks the new crop.
from the array.So my problem is that this system skips a lot of possebilities right in the begining
because 0 + 24 / 2 = 12. If that crop ID is not that he is searching for he put the min on to 13,
then he starts over again 13 + 24 = 37 / 18,5 (rounded up because int 19)
if 19 is not the crop he is searching for then he put min to 20,
start over again 20 + 24 / 2 = 22And and and. It is not the pointgeneration that is broken it is where he search for a crop to pick that is broken...