Posts by Speiger

    Wait, it's not random ? I know there is a chance for some crops to mutate in others, but some are still random, right ?

    Well what you can get is not random and will be set into a list (when you cropbreed), and then it adds a chance to that, and from that list with that chances it pick randomly a crop out of that.
    Every crop has Arguments, (You can see them in Exp only when you analyzed a crop (they are like: "Flower, Red, Rose")), and these get caluclated into the chances...

    Ok the correct translation would be:
    "Ich sehe gut aus" and if you want to talk like a high class person (which google try to translate to)
    then it is "Ich sehe stattlich aus"

    And from german to english you get even the right translations with google...

    root length from what I have heard is crop type dependant, which might be why aurelia and ferru can check the blocks below them just fine while terra/netherwart doesn't.

    Crops are not random, but theres a ton of RNG on it. Growth, yield and breeding all have some sort of it.

    Every crop has his own CropCardClass (some share like flowers), and they simply forgot to extend the root lenght of the cropcard for Nether/Terra Wart.
    Also they should already fix the bug with the Root Lenght because they check (if the root length is bigger then the block depth their searching for... They should make it that it is bigger or Equal then they do not have to make for 2 blocks a 3 blocks root lengh)

    Also spawn X you are right there is a lot of Randomness inside of the Breeding code... But it is not so extreme as most people say... i hear from most people i know that they are extremly random at breeding new Crops (not making them better), which is actually wrong. It is about 50% random if you make it right... Else it is 90-100% random...
    Also at the last Update from IC2 Classic i added even a helper config that allow to see which crops are good with for breeding other ones.
    That is none cheat addition because the information i show is already shown in the CropAnalizer and you can see that also only if the cropanalizer gui is already open (in combination with nei)

    Aroma doesn't (or at least didn't) understand how they work anyway, which is probably why.

    First: It took me maybe 2-4 hours to understand the crops completly every single part (and also how none Random Cropbreeding is),
    Second: You two did discribe very good what is the problem, and since everything coded is writen in english there should be no problem.
    If he goes through this class "ICropTile" he eventually land at a function that will isBlockBelow (or something close to it), when he uses thenJavaSearch with Eclipse/IntelegentIdea on that function
    he eventualy get to one of both ends where he find the problem. Either on the Crop (TileEntity) side or at the Crop (CropCard) side...

    ^^" Well other thing is that i read a lot of code each day so that i can find/fix stuff like that in minutes...

    @Aroma here would be your feedback good.

    There's a bug that the root length is 0, so the soul sand would have to be the tilled dirt. We poked Aroma to fix it, but apparently crops are scary.

    By the way, it also goes the otherway round, you can turn Nether Wart into Terra Wart by having snow under it.

    Actually that bug is really easy to fix. @Armoa if you read that. You simply need to Override the function "getrootslength" and return 3 instead of 1 in the Class: "CropTerraWart" and "CropNetherWart"
    that solves the bug and that is it....

    (if someone asks why 3? the function itself is checks only the depth you are searching - 1 so if you give him 2 then he only checks his soil not the Block under the soil...)

    No, one tick is from the beginning of a tick to the end of a tick. It is a dynamic length, so in theory it can do an infinite amount of crafting operations per tick since a tick can be infinitely long (at least in theory). A second however has a static length of one second (duh), so it can only do as many operations as fit into one second.

    Yeah true and wrong. It happens only after 1 second but is only 50ms long. So both wrong and right...

    Nein, das wusste ich nicht. Was ist diesed Flow Control dingens...

    Ich schreibs jetzt in deutsch weil das im englischen einfach zu schwer ist:
    FlowControl ist einfach ein Spalter/Empfänger mit dem du einen Tick in (max 5 Ticks) verschiedene Ticks umwandeln kannst oder halt verschiedene tick an einem Punkt sammeln kannst.
    Das heißt der Spalter ist vergleichbar mit einer For-Schleife und der Empänger ist vergleichbar mit einer seperaten funktion die abgerufen wird.

    Und das kannst du natürlich stapeln. So kann man aus einem Tick undendlich ticks machen... ^^" Wobei ich immer 1 Spalter & einen Empänger combiniere da man dann nicht 5 stränge handhaben muss sondern nur einen.

    Sorry for those guys who can not german i simply were not able to make that explaining in english... :S

    No, I did not? What do I need to do that?

    Übersetz mir das mal ins deutsche denn ich bin gerade etwas ratlos...

    Wrong. Infinite Crafting Operations Per Tick!!! When you have soooooo many in one tick, the tps will go down. A second is a static unit where a tick is dynamic. So you have a limited amount of Crafting Operations Per second, but not per tick.

    Wrong you can not say please tick every MC tick you can maximum say please tick every second. That is the fastest speed you can setup...

    True Server wise the Crafting tables from BC are perfect because they have not much server time...
    ^^" But they are slow which is kind of bad... I really miss the old CraftingTables from BC.
    Because they were only the fast as the Extraction time...

    Can't we simply have normal support pwease :c ?

    (Note: NGNL Reference)

    Ok. Then lets play a game to solve that problem. Because you want that really, i choose the game, if you win i make it how you want, else you have to accept that it will be maximum only Silk touch, if it is a draw i will make it to silk touch only.

    We will play: "rock-paper-scissors", i will only pick Paper, if i pick something else i loose, if i pick something else and beat you with it it is a draw.

    Are you ok with that?


    AE2 + condensers again ? No ? I mean, it just filled my ME system in less than, erm, 10 minutes ? And I am talking about 1 64k disk here ;P

    I used loads of powerflowers + AE2 import bus.

    AE is the slowest way to transfer items at all. Even BC Pipes have a faster ability... Because 1 Export bus even with speed upgrades are to slow.
    Crafting part is limited to the Crafting units which you can make fast really fast but nothing beats infinte Crafting operations per second.... (Steves Factory manager)

    @Aroma did you know that you can make with flow control 1 tick into 5 ticks (1 output control = 5 outputs & 1 input control = 5 inputs = 1 processing tick into 5 processing ticks)