GregoriusT if i follow what you said right, you're adding a check now or has this check has been implemented for a long time? your reply kinda confused me. i know nothing about making mods, so I'm probably sounding dumb here, but is it possible perhaps the tin and copper buckets fork off the vanilla bucket making your mod disable them? At any rate, not a big deal, just a curiosity.
Posts by Fallout301
Any Bucket or Minecart made with any Vanilla/IC2/GregTech-Metals (except Iron ofcourse) is automatically removed to prevent exploits with reverse Macerating/AlloyFurnaceSmelting Buckets into Iron.
Well actually, the buckets they make aren't able to be put in the Alloy Furnace(as far as i know) or be macerated into iron, since the tin recipe in the mod literally makes a Tin bucket, not just the normal one, same deal with copper. the only machine recipes they have is being able to be filled and used. I am glad that you made your mod auto-disable that recipe though, since the exploit kinda ruins the fun.
Hey Greg, in the Diamond Buckets mod, tin and copper buckets are uncraftable, just wondering if coincidence or intended, since i don't see it in any change-logs if they were disabled. thanks.
EDIT: I do realise you disabled crafting of the NORMAL bucket with tin, as i've quite clearly seen by your ingame message. Surprised me to see i couldn't craft those buckets tho.
So even after the machine is removed, its still "there" to the energy net.
steps to reproduce
1. place any of your machines
2. remove the machine
3. run energy higher than LV next to the spot it used to be
4. watch the fireworksEDIT: after one explosion, the ghost is gone. I originally discovered this in 4.4b, and its still there in 4.4.c
Btw, love the mod, -
Lovin this mod
, is there a chance of a Coke Oven recipe config in the future? that would make this mod complete for me lol, epic mod.
it might be how your putting it all together, everyone on my server (6 people at the moment) had no problems getting their clients to work.
Could it be he's using the Server version by mistake?
I personally disagree with removing the Cactus Plantball recipe, Cactus is the most USELESS plant in the game, idk about the rest of the people here but I for one am getting a custom recipe mod to put it back.
I don't get your point. Are you reffering on people codding bug and put in danger stabiltity of server? because, honestly and generally, all people are doing all they can do only for them-self. I dont see a charity foundation in minecraft community, except group of friends.
If we have teleport pipes that are somehow hacking the true spirit of mine + craft game, we can argue less about computer-craft. Anyway, was a proposal.What I am referring to is someone who is lazy sees your computer, asks what it does, and you show them they will harass you to no end to do it for them, nothing for stability, its to prevent you guys jumping off a cliff from noobs.
To the Tele Pipes, those reduce server lag when used because its less transport in-pipe rendering - by this I mean no 1000 mile long pipe lines which if theres a lot of items, causes lag, plus the chunks can get unloaded, while with tele pipes u only need 2 chunk loaders and 2 pipes
I wish this was updated, i really don't like the overclocker crap etc. advanced machines is a good middle ground.. Hell maybe even add those upgrade slots to the advanced machines so we can overclock them.. Then they would fit in. Regular macerator would be a lower tier then the rotary one owuld be upper tier.
I agree I don't like the overclockers either, I refuse to use them because I consider it to be a cheat item, get stacks of em and it just ruins IC2 in my opinion, Advanced Machines is the best thing to ever happen to IC2, I hope Zippinus and cpw update ALL of the mod and not just the Solar Arrays, while I love the arrays, they NEED Advanced Machines to back em up.
Please update all the mod you guys
zBCIC2crossover server v1.18 - I Agree on this one
also computercraft. - This I DISAGREE, you computercrafters are only seeing yourselves, in the big picture people are going to bug the shit out of you to do what you can do for yourself, for them. I see major flaw in this "Add Computercraft" Philosophy with the reason I just stated. -
-snipur welcome MagmaTung, i used MCEdit earlier to convert an IC1 map xD and the ID u want in NEI is 189
I like this mod and espeically the advanced basic machines, but the adv. Solar Panales are way to powerfull /cheap in my mind.
You need one LV + 8 Panals and u get the same output from eight Original Solar Panales just in one block. And the more costs are only a LV.
Thats way to cheap / overpowered.
In my mind, the MV/HV solar arrays should be removed, and the LV solar array should get a way more expensive recipe or (thats what I prefer) the output should be halved.I think if u halve the output, it is still an attractive alternative cause of the less time of building wires you need.
just my 2 cent
I see your point of view, but personally I disagree, in my opinion it is totally balanced, 1 LV Array = 8 EU, Low Voltage, so its 1 EU/panel you put in the recipe.
Going through the same exact thing. - Im gonna try this open source thing.
I am not a scripter or modder, pure fucking retard when it comes to modding.My hands cant stop shaking and my brain is going a thousand miles a second....
I am a complete ass for not backing up my world before any tiny little are probably better off using MC Edit, its a pretty simple tool, and there's tutorials on YouTube i believe.
here is a pretty good tutorial McEdit Tutorial: Basics
What about chucking in a Compressor?
oh yea thats a good idea, how about
Sorry if it has already been asked, but is there a chance of a faster version of the recycler? perhaps call it the Compaction Recycler, and have it have a recipe like this
= Alloy Plating
if its an industrial-grade recycler u gotta make it expensive, and they do get hot don't they? so that's why I'm putting the disperser in there